Uh guys..... I think boogie is going to kill himself

Uh guys..... I think boogie is going to kill himself.

We need to keep him alive to show that literally anyone can make it, even the most pathetic of fat fucks.

No fuck off. If he kills himself, the world will objectively become a better place instantly.

Before Veeky Forums
>good income
After Veeky Forums
>still fat

What does he want, exactly?

The only way boogie is gonna make it is in the same way Zyzz and Piano man made it.

if 5 he kills himself


I watched 2 minutes of his stream where he talks about his wife needing a break or whatever and he sung creep in francis' voice. In that moment he was the most dispacable human on earth. This guy needs to sort himself out and his weight isnt the only thing


have a Twinkie

>I'm an begging you
>an begging

Poor Booger :(

>boogie is going to kill himself
how? rope won't hold him. Does he have a gun?


Why does he ask virtually everyone that has access to twitter instead of talking to his friends? At least he has friends
>tfw no friends

>Gets millions for talking about video games on youtube
>Help me guys, I'm so depressed

Ungrateful fat fuck

Make sure it's a support beam, and make a noose out of ratchet-straps? Where there is a will, there is a way

If 1 he doesn't

He's going to eat himself to death

another 5 he does it today

pictures of food will lift his mood.


0 and he goes on a shooting spree at McDonalds.

>I'm an begging you.


7 and he's gonna make it

100% emotional blackmail.
>That's fine


He needs to clean his room

dubs to save boog



try again

I don’t think you guys understand. He’s going through a tough time, his wife is literally leaving him and might even be having an affair. He also just surgically wrapped a rubber band around his stomach, after spending a lifetime stress eating every time he has a tough time. He can no longer do that.

He is suddenly realizing that having 1,000 internet friends and millions of “unearned” dollars means jack shit when you are in crisis.

He factored in that the surgery would be difficult but did not factor in that his wife may leave him. Bad move.

If this guy doesn’t kill himself I’ll be surprised. I hope he doesn’t though, he always seemed like a nice guy. But Jesus... as one poster above said, he needs to sort himself out on MUCH deeper levels than weight loss and video games.


>He is suddenly realizing that having 1,000 internet friends and millions of “unearned” dollars means jack shit when you are in crisis.
cant wait for the movie, sounds intense

He's fine. His girlfriend broke up with her bull. Boogie is all torn up about it.

Still has a psycopathic victim complex I see...


Be reasonable lads

I had a friend who had a bypass surgery done. He lost a shitton of weight and his personality changed/swung as well throughtout the process and after.
I thought about it and it makes sense. Imagine being dyel and suddenly getting a jacked as fuck body instantly without hard work.

Must I remind you that he deserves this for cucking his wife?

3 and he tries to assassinate DRUMPF

the wife couldnt've waited till he died so she could get that sweet check. my sides.

anyway, boogie needs therapy. he's used food as therapy for so long, now he needs a much less self-destructive alternative to help him cope

Gastric bypass not lap band.

is this reverse psychology? he wants people to bully him so he can pretend to commit suicide in order to milk benefits from government for being mentally unstable due to cyber bullying?


Nice try boogie. Pls go

cant stand this weak fat faggot. such a cry baby. first world problems "cant stop eating" beta fence sitter "everyones ideas are valid!"

fucking pathetic. the dude thrives off pity and tears rather then accepting life is fucking tough and getting on with it.

>boogie tries to neck himself
>can't find his neck

of course - i dont wish suffering on other people

Veeky Forumsness

Good work mods

>Finally gets noose around his neck, rope snaps due to massive body weight.

>the dude thrives off pity and tears rather then accepting life is fucking tough and getting on with it.
This. So much this.

>tries to shoot self in head
>bullet doesn't reach brain because of thick fat layer.

7 boogie lives
8 boogie dies

the trips have spoken

RIP boogie

I hope he does kill himself. Then you stupid fucks would stop posting about him.

>going to kill myself

To become a cute trap



That's the most cardio that fucker has ever gotten in his life.


Maybe Zyzz and the Piano man can whip him into shape up at St. Peter's gate.

All his wife got him for christmas was cuckolding... sad

Do people actually harass this fat fuck or does he just intentionally read boogie and FPH threads on Veeky Forums

Goddamnit. Fuck you. This guy couldn't even lose a little bit of weight the normal way and had to resort to surgery. He will fail because he's going to expand his stomach and will gain all his weight back, and then some.

Holy shit look at boogies Twitter. He's having a meltdown

clips dot twitch dot tv/LivelySwissFriseeFUNgineer

if i was in-denial-boogie and read the livestreamfails thread about that clip i'd be suicidal too




oh gawd

>c-can you guys give me a breather

Why does he keep doing this shit? If he wants to be left alone why would he publicly say "pls leave me alone"

Kek he really is

Pathetic fatty has the thinnest skin I've ever seen

It's not like he can walk away from computer

*intentionally create boogie and FPH threads
besides that, his most recent episode appears to stem from a disagreement with some "woman in tech" whose career is based on being a man-hating bitch, or she made a subpar RPG, or whoever

Goodbye boogie.

why doesnt he get off twitter

I hope the fat shit kills himself.

His entire life he has been a strain on others, even now begging others for help. Like a leech he refuses to find his own strength and for the betterment of the species he should just bow out.

>That is the path to permanent change.

Praise KEK



Being a fatty sucks, imagine being the most popular one on YouTube.
Add to that the shock his body is going through and his wife (probably first love) playing around.
Once upon a time Veeky Forums used to say "we're all gonna make it", I still believe that.
I hope that fat fuck melts down, makes a parachute out of loose skin and sky dives into a gym.

le upset fencecrusher

RIP booger1488



Can somebody make a shoop of boogie an heroing with the caption "witness me"

I don't get the appeal of black people using twitter.

Common you fat fuck
You will make it just try


Digits confirm, pic related.

Boogers doesn't have a will, dumb fucker didn't even have a prenup.

Here's hoping it finally has all come to a header and the lying scumbag isn't fishing for attention as he always does.

He has the mentality of a child, he needs to be fucked for once in his life and not coddled by everyone from the government to his faggot fans reinforcing his self-destructive lifestyle. He needs a fucking life and stop festering in his bedroom with children's toys. He's 43 fucking years old. He needs a rude awakening and I hope this is fucking it.

There is only so many times you can whinge about "mommy was bad to meeee" before it gets old. Boo hoo, what a goddamn sissy, she's been dead for years and you are still using her as an excuse. Everytime he stubs his toe he blames his bloody mother, get over it, faggot.


The only way he can get his wife back is through pity.


Don't do it boogaloo