Come all ye, ask what you would of the sacred deer. Ask it of your fitness troubles, surely it will answer

Come all ye, ask what you would of the sacred deer. Ask it of your fitness troubles, surely it will answer.

Sacred deer, should I switch to weightlifting for a while?

Will I break my plateau?

Are we all gonna make it?


Will my cut go well?

Will k say yes tomorrow to the Christmas party?


Will i fuck mollie after our date wednesday

Am I gonna make it

Will I speak to her soon?

Will I ever get to say those lines I've been practicing in my head to her?

Does niksuk?

Oh great deer of the Veeky Forums forest would you impart upon me your answer to my question: will I get thicc latina gf with cute asshole?

Is the mousy girl in my history class into me?

will i lose my virginity before 20?

Will I make it?

Answer my question you fucking deer

Should I keep dating this girl in 2018?

he has forsaken me, i'll chew my broccoli like chud today in hopes of regaining his favor

Will I become more Veeky Forums next year and be accepted to my schools programs?


you should have kept your mouth shut

does the qt with the bangs I ride the bus with everyday want me to approach her

Oh great and mighty sacred deer is ss just a meme and we should all be training for a a pump and hypertrophy?


I pushed too hard man

Yes but she doesnt care hahahahahaha plus she's already fucking chad

will death bring me solace?

Dear Sacred deer am I gonna make it, also will this meetup go as planned?

Yes but what??? Is she into me?

You said last time it'd never work out with this girl. But she broke up with her boyfriend and said she likes me

Do you take back what you said?

how about the grill who plays farmville on her tablet in accounting class

will i get jacked within the next year?

I fucking hate you

It does matter, answer me you daft cunt

Will I snap my shit up?

Holy shit powerlifters btfo!!!


Piece of shit

sacred deer am I gonna keep my diet up over christmas

Will I win the lottery in 7 months?


Will I get a gf in 2018?

Is it time?

Will anything good happen to me in 2018

Will she say yes?

>it only takes a year to get jacked
Jesus man how delusional are you?

Will I make it?



Does she really want to fuck me?

stay jelly DYEL, the sacred deer said yes

Will my 3DPD waifu have feelings for me in 2018?

Are we all gonna make it?

She’s not going on that second date is she?

Will I give up?

Should I get hammered and make spaghetti tonight

Will Zyzz be reborn?

Oh my Deer, I'm about to head out to the gym, will I meet a cute girl there who will admire my routine?

Should I give it a try?

will i kill myself this week

Does she actually like me and want to hang out?

She said she's really busy with college atm and she would be free in a month. starting to think she is just being nice

uh oh

Are there any girls that are attracted to me? I been talking to three different ones a lot recently, and sometimes they look to talk to me, but they could just be friendly

will I ever see her again, sacred deer

does trips 7's cancel the 'never' bros?

fuck does this mean im gay? ive been questioning it for a while...

Will Aeryn date me?

Go to gym tomorrow?

>yes, but..... an older man will take it

Reroll pls

yes or no

Sacred Deer, while I reach my goal by December's end?


Give it to me straight you bastard


will i be able to cum during my next sex? i lost my v card about a month ago and we fucked for like an hour but i couldnt cum

Will I make it?

Is she getting railed by some Chad? Would it be wise to just give up and pursue other women I have a better chance with. And stop praying to a deer?

Let's find out, faggot.


Can I start dieting tomorrow?

Thx deer

Damn I felt for you user

SACRED DEER will that motherfucker ever change?


Should I drop everything and have the operation

The deer already knows I'm still gonna spit that game I'm sorry.

smd user kek

Am I swole? XD

triple never

Does restricing calories cut body fat %?

i will get that 05-06 mustang/aesthetics/mires and the girl i Love right?

Did i pass my exams?

Did i pass my exams

Will I ever become a mega rich CEO?

WIll she take me back?


Should I really do OMAD?

Will we fall in love again and be together again and make a home as one

Will I ever stop being depressed?

should i start cuttin


Get fucked kid. Chad blows loads in her T H I C C breast while you abstain from masturbating to get higher test.