Give me one reason why you aren't incorporating real Parmesan cheese into your diet...

Give me one reason why you aren't incorporating real Parmesan cheese into your diet. None of that poorfag grated shit in a tub, I'm talking about the real Reggiano made in the Northern parts of Italy.

2 ounces of this shit is packed with 20g of protein.
Rich in calcium and vitamin D to achieve peak bone mass.
Vitamin A helps with vision, particularly at night (throw out your night vision goggles).
High in sodium to maintain high blood pressure for maximum pumps.
Aged fat content is already broken down into short-chain amino acids which are absorbed easier and used for energy instead of being stored for use later.

i do tho

I eat a lot of parmesan cheese because it tastes amazing. Didnt know it had all this benefits. Cool shit

Real Parmesan is like 100 bucks a kilo. No way im spending that on cheese, would rather get some nice charcuterie meats.

If you're not importing entire wheels of cheese, wtf are you doing on Veeky Forums?

Nice cheese is still around 3000usd for a 80 lbs one. Thats still like 80 bucks a kilo. Still not worth it.

>Vitamin A helps with vision, particularly at night (throw out your night vision goggles).

Parmigiano Reggiano is expensive as fuck. Then again, I eat feta almost daily on my salads, and that's pretty expensive, too. If there's one reason I would ever move to Europe, it's to have better access to quality cheese at affordable prices.

>congealed cow tit juice

literally why

Go back to the vegan general, soy boy. This is a thread for real men to talk about cheese.

>real men suck on cow tits


>real men suck on plant dick

okay buddy...

You forgot the part where Parmiggiano Reggiano (as well as Grana Padano) have little to no lactose in them, so they don't bloat the shit out of you if you happen to be somewhat intolerant to it (which most people are).

this look so goddamn good.

>Rich in calcium and vitamin D to achieve peak bone mass.
you piss out that calcium + your own calcium and the vitamin d isnt properly absorved nor is it nearly as good as vitamin d from the fucking sun

>Vitamin A helps with vision, particularly at night (throw out your night vision goggles).
you get better vitamin a that is far better regulated by your body simply from eating fucking carrots which are not processed, salty and contain estrogen

>High in sodium to maintain high blood pressure for maximum pumps.
yeah, well.. you can do that kiddo, good luck

>Aged fat content is already broken down into short-chain amino acids which are absorbed easier and used for energy instead of being stored for use later.
jesus fucking christ that some anti nutrient science here, idiot.

isn't cheese super high in calories, per serving?
nty i don't wanna be fat

Yes it is, which makes it perfect for bulking without eating too high a volume of food.

>bulking without eating too high a volume of food
ah never mind, you're a bulker. stay fat, fatty, and don't forget you look like hit

because grana padano accomplishes the same thing for half the price

> tfw italian
>i can get Parmigiano for 10-18 Euros a kg

how's that sand nigger cock taste you fuck?

better than nigger cock, because i put my cheap Parmigiano on it

To add to this I don’t have any night vision goggles because I’m not a psychopath.

Also, to answer thw OP, I don’t eat any dairy because I’m allergic to it.

lol, I'm probably leaner than you
People who think the only possible way to make gains and be lean is to eat chicken breasts and vegetables all day amuse me.

google roman gnocchi. prime parmigiano reggiano intake method.