How do we save potatoman? What would you do if you were him?

How do we save potatoman? What would you do if you were him?

Is plastic surgery off the table.

He has a gf though, he’s good
> I wonder what happened to black ops cel

He doesn't have a gf. That prom pic was just a chick nice enough to walk with him for a bit. He complains about not having a gf ever on facebook every day.


Well yeah surgery and a cut might help

shotgun implants

first he should shave, get a haircut and lose weight.

do you mean shotgun shells implanted in his brain or that his arms will be turned into two shotguns
the latter sounds totally radical btw

I'd like to see what his parents look like

weight loss, shave, accutane, roids n gainz, nose job, eye lift, hair cut probably start with something a bit fashy see how it looks. Maybe some sub dermal implants in his ears to give them some semblance of a normal shape.


Epiduo x f
Go on mega healthy diet
Lift heavy
Listen to High on Fire

What happened? His parents are normal.

After taking care of himself and rhinoplasty + jaw surgery

are they cousins?

The giga-chad in all of us.

Here's my 4 step program to recovery
1) Lose weight = Face gains + no more double chin
2) Shave + Haircut = Cleaner look
3) Visit a dermatologist, get therapy = Clean skin
4) Milk internet fame by making progress pics.

typical ameritard logic .

>what would you do
an impossible amount of drugs and then i'd kill myself. dead serious. nature obviously fucked up.

>he should kill himself because he makes gays at fit feel bad

can't make this shit up

he asked what i'd do if i was him, not what he should actually do

why is reddit so thin-skinned

Holy shit he has some serious defects considering his parents look normal

His brother also looks relatively normal (he's not a 10, but compared to potatoman he is). Travis (potatoman) also seems to be slightly mentally challenged, so maybe it's some type of obscure syndrome.

His mom is ugly as shit and I’m pretty sure if his dad shaved we’d see some narly shit


Andy Bowdish

What gets to me is the fact that I was kind of insecure about my looks when I was 10-14 and I cant imagine the pain he must feel around the clock knowing how ugly he is


>Andy Bowdish
yeah and which one is that? cant you just post?

jesus christ that family ahahahahahaha

If plastic surgery is off the table then shave, haircut, acne meds, chemical peels, and exercise program.

So this... is the power of the white race...

His mom looks like she was probably fuckable 20 years ago.

How r the teeth

Very bad. There are no pictures AFAIK, but he does nothing but drink dr pepper all day and has a ton of FB posts about having teeth problems and needing to replace his teeth.


cut to 9%bf, roid like a motherfucker, do every skin care possible on his face, shave that disgusting thing on his face, get a hair cut and he still would be a 4/10

Yeah, seriously, this guy has a face with some character to it, but he's got to get on top of some things.
Lose some weight - a low carb diet would probably work well for him. I'd bet he's of Scottish or Irish descent, and carbs just fuck with those people badly, like with Native Americans and Samoans.
Cystic acne - this will be helped a lot by dietary change, but some of it is hormonal and will be helped by weight loss and some is genetic that he's going to have to get a dermatologist to take care of.
Facial hair - he needs to lose it until he's hormonally a bit more balanced or older and can rock an epic beard. He'd look great with a big Scottish beard, but this isn't a good look.
Hairstyle - He has thick, curly hair. At his age and weight, he probably needs to go with something short and clean cut. When he gets a bit older or loses the double chin, he may be able to play around with some length, but this midrange fuzz isn't a good look.
Eyebrows - until he's older and can rock the "I'm a tough bearded Scots bastard" look, these have gotta get some attention from a pro.

Now, I hate to say this, but he looks like he has hygiene problems. He may not, but it's the look. The visual sends that image.

Tell people I used to be a semi pro boxer that's why I'm mangled

So he is not only ugly as fuck, he is also retarded. There is no hope for him unless he himself sees the shit that is his life and corrects it.

First, start a tren/test cycle + dbol blast off and var before pct + accutane and daily skin care regimine

Second (also immediately), shave off all that shitty facial hair and get a more stylish haircut

Third, eat a lean diet, mostly chicken, eggs, rice, healthy shit (to help lose weight/skin improve quicker as well, after it clears up more it won't matter as much)

Fourth, buy a whole new wardrobe of stylish an well fitting clothing

Fifth, if he's not too old enough to go to college then he should do that so he can actually get a job and make real money

Sixth, get friends

Plastic surgery is definitely not on the table since this kid is most likely poor as fuck. But if it is a nose job would be first, then work on his eyes.

I'm a scot, can you explain the carb thing?

oh my lord

>the virgin potatoman
>the chad dragonslayer

This tbqh senpai
after that and a nose job he'd probably just look normie.

Or he could /bloatmaxx/ and become the gym troll


he just needs to do some light mewing - chewing gum perhaps
i did some subtle touch ups to one of his photos and the difference is surprising

I honestly feel sad for them. If that guy is not completely autistic and realizes that he looks like mother natures asshole and will never be "normal", and he still hasnt killed himself, then ive got respect for him.



so he's not just ugly, he's retarded as well. the latter is the bigger problem by far

He's not a big fan of periods.

> americans

nice guys make me vomit



It's like he was a creature created by memes.

I literally cannot read this

Lift, diet, lift, kill

Sleep, repeat

He probably has mild retardation or autism. I need to know his height and when his mother had him to confirm if he has down syndrome tho. He could still make it but he will be 4/10 unless he gets surgery, but whats the point. Hes mentally ill no point in the surgery

at that point I wouldnt even bother lifting I would focus all my energy on getting rich. money can fix literally anything and in his case it is the only real option.

4/10 is extremely generous omg.

He needs to lose weight, become smart, probably shave off all hair b/c it's pointless by now, work on skin, and get a good job

He has a clear facial deformity, and likely as a result has not 'retardation' but learning disabilities.

Shit's sad.

>Blond Hair
>Strong Facial Structure
>Blue Eyes

this is an ARYAN specimen

Then that, shave and lose weight


Dental implants can fix that but at this point all the surgery is going to take more cash that the moon mission

I would just game and become smart make tech money and pay for expensive hookers.. Do LSD and shit like that

Really MONEY is key for him to be happy. Money helps everyone, but for the deformed you can buy happiness.

If hes 4/10 then I wonder what you would consider a 1/10, I don't think it can be any worse than he is desu, really sad for him tho

You're looking at about 50k to get him anywhere close to fixed up I'd guess. OP maybe should've specified non-surgical options.

why the fuck am I crying

His hope for a loving wife and family is lost. He should dedicate his life to assassinating high profile Jews and marxists. If he got over his retardation and disgusting looks, and used his life to better the world, I would undoubtedly respect him admire him


>What would you do if you were him?
Join a monastic order and if that didn't work unironically kill myself.

That smile seems genuine though, so he's probably low IQ + low sentience.

Why is he in drag

he might be dumb enough to not see past it. ignorance is bliss in the end.


Mate this isn't a 4/10, I've taken shits that look better than this guys face

>lose weight
>wash face/skincare routine
>shave weird facial hair

I agree he isn't ever going to be hyper attractive but at least half his aesthetic problems are self inflicted

A product of breeding with your cousin

yep outward ears = inbreeding his parents are cousins

This. Just build a fortune until brain transplants are possible and you can stick your brain in the body of a 10/10 Chad.

i guarantee the parents had them when the mother was in her mid to late 30s. that shit fucks up kids before they are even born because of what the mother was already exposed to. and i'm guessing they lead a less than ideal lifestyle (process/fast food consumption, soda, smoking, maybe even birth control pills)

I'd make my own Youtube show like Oprah or something like that, but for tards

Nah, that's not Downs. Eyes aren't squinty enough, face would be rounder, and honestly even the garbled rants he posts on FB are beyond the ability of the vast majority of those with Down Syndrome.

He also graduated high school and has normal friends. He seems to be about as low IQ as you can be WITHOUT being mentally challenged. My cousin is a straight up idiot who can't read despite being 25, but he still definitely doesn't have down's syndrome and officially has no mental handicaps (although he did have to go to a Special Education, which he wasn't able to graduate).

I'd agree, on the low end of functioning for a person without an obvious disability. There's probably something going on genetically there that's limiting but probably nothing that we'd classify in layman's terms as being born retarded.

What does he mean with that bit about his sister? Did she die?

Their fb pages are true meme goldmines.

>mfw no dots and being forced to read this crap in a fast, retarded and monotonic voive.

truly master race tier shiet right there

We can rebuild them. We have the technology.

based potatoman

Travis, I...

It's anecdotal, my observations of my own and other Scot families. There may or may not be published research on it. Just like Samoans and Native Americans, we seem to really do poorly on carbs. Think of the stereotype of the fat US Southern white guy - well, that's a very high-Scottish genetic population too. Likewise, among my family, many of whom seem to always be dieting with no success, nearly every one of them responded amazingly to low-carb, as if insulin sensitivity was a bigger problem than in other populations.

I do know that Scots have some of the highest proportions of genes that Neanderthals also had which influence diabetes and fat storage. I think some populations were just designed/adapted to fare well on carbs while for others it's more of a problem.
On the flip side, we have some freaky good genes for strength.

Judging from the picture
>receding hairline
>weird-ass squinting

Get a that complements your face (not a fucking mullet that you have right now)
Fix that squint
Lose weight

He can go from a 1/10 to a 4/10 and find a 4/10 girl, have some 4/10 babies and die.

please tell me this is just a meme. I'm gonna cry