Being 6'+

>Being 6'+
>Not being 300 lbs+
Wasted. Tallness is wasted on you sticks. Where is your manly honor?

Other urls found in this thread:

>wanting to be a fat fucker that cant even run and get out of breathe while walking
Wow such honorable


You don't run from things when you're that big you pussy

6'3" 180 here. I want to be 200 by the end of 2018

Yea, everyone runs towards you due to your gravitational field, greaseball

Not healthy

You manlet faggots feel like starting a patreon to fund my grocery list?
6'3" here

dude on the left is 5'8 though

Eggs chili

>Where is your manly honor?

> In chimpanzee society, the 'dominant male' sometimes is not the largest or strongest male but rather the most manipulative and political male that can influence the goings on within a group. Male chimpanzees typically attain dominance by cultivating allies who will support that individual during future ambitions for power.

Friendly reminder that being that big isn't manly, in fact it's a betamale behaviour to waste all that time in the gym.

Var i Stockholm finns det bögar? Funderar på att ta mig en sväng dit för ett heem eller två. Har en jäkla massa energi idag och känner att jag behöver få slå mig lugn.

soyboy detected

Spoken like a true kike

>leder efter bosser


adult male > 200 kg

That's pretty cool. Always makes me wonder if there is some other intelligent life out there that dwarfs us in everyway imaginable and they make articles studying us like this.

Lmao the manlet is Vojta Koritenský, a decent bodybuilder but a tiny ass nigga


DAE just assume guys who look like this are gay?

Are you a girl?

>tfw no bearmode boyfriend

You can have body fat and good cardio at the same time. It's definitely tougher and you probably won't be an elite distance runner, but it's possible.

>6'4 334lbs...[spoiler] just ate a taco party box by myself [/spoiler]

I'm working on it bro. 4 months ago I was 165lbs at 6'4". I made some fit friends who regularly meet up to spar and do padwork. Hanging out with them for a few months inspired me to start lifting and bulking and I just hit 200lbs. Getting mires and encouragement from them every week now. Gonna keep this going until I start looking gross, then /FAST/ and start the bulk over when I lean out.

much respect for these guys I have more than just one thing going on in my life