Why does LINK get shilled so hard?

Because LINK connects ANY type of outside data to the blockchain whether it be Ethereum, Bitcoin or any other blockchain platform.

If you don't understand how, do some research.

Common Misconceptions:

- LINK is Competing against Ripple; FALSE.

Ripple is solely about global payments on an Enterprise scale. LINK is a token used to execute smart contracts on the Chain Link network.

- LINK has no purpose; FALSE.

Even though the Chain Link Network isnt fully functional yet, SmartContracts.com is. You can use it right now, LINK is the token required to execute their services.

ChainLink is the first mover in an entirely new industry that WILL change the landscape of the way data is reported, stored and called. This is of special interest to financial industries but not limited in any way to any other industry.

Legal Records, Real Estate, Sports Scores, Employee Time Cards, Financial Transactions, Security Systems, Video Games, Medical Records, etc. will all be written to block chain ledgers in the near future. ChainLink provides the only way to access (read/write) this data on a Enterprise & Consumer scale. In addition, they will allow individuals & businesses to create and execute smart contracts with said data.

If you still don't get it ChainLink LITERALLY LINKS the ENTIRE crypto market together and opens a fucking door to the modern global Financial & Business world.

If you still don't get it, try asking a resonible question before Fudding some bullshit you have no idea what you're talking about.
Pic related.

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>Why does link get shilled so hard
Because pajeet discord groups want to unload their bags

I mean just look at op. What's the point of even making this thread? He is talking about nothing new, shit we've all known for two months now... literally zero reason to make this thread other than shilling
Kys pajeet

but does it work though? is it even possible?

- Sergey eats our gains; TRUE.

AT SIBOS they provided a working proof of concept, yes it fucking works.

You can literally create (effortlessly) Smart Contract RIGHT NOW. I have to emphasize this becuase I feel like most you biz doesnt fucking realize that.

Goto SmartContracts.com and look for yourself.

You're a retard.

/biz holds this. Regardless if they are fudding or shilling it doesn't matter, everyone in /biz has this fucking token. We need to make points like this to people outside of /biz

And you're a pajeet shill

Okay. Go setup a smart contract then and show us.
Better yet, set up a node and show us all how much you're making selling data on how often your street is shat in and at which times

How is this different from ARK?

ARK is blockchain to blockchain
Link is non-blockchain to blockchain

Might be wrong tho

Dude, imagine that your employer (I know youre a NEET, but just pretend for a second) reports your time cards straight to a smart contract that calculates and issues your paycheck every 2 weeks, automatically.

You'd never have to worry about your employer missing pay periods, etc. Imagine if you are the employer? You save a fuck ton of money running a fully staffed accounting dept.

Now lets get creative here, imagine if you get pulled over on your way home form work and you match a description of a guy that just committed a heinous crime and somehow all the evidence and even witnesses point to you (this happens quite frequently especially in 3rd world countries). Instead of your only out being a reliable witness on your behalf, you can simply point them to the block chain data that shows when you physically clocked into work and then clocked out.

Boom, you're free.

This is just one TINY example of the benefits ChainLink will provide to the world.

ARK just wants to make every blockchain work with each other. I mean its nice but not really necessary since its not like every company would use a different blockchain. They would most likely cluster around ETH and Hyperledger or something.

LINK wants to trustlessly put external data in blockchains. Almost every smart contract needs this unless they only deal with simple matters like ICOs.

bingo. ark fags u are deluded. LINK is the real winner here.

>JSON Parser

To stupid people and brainlets

You can create a smart contract for the MLB finals in 2018. So anyone who bets on team A gets the pool. Currently there's no blockchain who can verify who wins the MLB finals in a trustable, tamper proof manner.

Cue the ChainLink network. The Smart Contract now has a way to verify in a safe, manipulation free way the result of the MLB finals, and executes accordingly. Imagine is Betcris doing this, in millions of bets everywhere.

Imagine banks trusting smart contracts about loans, interest rates, bonds, market shorts, in the blockchain. ChainLink is the tool who enables this.

This is just huge not only for CL, but for Crypto as a whole.

parse my ass, bitch

Half of biz fomo’d in at +.40¢
Think they can wish a coin to moon. Pathetic bagholders

>t. newfag who wasn't around when 90% of this forum got into presale / ico groups.

> thinks 20 people is 90% of biz. Keep holding faggot

Amen brotha, spread the good word.

There are literally infinite use cases such as this one. LINK will be fucking huge. Everyone here today is lucky to have the opportunity to invest in this game changing tech at such a low price. It won’t be that way for much longer.

Your image of the future is nightmarish to me. Cops being able to instantly check blockchains tracking the movement of the entire populace. But I hold LINK so if society be subjected to Orwellian control mechanisms, let it be the one I'm invested in.

This is so far out of the water in terms of a use case for LINK I'm really starting to believe the deluded linkies meme.

Like how autistic would one have to be to think of this bullshit. Seriously.
The sad part is Linkies see shit like that and get all excited instead of thinking "the fuck is this retard rambling on about"

I've had various jobs for 10 years and I've never had to worry about my employer missing a paycheck.


You're correct

Replace smart contract with database:

Dude, imagine that your employer reports your time cards straight to a database that calculates and issues your paycheck every 2 weeks, automatically.

This is my problem with ChainShills they can't show any proper use case.

If you're struggling to see use cases it means you can't see use cases for smart contracts at all, because ChainLink is just a mechanism to facilitate smart contract adoption.

A lot of Veeky Forumstards try to come up with "every day" examples but honestly I would suspect most of the value of this is in quite technical business practices. I am sure there is an efficiency gain in executing exchanges of value in a trustless way, even if I can't spell out the specific business circumstances in which it would be most valuable. I don't think that's much of a stretch.

only brainlets can't imagine the use case.

a database is not a smart contract.

That's the point. No reason to use a smart contract here. For this use case to work, the money used to pay employees must live inside the blockchain for there to be a guarantee of the workers getting their money. This means that all that money can't be used for anything else in that time period which is a huge waste of rescources.

Only neet basement dwellers who have never held a job don't realize that this "use case" is already in place by countless different automatic accounting programs etc

You can build some code thats internet to the company and not visible for everyone to see. The payout can just be done with code on ethereum.

Link isn't neccesary.

Not internet, internal.

>the benefit is everything starts happening automatically, with no human interaction whatsoever after the two parties agree to the smart contract. if you don't see the potential in that, you are brainlet tier.

you are brainlet tier.

when everyone was shilling eth when it was $1, people said "you can just do smart contracts on bitcoin, fag" in every thread.

Eth has a use case of making smart contracts for new coins. Just like most utility tokens right now, don't have a use that can be done NOW, because cryptocurrency is not widely accepted as currency.

It's not backed by a government nor population.

Fuck you, bitch bastird. Oracle is real problem.

can someone else give a brainlet more real world examples where this tech can be used? Im still trying to wrap my head around it.

Any smart contract use case that requires external data

You've still failed to explain how a smart contract can save resources over a regular database already used by millions of companies.

It's not about tracking people you fucking retard, it's about trustless data validation. And what the fuck does the NSA not already track us all already? Somehow equating chainlink with NSA spooks is the most retarded thing I've seen in a while

>Shilling this badly

I have an app on my phone
I put my hours in
I submit
Paid the same day.. my employer doesn't check anything. No one does anything. All automated

How would chainlink make any of this better?

Exactly, all the FUD about not needing smartcontracts because supercomputers and databases and internal internets basically implies most of crypto is a sham

This just shows your don't fundamentally understand smart contracts and/or crypto. They are very different concepts invented more than a decade apart from each other.

Most of crypto is. It's an unregulated sphere where idiots fall for commercialized bullshit.

Consider the following user, under our current centralized system only our evil overlords have access to existing monitoring systems. They see everything you do, but you can't see shit about them. With decentralized blockchain systems they can see everything they see now, but so can you.

Pandora's box is already open, all this does is let everyone, not just a golden few, look inside.

Yes, millions of companies use databases but they all store the data differently. Think of Chainlink as the translator to a secure globally common database, the blockchain. All the data can be equally accessed through smart contracts that companies or individuals set up between them.

Link is just a JSON pharaer. Not a big deal.


Its actually not, Sergey himself explains scenarios like this in interviews starting back 3 years ago. You're literally fucking retarded.

Then why didn't or hasn't, rather, every half-wit dev raise 32m in an ICO sale with a similar idea?

How much longer do I have to accumulate?

You don't need fucking millions of employees at millions of companies, verifying, sending and receiving, doing follow ups etc etc etc.

go ask accountant friends wtf they do all day. (If you have any). I used to work in the field myself, and have a friend who works for one the prestigious big 4.

Trust me when i say a lot of people will become redundant if CL works smooth and is implemented.

shit man we gonna get rich off of puttin normies out of work

we "the man" now

the idea is so glorious, so amazing, so astronomical. if you aren't a brainlet, you can envision it. problem is people here are TOO FUCKING STUPID to get it.

only internal faggot. That means, if someone from company A, wants to know what company B has on record. employee from company A has to phone person from company B, and verify.

If CL works, and the data and blockchains can speak to each other. These 2 people can be fired, and the companies will simply pay a fraction of their cost to CL. Now think of big departments that do this on a fucking daily basis.

No company would want to use this technology.

Sounds like what they said about bitcoin. You convinced me. I'm going all in on Link.

For people asking for a Use case. Note this is somewhat speculative on my part on the exact details, but the general picture is a sweet use case.

Dividend payments: Most companies make them, especially blue chip stocks.


This is a document going into how dividend payments are accounted for. After a share-holder meeting, dividends should be accounted and payed out correctly.

Do all you fudders think this is done automatically? No, countless people are employed to oversee and complete this process.

CL, and a proper smart contract, could once again make this process smoother and more efficient, cutting out a lot of employees putting in journal entries in the various books of their accounting ledgers, and making dividend transfer payments. Instead maybe one or two technical (forensic) accountants might be required to make sure that all inputs and data are correct. Boom payments made. boom company saves tons of money in wage payments, and chainlink receives x amount of transactions.

This is just 1 use case: dividends. Now look up how many companies pay dividends each year.

Holy shit I just realized *Link* means it's linking shit up.

Mostly just techies that will just another job in some other area anyway. No big deal.

Sure whatever. Atleast part of their wages will be redirected into the CL price due to its demand.

AKA increase in value. AKA LAMBO
