Tfw flushing 4 years of vigorous lifting down the shitter with each passing day

>tfw flushing 4 years of vigorous lifting down the shitter with each passing day
I just cant do it anymore, the grind's not worth the result.
Would rather stay comfy like pic related

why not just do both or atleast maintain your current lifting.

I'll eat you first when we get set into nuclear winter

Switch to a program with less frequency, it's easy to get burned out on a lot of programs. Try something like an upper/lower split AxBx, AxBxx, AxxBxx, whatever frequency is low enough to be fun for you and not seem like a chore. Also like suggested just maintain, maintenance is easymore.

Workout 1 to 3 times a week and find exercises that you enjoy.
I hate pullups, squats and pushups so I no longer do them. I'd quit lifting if I had to do do shit like that every week.

same brah, i was even on juice and now i just drink and eat pizza every night, havent been in a gym regularly in like three years

Alright let your body go to shit and be a pathetic bitch again, no one gives a fuck


Your going through a slump you just have to keep pushing. You'll regret stopping some day.

I have a fear of becoming this way someday

You'll have to catch me first and that requires cardio!

This is why it's important to take a rest week regularly so you don't burn out like this guy

>the grind's not worth the result

Ah delicious natty tears.

I wish it was that easy. My friends constantly stop by the house to make me go.
>let membership expire
"That's ok bro,mine was me +1"
>stop buying supliments
"That's ok bro, I bought extra with my rewards card and you can have it"
>Don't wanna waste the gas
"That's ok bro, I'll change my schedule and pick you up on the way"

Start roidcelling

>i'm going to have less cardio then someone who literally does nothing
I hope you eat a lot of fucking oreos so you taste delicious.

this is ironically the most motivating post here
i KNOW i will eventually end up feeling the same way as you do now so how do i shore up my self in anticipation of that inevitability? what will happen when i don't have the time/energy/health/money/motivation to go anymore?
i think creating a program with multiple layers is the best option for me.
the most fundamental layer would be a single amrap set of a heavy (90%1rm) compound lift every day. then after that i add in extra sets. then the next stage would be accessory lifts. etc..
this way i can always fall back on my single amrap set every day in case i can only spend one minute in the gym. that single heavy amrap set will tie me over while i get through any shit i have to deal with outside the gym.
plus, i can keep track of how many layers i'm leaving out, how close am i to just relying on that emergency amrap set? am i still comfortable in my motivation? am i shedding off lifts i should be doing or am i still doing 3 or 4 or 5 stages in the gym?
being able to move around from 5 stages to 4 to 3 and back up again is important for long term success.

i'm scared of deload weeks because i fear i will like them too much and every week will become my deload week :(
i hate recovery days too

I'm feeling this way too right now. Luckily it only lasts a few days for me.

No, do deload and restweeks
Trust me user
I always and still do hate them because Everytime Im looking forward to start lifting again and I think thats the crucial part
Think of it like a relationship if you see your girl everyday you get kinda tired of her but if you haven't seen her in a while you are more eager to see her again
I mean you dont have to stop doing things during those weeks
Go for a run or a walk or do any other sport

I like this approach.

> the grind's not worth the result.
The grind is the only thing that helps me to loose the self hate .
Staying comfy would make me go insane

((you)) seem to have nice gymbros .
if they are your only social life you will loose it

They're childhood friends. It's just overbearing to have peoples force you back into a lifestyle you want out from.