If you could only do two different rows for the rest of your life, which ones would you do?

If you could only do two different rows for the rest of your life, which ones would you do?

Barbell and cardio row

I'd do the front row, can't really see the back row but I'd do them too probably

Barbell row and barbell row

Marry Luna
Fuck Cindy
Kill Iris

Cleans and deadlifts faggots

Supinated Barbell Row

Dumbbell row I guess?

> bb and c

enjoy being a dyel forever

Are pendlay rows and db rows a good combination?

have fun not having a back

pendlay rows and upright rows

Get out kek

damn THOSE GIRLS are really pretty, but if WERE being serious here, honestly if i was MADE to choose between two types of rows FOR the rest of my life, i'd have to think it over a BBC sandwich with cheese


The pinnacle of American cuisine. Literally impregnates the tastebuds

pendlays and real rowing

Pendlay rows and chest supported rows

yates row and kroc row


Holy shit those are some dead eyes...

Skid row and death row.