What's something you wish you knew when you started lifting, dieting, and supplementing?

What's something you wish you knew when you started lifting, dieting, and supplementing?

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NEVER take creatine

bulking is a meme


Don't forget shoulders. Did almost 8 months of training with hardly any shoulder work.

Veeky Forums don't know anything about fitness

start taking creatine day 1

I very quickly went bald and now my brothers make fun of me and I look horrible


>the single most sexually attractive area to develop is shoulders
>frequency and intensity are king and queen, everything else is a peasant
>just eat a few hundred calories above TDEE, getting fat is stupid

don't be a natty

Ive been on creatine for 9 years no breaks and still have a full head of hair. Youd be bald anyway.

I wish i knew food and digestion also has fatigue and peaks but understanding it more was always my goal at the gym.

That I should have hopped on gear within the first year instead of waiting 10 years like a retard

no one counts the barbell and I found out the hard way when the more veteran guys at the gym asked how much I lifted and corrected my math

Creatine gives you mad gains but fucks up your hairline. It's not bad, but I notice it.

Also do a routine you enjoy, if the gym feels like work after a month then you're doing it wrong.

Don't who lift, you have to protect those joints long term.

This happened to me earlier. After I stop taking it hair went back to normal.

Ego lift*

>diet is the most important part

Started the gym as a lanklet and worked out 5/6 days a week and made NO GAINS for a couple of years... thought one protein shake after the gym would bulk me up and that I was 'eating enough'

I'm still skinny as Fuck now but that's because I'm now depressed and never eat

Hmm. My balding has accelerated the last few years and I've been on creatine that whole time. Gonna take a break and see what happens

I wish I knew that if I stopped being
a pussy and actually ate more I would actually get bigger and stronger :/

>hairlet btfo

Tracking your progress in written notebook form will push you farther than you would have ever thought.

it's also cool to be able to look back at the weights you used to lift

>lol I used to not even be able to bench 135

There was a limit of how much muscle you can build in a month and dirty bulking like a pig on 4000 calories wasnt going speed it up

I thought the more you eat, the more muscle you build

That you could build a lot muscle following P90X (bro split, hitting each muscle only once a week)

>What's something you wish you knew when you started lifting, dieting, and supplementing?

I wish I knew to not listen to basically anything Veeky Forums has ever said.

>Starting Strength is all you need to be aesthetic, trust me bro
>don't do any core or bicep isolation, compounds work those plenty and only douchebags do biceps
>GOMAD or go home, bulking won't make you won’t get fat I promise
>you have visible abs and you're under 250 lbs? shoo shoo hungry skelly
>lol you actually count the weight of the bar? kys faggot

all you need is a consistent, non powerlifter routine and enough protein each day

That I'm much healthier and happier having killer cardio and going on /comfy/ 10k runs and focusing on weighted dips and pullups in the gym instead of the standard powerlifter fat lifts meme.

eat more, and if you're not seeing progress, COUNT YOUR CALORIES

can't stress this enough

you can do both scrub

to add to this, if you are counting calories trying to make gains, and not making gains, youre not counting right

1 gram of protein per lb bodyweight is unnecessary

just do 0.8g/lb and you probably won't have to waste money on protein supplements

>1 month in
If you dislike chinups so much you avoid them altogether, lat pulldowns are better than nothing.

>2 years in
Incorporate aspects of percentile training like 5/3/1 into your routine.
You'll find ways to get stronger while still retaining your aesthetics.


Is this a meme?

No you don't. You have to choose. I'm in the Army. Too many squats make my run times suffer. Plus I'm prepping for selection. It's all endurance.

What unit are you going for?


no one gives a fuck about heavy

focus on form and time under tension is safer and just as effective, if not more, in terms of aesthetic and health

being 300 lbs of muscle or fat is the same to your knees and ankles, you can't workout your bones

high-fat low carb is the best for cutting, and working out fasted is nothing to bitch about

Slipping now and then in an overall regular and serious diet workout/regimen will produce more results in the long run than excessive rigidity you can't sustain

Don't be that cunt who imposes his lifestyle on others/social gatherings. If you don't make a living off your body, eat what your girl and mom made for you, they put in some work litteraly thinking about you, show some gratitude. Even the worst food once a week can be managed if you keep portions small. Do not become a self-centered narcissist who places his six pack above his friends and family

Lemme guess: rangers?
Have fun having no skin on the bottom of your feet by the end of rasp

75th Ranger Regiment is not SF.... they're SOF. Glad you watched surviving the cut mr. expert.

Never believe that shaving your pubic hair will cure your crab infestation

Lifting does not cure an ugly face nor autism.

SF in the US Army refers to a specific set of units that fall outside the standard JSOC/MARSOC Special Operations Forces.

I've interacted with a few ex-5th group SF soldiers and they're a different breed of soldier.

Form over weight, sounds obvious I broke my back last year, could not feel anything for months and finally got a conformation it will heal. Wrong thread, but I am extremely excited. Just now getting back into jogging and light weight lifting.

>broke my back
fuck, man
this is my greatest fear

Technically it was due to my form, I found it was due to one leg being longer than the other/rotated. The bone itself was not effected, the disc slipped out. I did my stretches and walk a lot when I can. Just got out of the MRI/Doctor's today, good news is I will recover. I am very fortunate, there are others who not so fortunate so I want to do everything I can to make the most of it.

This is the best feeling, and is what pushed me the most as a lifter. I managed to go from 175 bench to 200 in November just by pushing myself everyworkout, and keeping track. This is with only benching once a week, although it was the tail end of my noobie gains.

>This is the best feeling, and is what pushed me the most as a lifter. I managed to go from 175 bench to 200 in November just by pushing myself everyworkout, and keeping track. This is with only benching once a week, although it was the tail end of my noobie gains.
-the best part is lifting weights that were hard and having no resistance. Feels amazing.

funny i did the opposite, like only trained shoulders for the first couple of months

youre wasting your time lifting if youre not gonna eat enough

>You can't workout your bones
Gonna have to select Strongly Disagree on that one mate

>For you

best area for attracting grills is butt

Get your test checked routinely and bulk accordingly. +500 cal surplus isn't shit if you're an efficient machine that could be bulking on 1500. Not everyone is created/grown equal.

>you can't workout your bones
Wolff's law you retarded motherfucker.

>falling for the supplement jew

w-wait one protein shake isn't enough??

Made for BBC

Don't be a fag who makes it into a science when you first start. You'll overwhelm yourself and lose your drive. Start off only wanting to learn different exercises and proper form. Fuck gains when you first start, they come anyway just because your body ain't used to it.

Eventually you'll plateau (4-5 months) and that is when you start learning the more advanced shit.

Also don't fall for any type of jew. Protein is the only thing you need. If you want try preworkout but that shit ain't for everyone. Godspeed.

I wish I started with deadlifts

Fucking eat.

Form is everything.

Fuck your ex's that told you they were repulsed by your body. Lift for yourself.

The alcohol isn't fun forever.

You're gonna make it.

lmao nice troll


tfw genes so trash I will never get a nice butt

>eat what your girl made for you
i didn't come here to be sad

tfw i have a fat ass butt that's mostly fat. is that a good thing??? it's fat not muscle.

same but i will DL, straight legged DL, squat and weighted hip thrust until i am satisfied.
I will have a nice ass or die in the attempt.

Made for BBC

learn proper rom for each lift, how to atg squat, avoid butt wink, proper form for lunges, do more ohp, etc...

i'm a straight male

>Don't throw away the food your parents feed you if you're still living with them

I know everyone has probably moved out of their house here by now but god damn do I regret having been a picky eater in my younger days.. so much catching up to do


i'd rather have started out a spooky skeleton or a standard soyboy than a fatty dingdong, but it might just be that the grass is always greener.

to eat at a surplus while lifting instead of thinking i'll make lean gains
would've saved me the couple of times i tried starting, got frustrated that i wasn't improving, and quit

>Lift for yourself.
This. Motivation is 100% of working out. Why are you there? If it's for any reason beyond yourself, getting stronger, or blowing off steam you're not gonna make it.


How to do roids properly.


There are ways to improve or increase bone density, and muscle development helps with healthy joints when aging, but in the end, it's always the same story for 250-300+ guys

I've been around bodybuilders, rugbymen and doormen my whole life, and the big ones systematically develop the same joint problems, regardless of your fucking larper "law"

Forgot (you) in


Test your limits. Tren is the answer. Anavar give up!

>the big ones systematically develop the same joint problems
which ones?

>tfw you gained 30lbs in a month and then spent the next six months getting rid of it

and on top of that your muscle will be 'watery', making you look more fat

The stupidest fucking post I've seen.

>not always finishing your plate
western parents everybody

You gotta train abs, compounds are not enough
Fucking do calves, sets of 100
Train your neck
Get at least 100g of protons every day

>tfw got grounded all the time as a kid for being picky as fuck

don't know if that's the reason why i eat basically anything these days but i'm glad i grew out of that phase

A firm grip will improve EVERY single one of your lifts. Train forearm seriously.

Become /fraud/ sooner.
Don't fall for GNC meme.

Kids are fucking stupid now that I look back on it. It kinda enrages me to see a lot of grown-ups that have not grown this out and still act like that.

I wish I knew I had winged shoulder blades before I started doing lateral raises, frontal raises and dips

pain and swelling in knees and ankles
early osteoroposis, more due to sups/roids, but the increased load fastens the degradations
worst cases joint "grind" i don't know the medical term, but with age the amount of synovia (translating freehand from french, it's basically the lube in your joints) decreases, to the point, in extreme cases, where bone rubs on bone
Swelling and water retention, out-of this world varicose when the heart slows down and can't keep up with all that flesh real estate

>inb4 15-20 yo pups, muh that's when you're like 50, which is like basically being dead already

of course yo feel like that, I felt the same at your age, still do, and you won't "feel old" when you're 50-60, it's just the world around you tells you "you're old" and you have no choice in the matter.
It's more than doable to stay very fit well into your 60's, but past 40, lean is the name of the game
Don't feel obliged to answer with some cherrypick Instagram 80 yo bbder. I'm talking regular people, not some genetic unicorn on roids.

Take it slow. Eat healthy, bulk smart. Fuck strength training if you want big arms and to look good actually pick a routine that’s meant to do that.

Barbell > DB

Needed home gym. Had to choose between one or the other. Took DB because you could do more exercises but quickly found changing weight was near impossible.



expensive? yes

will last until your grandchildren are old? yes

>implying wife to breed

How did you train your neck?