Fuck hot girl

>Fuck hot girl
>Lose all gym motivation because you realize the massive amounts of work you went through to get a girl like this just resulted in generic pussy that, to be honest, doesn't even feel that different from fucking a 6/10 with the lights off

Anyone else know this feel?

>lifting for girls
NEVER going to make it

Pls post variants of ‘lifting for’

having a hot gf isnt just for the pussy, a really good fleshlight feels like a pussy but its not the same as real sex.

>bust your ass to get Veeky Forums
>girls can't fuck
Women are a meme.

>he lifts for the approval of vapid women
>not for the joy of becoming a stronger, more capable person that would make both your ancestors and descendents proud

>lifting for pus*y
You dont even deserve to make it in the first place

>Too nerdy to get hot girls
>Too fit to get nerdy girls

Fuck me...

Let's be fucking honest here for once
95% of the self-improvement stuff we do is ultimately for women
If girls didn't need guys to have fancy houses and big careers most of us would just nerd out our hobbies and never work again

Pretty but not overly sexy girls are great gf material. May be good sex as well, may be not, it's a russian roulette.

"Hot" girls are usually meh, be it in sex or conviviality, and usually are 6-7/10s without make-up and shit. This is also valid for regular 6/10s.

>not fucking with the lights on
>not fucking with 3 large mirrors placed strategically around the room to mire your own chiseled abs and glutes while banging the roastie

>Let's be fucking honest here
Nice projection bucko, do whatever the fuck you want, you'll attract women no matter what your concept of success is.

>hur dur i put weights up and down therefore im a more capable person

this board is populated with socially outcast underaged neets with mental illness.

this guy gets it

Neither of these are a thing.

You're just ugly.

>doesn't even feel that different from fucking a 6/10 with the lights off
Why are you fucking in complete darkness? That's just wrong.

lifting for yourself

Fucking a hot girl with the lights on in the exact reason you fuck a hot girl.

If it was just about getting a nut then any warm wet cunny would do.

lifting for envy of others and aesthetics


>lifting so that one day, when you'll die, you'll be able to get your revenge on god and brutally smash his head on your knee, taking over as the new omnipotent king of the universe

This is good bait