Anyone have any experience with pectus excavatum and the rib flare that often accompanies it...

Anyone have any experience with pectus excavatum and the rib flare that often accompanies it? I'd love to get rid of my rib flare, and I'm wondering if anyone has experienced a reduction in their rib flare through lifting and maybe some bracing.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw thin
>tfw sit on my ass 24/7
>tfw have scoliosis
>still no pectus excavatum
like how do you guys do it?

IIRC bracing only has notable effects if the person is still actively growing. You have to go full on surgical intervention if you're an adult.

It's a congenital anomaly you dumb faggot.


Hi user, look up nuss procedure.

I had it done two months ago. If you have any question feel free to ask. (I have before/after pics too)

My brother had pectus excavation. One of his friends had the surgery to fix it and apparently it was painful as hell and it scared my brother away from getting the surgery.
My brother went ahead with lifting weights and said dumbbells were better for his chest than barbell Bench Press.
After lifting for a few years he got really big and looked good, but that didn’t stop people from making fun of his pectus excavatum.
The lifetime of verbal abuse finally broke my brother somewhere during his senior year. My family had no idea that he was doing this, but he was creating a jewel in his bedroom that could harness the powers of the sun, and the darkness, and that the holder of this jewel would absorb and be able to use those powers. After a decade of allowing the jewel to become stronger, my brother picked it up and locked the jewel into place in the dent in his chest. The glow was blinding and his anger combined with his new powers could not be contained. He tipped over our mom’s car, broke our dad’s jaw, and ate our neighbor’s rottweiler. After bulldozing 2/3’s of the high school using his right foot, he leaped up high into the dark sky and never came back down. To this day, whenever I see a shooting star or a satellite, I wonder. Brother, is that you?

Anyway, good luck bro.

You're not going to cure it through lifting, but you also shouldn't be a pussy and not lift.
On the left I was about 6'2, 170lbs. Had already started lifting, muscle mass hides the flared ribs/ indented chest, but doesn't completely erase them.
On the right up to 220 lbs. You can still see the pectus, and the rib flare is definitely noticeable in person. But what the fuck am I going to do? Cry about it?
Just add mass. You'll never have the perfect bodybuilder chest, but you'll still look better than 99% of normies.

I have pectus excavatum and it mentally scarred me. I started to lift a lot and some people still notice it but if you are muscular they dont care. Also building pressure behind it while lifting helped to reduce it.

The rip flare didn't change at all.
Pecs got bigger and when I wear shirts that stretch above the literal hole in my chest, it gives the illusion of a bigger chest actually.
One scary thing I noticed though, is that the bigger my pecs get, the harder taking a full breath becomes. As if the additional muscle size compresses my lungs because of this condition.

Time to cut user jfc

It's barely even noticeable. Also not OP but does your chest also kinda like dip-in in the middle and when u wear a shirt it looks like there's nothing there? I can do bench flies all I want but I'll never get an aesthetic chest

Anyone claiming 'lifting' fixes pectus are lying.
Pectus is notorious for being more visible if the patient is lifting.

Source: had the surgery done after lifting. Ask any doctor who works with PE

Does it hurt after the procedure? How long did you have to rest? Post pictures please.

Yeah, that was an old pic. Down to 212 now.
In high school, kids used to ask me if I ate cereal out of the dent in my chest, so I promise it was noticeable before I started lifting. But yes, there is definitely a dip in shirts. I've never once had a girl do anything but mire once I took the shirt off though. I guarantee no one will comment on your lack of perfect symmetry or Grecian-proportions other than self loathing teenagers posting on a Mongolian animation website.

The first few days in the hospital does not hurt (you will be on high doses of morphine) I stayed there for 5 days. When you switch from IV morphine to pills you will be in a lot of pain.

Personally I felt great after two weeks, started to slowly take less morphine. Unfortunately my bar loosened and they had to perform another surgery to stabilize it. While performing this surgery they discovered an infection from the first surgery. (These are complications, but those are a reality you might face if you decide to have it done) pain got so bad I could not lift a cup of water for the first 3 weeks after my second surgery. I simply couldnt lift the weight, I also could not get out of bed by myself anymore. As the weeks passed and I got better, 2 months after the first surgery I'm now able to take care of myself again. For the first 6 weeks you wont be allowed to lift more than 5kg, for the first month you are only allowed to sleep on your back. You're not allowed to lift or participate in full contact sports for the first 12 weeks.

long story short: it might take months, I recommend having it done before a vacation. I havent been able to go to work for 2months. But if your pectus is servere/bothers you, it's worth it.

Pics inc.

right scarday after surgery:

(You get two of these, one in each side)

I apologies for the quality, shitty phone and hospital bathrooms.

Thanks for the info. I was unsure if I really wanted to get it done but after seeing the results I'm 100% convinced. Totally worth the pain imo

what the fuck lmao you looked pretty normal.

Bonus info: If you live somewhere where this surgery is not free. Consider having it done abroad. You can save money but having it done @ private hospital Hamlet in Denmark.

It looked way worse irl than it does in pictures. Camera cant properly catch the depth. What I have in those pics are medium-servere pectus.
Also I had the surgery for free.

I live in Italy and the only places that can make this kind of operation are Rome and Genoa. Thanks for the info anyway.

I had the Ravitch procedure, safer than the nuss bar but you end up with a scar ~4" horizontally right under your pecs. It definitely helped, but by ribs are asymmetrical now and I still have a noticeable pit.

Also, make sure to mix ibuprofen with the morphine. Good luck

I forgot to add what's helped me reduce the appearance lol, Bigger pecs (seems obvious), and a lot of direct core work to fill the remainder of the pit.

whats the recovery time? when can you go back to the gym?


PE makes your chest look bigger