I drink a fuckton of this to keep myself awake and alert

I drink a fuckton of this to keep myself awake and alert.

Why don't you?

Coffee, and caffeine in general, has no notable effect on me. Just tastes like bitter hot water to me, would rather drink water, milk, or juice instead

im not a drug addict

I take caffeine pills because I don't enjoy coffee and it's too diuretic for me

Try harder, faggot.

I like the taste but I try to keep it down to 1-2 / day since it builds up a tolerance pretty quick.

Coffee is a bandaid to the real problem. Stop fucking up your body with sleep issues.

Yeah I do have sleep issues.

>Addictive stimulant
No thanks, if i'd go down that road i'd rather do meth or cocaine.

You shouldn't need this to be alert.
Also coffee withdrawal is hard when you are used to consume large amounts.

I have about 4 soy bean vanilla mocha half caf ¾ with a quintuple shots a day

Me too. It's cheap and tasty. Ten years now I've been drinking several cups/day. I fantasize about being drug-free and gaining weight and sleeping better but when I'm off the coffee drip I go to a dark place and stay there. I would need to score like several months' worth of Adderall to seriously make a break for it.

>coffee withdrawal
It lasts 1-2 days, generally. Very manageable

I’m taking December off of caffeine and stims to reset my system.

It’s not going well

Because I'm not a weak-willed fag who needs stimulants to function lol

I tried doing that but realized that my productivity dropped to abysmal levels so i stopped. Only drink one cup a day tho in the morning.

ween yourself off caffeine with green tea, it works

Ha ha oh wow

It's weeks of hell and it ends when you give up and drink coffee

Because I am Vegan, and therefore I am better than you.

It does not matter Veganism has no relation to coffee. I just wanted you to now that I am a Vegan, and you should be ashamed of yourself for supporting animal holocaust.

Whenever I order a vegan option at a restaurant people will ask and then get really interested in my reasons. At best, they are curious. At worst, they are argumentative. It happens every time I am dining with new people, or a certain person who has a particular issue.

To be frank, I know some people get touchy by these decisions because they are moral choices. People can't help feel like it is an attack. I am conflict adverse and don't like to offend anyone. I also don't like to be self-righteous about my choices. My preference would be that every mind their own business and not take my not eating meat as a personal attack on them.

I acknowledge there are a lot of vegan warriors that shame people. But not all of us are like that. Please don't use generalizations.

It's weird that everyone here is attacking the vegan for being an asshole, when he was only minding his own business. I don't doubt that this is a made up story, but the reaction on reddit is hypocritical and uncalled for. This fictional person was minding his own business until they were attacked. If this was on best of world star and some guy got knocked out for messing with an old lady on a bus, then we'd all be singing praises of justice.

Wtf it's coffee not meth, just quit being a bitch. If it's really that much of a problem you shouldn't be drinking coffee anyway.

No thanks caffeine junkie

The last time I used coffee I was shifting in my seat in a courtroom fighting myself over whether I should keep holding it or ask to piss. I asked to piss eventually and it was pretty awkward desu. I'm an untrustworthy looking person so I was afraid the judge would think I was fucking with him. Caffeine is great but I prefer nicotine.

Wish I never started

I wish there was a gym where I could chain smoke.

Then you aren't brewing it strong enough and/or drinking enough.

It has a very notable effect on you. Or you aren't a human.

Which one is it?

Caffeine pills increase mortality rate, coffee decreases mortality rate

polyphenols in coffee beans stop the negative effects of the caffeine and have lots of positive effects.

Its like the difference between eating table sugar and eating fruit

search /r/nootropics for info

Its 4 days of heaches for me when I quit cold turkey. Probably a week to fully recover.

Im currently drinking 6 cups a day and fucking wired off my tits, both my eyelids are vibrating like a motorcycle engine

I'm better off without caffeine. It just makes me feel more tired

I love coffee. I have a low blood pressure and it helps me to start into the day and get things done. Also helps against head aches for me.

I try to not drink more than 2 cups per day. It can cause stomach aches. A lot of people actually can't handle the type of caffeine that's in coffee.

I know people that aren't affected by caffeine and a person that starts jumping up and down after two cups of coffee. It's not even about how much they drink overall. They just react differently to caffeine

To each their own.

>It lasts 1-2 days, generally.
The headache maybe. Stuff like fatigue etc. will carry on for a lot longer. But you shouldn't quit cold turkey anyway, especially since most people drink multiple cups a day to begin with. Quitting that cold turkey will definitely fuck you up.

Because I don't like the taste, I prefer water.

I've never had Turkish coffee.

I'd like to try it but don't know anywhere near me that serves it and I don't want to spend money on a cevze and possibly half ass it.

Any time a diet tells me to drink coffee, I nope out. That's one thing I ain't giving up. I might try to sip some green tea or something throughout the day, but I wanna get in at least one cup of coffee.

shut up soyboy bitch

Jesus Christ, why?

Because after a while you on coffee is now your baseline and you feel the same on coffee now as you did before without drinking coffee. So you can never get above baseline by drinking coffee and if you don't you can't even function. You should only use coffee sparingly because then you can use it to push yourself beyond your baseline in certain instances when needed.

can drink coffee all day no problem or take green coffee/ashawaganda nootropic. medium tolerance and never any sleep or addictive issues, Dank genetics

>tfw drinking 6 cups of black coffee on empty stomach
Is there any better feeling?

Stimulants fuck me up. If it weren’t for stimulants I would not be on bipolar medication. I hate how nicotine, caffeine, and cocaine make me feel.

Marijuana is ok, as long as the strand isn’t that strong so I don’t get paranoid.

But alcohol, alcohol is one of my closest friends.

Can knock out a college paper after taking a few shots. When I drink coffee or smoke a cigarette I get writers block and just sit on my laptop jittering.

I naturally have high anxiety, so anything that lowers my inhibition allows my thoughts to flow.

I’m not an alcoholic, but I should be. All of my friends notice a huge difference between sober me and drunk me

the big shit right afterwards. Or a coffee and cigarette, when i used to smoke i'd work nights and wake up around 2pm, go out to my balcony of my apartment which was overlooking the busiest area in the country and have black coffee and a cigarette, was equally good during heatwaves or heavy snowfall

captcha agrees

>It's weeks of hell and it ends when you give up and drink coffee
How fucking meek are you

I now shit in the morning at the smell of coffee which is really convenient.

Years of drinking coffee with no sugar on an empty stomach made me immune to feeling sick when drinking hard alcohol.

>But alcohol, alcohol is one of my closest friends.

This. As an anxiety bro who tends to avoid anything remotely social, I feel this so much. A few shots and life feels like easy mode, I become a Chad I don't even know I could be. Girls, friends, jobs, everything just happens like I'm posessed.
I owe literally all my relationships to alcohol.

>there are actually people that claim to be "addicted" to coffee
how weak are you?

you sound a lot like an alcoholic just saying

you could say I was one when I was at a university. I didn't drink every day, but close to every weekend and when I had to study or write or midterms, final exams, papers.

Now I don't drink that much, but when I do I thoroughly enjoy it.

Because I don't need it.

>these faggots don't limit their caffeine intake exclusively to weekends for that maximum high

I brew it strong and have drank enough of it. Caffeine pills dont effect me either

I know that people with adhd are sometimes given coffee because it calms them down

It doesn't work for me at all during the day. I think even for most of you it's just a placebo.
But when I drink it past noon, I can't sleep for the entire night and wake up feeling like shit. Same with green tea. Caffeine, never again.

For me, it's sips

I sleep 8 hours a day and without a solid coup or two I feel like shit. Is this normal?

I don't need it you subhuman.

Caffeine withdrawal lasts up to 40 days, with the peak being days 2 to 10.