Is it time to start jailing parents who make their children morbidly obese?

Is it time to start jailing parents who make their children morbidly obese?

why is it every time theres a fellow scouser on TV they're ALWAYS RETARDED

feels bad man

>child is severely underweight
>child gets taken away

>child is severely overweight
>no one bats an eye

Fuck parents that let their kids get fat. They are ruining any chance they have at a proper/healthy life.

I think it makes sense in theory. I'm curious though... at what point does the child need to be removed from his parents? How obese does the child have to be and do his parents get some kind of a warning or something?

Unlucky mate, shame you weren't brought up in glorious Chester instead


Having grown up during the adhd diagnosis craze, I was diagnosed with that bullshit. I was on these pills for a couple years that suppressed my appetite and I was really skinny. My mom saw that as a problem and took me off the medication. I guess fat kid =healthy kid. She would tell me I was too skinny and I needed to eat more and as a kid I thought that was awesome. If I wanted ice cream I'd ask for it and she'd let me have it when my younger brother wasn't allowed. I was happy with how things were going until I was about 14. I started to pudge up and I developed bitch tits, and I hated going to the pool on summer break because of it. I stayed inside watching tv or playing my gameboy which just made things worse. I grew a little and became more skinny fat but the titties remained. I would wear baggie shirts and slouch so they wouldn't show through. It wasn't until I was 21 that I started taking fitness seriously. Parents who let their kids get fat should be ashamed, and that shit shouldn't be allowed. I wish a doctor had told her to stop fucking feeding me such garbage and make me go outside and exercise.
To this day she doesn't understand why I fucking hate fat people so much.

That's because the government only care if they can work. Being too fat doesn't prevent you from being able to work (to an extent); being too thin does.
They don't care about your health beyond "How long can this person work for before becoming obsolete?"

This is retarded logic. Being overweight prevents you from doing way more than being underweight does.

Yes. Not only is it decreasing their life expectancy. It's also teaching them shitty habits they will pass on to their own kids.

>be millennial
>be raised by single mom
>get fed giant bowls of pasta and rice
>obese obviously
>mom says it's fine, nobody judges others on how they look and girls will swarm me like locusts on a wheat farm because they (like her) love big guys
>she says it's genetics, there's nothing i can do about it, and nobody judges people on their genetics anyway
>she says it doesn't impact my health at all and i will live a long, happy, fat life
>reality time
>asthmatic; inhalers do nothing
>clinically depressed since kindergarten
>chronic loner; jealous and resentful of everyone around me
>everyone around me resents me for being a disgusting eyesore
>girls would rather hang themselves than stand within 10 feet of me
>hospitalized several times for mental breakdowns
>brain permanently damaged from years of potent chemical cocktails that didn't even help the initial problems
>atrocious GPA out of high school
>don't even remember SAT scores
>dropped out of community college every time i applied because it was just that intolerable
>had to sell my virginity to an escort who scammed me and treated me like shit
>mfw my whole upbringing was a meme
>mfw my childhood was murdered
>mfw dad was a rail-thin half-marathon-running staff sergeant

Answer to OP's question is "yes".

Those are some pretty hard feels, bro.

Did he just start violently puking? Jesus Christ what was that sound?

Single moms are a mistake

>wants to tell people what to eat, force them to jail if they don't

You dirty commie, I'm telling /pol/ right now on you.

this 1000%

Yes lets blame your mom (the only one who stayed around) and not your faggot dad for getting her pregnant then making a run for it instead of helping her raise you

my condolences to you bro, I also suffered from lack of knowlodge since child. but we need to learn from that, get our shit together to find hapiness in the simplest things and help the kids who are facing the trouble that we had.


UK is part of the US.

Take back your retarded offspring please.

Single dad with deppression in a chair in a dirty apartment.jpg

I don't know what they taught you in sex ed but it takes two people to make a baby.

How are you now?

i mean, maybe not officially but.....

>be me
>grow up with a single mother
>rice with almost every dinner
>pastas af
>bulk up
>skinny fat in high school
>just fat senior year
>bear mode in college
Fucking made it bros

Correct. Also, child protection laws were made in a time when children being too thin was a clear sign of the parents not making enough money/giving enough fucks. Obese children were so rare that there was no reason to even legislate about it. But now high calorie food is cheap and easy to get, so parents who make little money and/or are on benefits but dont give a fuck about actually educating their kids keep them under control with food. So, fat entitled kids with no willpower or self control brought up by parents who dont care about them.

Single moms are psycho factories. Sorry your dad wasnt around to set you straight user, but now you are an adult and you are in control of yourself. Gambatte!

Don't they serve pizza hut as school meals in the USA?

You had Jamie Oliver in tears you fucking monsters.

Thanks to my state rep the sauce on a pizza still counts as a veggie in a school meal.
Thanks to Idaho fries do too
Michelle Obama tried to get school lunches better and make kids move for 30 mins, but abandoned the former due to food lobby going reeee about it.
I hate so bad how much big corporations control

Stop, get fit and fix your head.

>pizza still counts as a veggie in a school meal
Wait, what?

>both parents obese
>weighed 260lbs (~120kg) at age 13
>found Veeky Forums when I was 16, decided to make a change
>parents wouldn't buy me "special" food, got a part time job
>ate nothing but chicken breast, brown rice, spinach, sriracha, and vitamins for ~2 years straight
>weighed 175lb (~80kg) at graduation
>mfw people tell me being fat is genetic

People say that the ones who are most virulent, cruel, and abrasive towards obese people, used to be obese themselves. I agree.
I hate fat people with a passion. I hate them for using so many resources to sustain themselves, I hate them for corrupting their children, I hate them for being a drain on society, I hate them for having so little self control, I hate them for normalizing addiction, I hate them for being unsightly, and I hate them for creating a culture of failure to improve.

I am a living testament that obesity is a choice. I had to take a bullshit G.E. course on health, and my course capstone was me creating a complete and varied weekly diet under certain pricepoints from local stores. You could literally take my project, which I supplied as a .pdf upon request, go to the stores, buy an entire week's grocieries, and pay EXACTLY what I recorded as the price. It was foolproof, and I had 4 complaints lodged against me for harassment and creating an unsafe learning environment. All 4 complaints were from obese students in the class, and the professor said they would pass me if I just didn't show up to class anymore. I showed them pictures of me as an obese child, told them that I will give in to their demands, and collected my "A" after a month and a half.

Also I became trad after losing all the weight and becoming Veeky Forums.

The schools serve pizza but even cheaper and lower quality than pizza hut. Also much smaller than a normal slice.

Michelle obama got her garbage through but all it did was make school food taste even worse while being no better for you.

that honestly looks like a tranny on top of everything else

post .pdf and email from professor to show you arent larping.

Class was years ago, didn't care to save it after moving two states and reformatting my computer.
Wasn't an email, just pulled me outside before class one day. This was at a community college, where rules are far laxer.

stop blaming your "mommy" user, be like the first person and improve your life by yourself. Tons have hard childhoods with no dads and overcome it and are still successful.

We don't need to legislate health as much as we need to normalize shaming again. Wanna be a 300lb butterball? Get used to being heckled and shamed 24/7 til you get your fat ass in shape and toe the line. It's the only thing that worked for me.


>Anyone who disagrees with me is jewish.

That was profound, man.
Thanks for your story

That's not her fault, she really tried to do good and it's totally the fault of the school administration being cheapos

How did your family react?

Or the mum left and alienated the dad

>parents eat like shit
>siblings and I ate like shit growing up
>twin sister and I end up unfucking our shit
>I'm still insecure about it
Being fat as a kid seriously fucks you up

90% of divorces are initiated by the woman.

When he speaks I expect a german accent

pretty tall for a 5 year old isn't he? could probably be a sick kunt with those genetics if his parents would stop abusing him