How do you recognise another Veeky Forumsizen at the gym?

How do you recognise another Veeky Forumsizen at the gym?

Other urls found in this thread:

go up and flex a 'cep, tell them you're feelin fit while munching on an onion

>feelin fit buddy?

the virgin walk

>wearing basketball shorts

someone doing SS or SL looking around to see if it gets mired, which incidentally is a fatass or at least over 18%bf in a permabulk

don't worry they'll tell you

When you see someone tipping the gym staff

>bad haircut or messy hair
>is there on his own
>lifts without spotters
>skinny or high bodyfat
>unremarkable, practical gym attire
>does SS or something similar
>may have a notebook with him
>doesn't make eye contact with others
>patiently waits for others to finish their sets
>doesn't ask how many sets they have left
>returns the weights

when you see a faggot

Wears VR glasses while lifting

Yeah I'm just a lucky guy

>3min break between sets
>no conditioning work ever
>exclusively main lifts, no variations
>afraid to be seen curling
>showers at home
>on phone or staring into empty space in breaks

I don't recognize people who use 4ch unless they use the vernacular multiple times. Even then it's hard to tell because our quirks are becoming mainstream. I always think about who I know is secretly on here.
Met a dude one time who was able to figure out I get on here without me mentioning it or using the verbiage to my knowledge. No idea how he did it. I don't have that ability.

White sips
Veni, vidi, vici tattoo

Same. I was talking with what I thought was a normal, well adjusted person outside of the gym and we got on the subject of working out. One of us may have mentioned skateboard squats. I see him all of the time now and we never make eye contact.

Its likely because you have no self-awareness. The shy, socially awkward type is very easy to spot, and its exactly those kinds of people who spend their free time on imageboards and forums.

These. I actually tried talking to a guy like this once and made a new friend
>he clocked me as a 4chinnings ebin shitposter using the same cues

Pol related tattoos

>Sleeves, belt, weightlifting shoes
>Low bar squatting 12 times a week
>Still doesn't look like he lifts but calls people on splits retards

What is a pol related tattoo?

What's wrong with basketball shorts?

That weird variation of the plus sign, pol is weird

> +

Unnecessarily loose and long. Being afraid to show your mid-thigh is a sign of social awkwardness.

SS blood group tattoo, but even that is tacky. Stop this superficial, shallow shit you insecure losers. Odin, runes, esotericism, WWII related work just screams "look at me and my political conviction"
Tattoos are shit for most people, and that likely include you as well

>Tfw ywn be in the Starting strength blood group


why are you so mad goldberg?

It was different back then user

I don't want to have anything to do with any of you irl

>that guy who rests 5 minutes between sets
>that guy who does OHP by pushing his ass forward
>that guy wit no back who thinks row and curls are for pussies
>that guy who puts +30lb of fat and is proud his squat went up 15lb
>that guy who thinks cardio is a waste of time
>that guy who refuses to make eye contact with people
>that guy who hogs the squat rack 40 minutes on Wednesday because its OHP+squat day

m8, my uncle redpilled me on the jews when I was 8. I just find tattoos in general tacky, all the more for /pol/acks since you try to standout. To me it all amounts to a silly fashion statement, no matter how much you convince yourself its "just for you"
If you need to have one, go with the blood group one and be done with it. But paganism, fascist symbols, wolves or other bullshit is just as much attention whoring as coloring your hair blue. With the major difference that you can change your hair color again

>I see him all of the time now and we never make eye contact.
what? why

interesting, of those only
>is there on his own
>lifts without spotters
>unremarkable, practical gym attire
>does SS or something similar
>returns the weights (which is a +)
apply to me, guess I'm fine

person in question is most likely gay

what if i never show my tattoo to anyone?

The bloat

>returns the weights
Lol, what a cuck

why have it in the first place then? Just like mentioned here
, your average Veeky Forumsizen is very concerned about not standing out, being perceived as good guy, practical, ideologically superior when it comes to lifting. He avoids curls because he is lifting for curls rather than a beach body, he cleans up his weights because is conscientious and not an egoistic, self-centered narcissist (although he is), he wears practical stuff rather than expensive bullshit because he isnt materialistic like anyone else. Being in the center of attention is what he dreams of, but his crippling social anxiety prohibits him of taking action towards this. Practically, its easier to be seen as the good-hearted, well-intentioned side character. All his effort of working out harder than anyone else and cleaning up the gym is just his way of getting a little attention. But no one will remember you for cleaning up the squat rack

>the guy mirirn all the guys in the showers
>the guy screaming at every dude who is

*he is lifting for strength

>the guy fapping in between sets
it was EDGING BRO...

until it wasn't

i fapped between sets, but at least im home gym master race

working out naked is the best

I'm and I'm actually amazed how spot on this is for (I guess) most of us.

At least I can control that center of attention bit somewhat as I normally don't appreciate being it but as a science and maths teacher I get it indirectly due to being proficient at my job.
But desu I don't know whether I got crippling social anxiety or just dislike most adult people...

>returns the weights
you mean rerack the weights ? Only retards don't do that.

I tired this one the sweat/lack of blood going there makes my dick shrivel up. That's a bit psychologically disempowering.


I saw one of you faggots bite into a raw onion at the gym

>bad haircut or messy hair
>is there on his own
>lifts without spotters

Spotters are for weaklings. You got me though.

On Veeky Forums between sets on their phone


Me right now

If they do squats and bench on the same day I get suspicious. Basically if they're running SS the chances that they go here are pretty high. I haven't found someone yet but I did find a guy that probably goes on /r/fitness. He talks like he knows what he's doing but looks dyel as fuck and is a manlet

some dudes I talk to know Zyzz (PBUH) so yeah



>he doesn't know

>returns the weights

My gym thinks a plate fairy lives there

It's me.

I'm the plate fairy.

anyone else think this is actually a good idea?

imagine you need a blood transfusion, you have O+ tattoo'd on you, would make the doctors lives a lot easier

How did that happen?
>" you browse the 'Fitness and Health' board — otherwise known as 'Veeky Forums' — on the...uh—"
>clears his throat
>"'Secret Club'? hehe"

See if they ear any eggs between sets

I listen for the speed screeches

You’re not alone
But l do think it would need to be more common before being reliable

Cardio kills gains, bro.

You forgot:

>tips the receptionist

wear different color shirts everyday

like on monday you wear red

Fucking kek

I can tell the moment a Veeky Forumsizen pucks his dick in my mouth.

I'm at lifetime fitness in fridley Mn almost daily.
I'm pretty sure you betas have recognized me but are too scared to say anything

i don't care about strangers at the gym

I'm that's optimal height guy who mogs you with my presence.
But I like the Arab bros who go to my gym, they're all juicing and jacked

>>bad haircut or messy hair
i have a neat undercut
>>is there on his own
i fell for a gymbuddy jew once. workouts took twice as long + wasted time on talking. never again
>>lifts without spotters
I dont bench so no need
>>skinny or high bodyfat
you got me here. 19%
>>unremarkable, practical gym attire
again. white t-shirt, grey sweatpants and chucks
>>does SS or something similar
again, texas
>>may have a notebook with him
>>doesn't make eye contact with others
I force eye contact only with ppl who lift less than me
>>patiently waits for others to finish their sets
>>doesn't ask how many sets they have left
>>returns the weights
I always leave 1pl8 on bar on deadlift platform

where the fuck is it? I cant tell

Bench 450+ without a spotter and see what happens. The absolute worse thing ever is when you’re benchin high and heavy and your shoulder or elbow gives out.
You’ll die.

I posted a picture of a piece of paper on our bulletin board which read “do not take pictures of women without their consent” and someone here recognized the gym by that photo alone.

Please be in Luffbra

I saw some fatty doing floor presses which I assume was from beta destinys routine. I instantly knew he was a fit poster. Probably defends Alex here too.


All the gyms around me are cookie cutter garbage

I just look for the fattest guy in the gym quoting Zyzz at people.

90% of people at the gym

Okay I'm not going insane, Veeky Forums really was Fitness and Health. When the hell did they change it?

this is my gym based lboro

loogabarooga reporting in

Son of a bitch. Sounds like me, except I ask how many sets somebody has left.

probs short, young, mixed race, loves squatting and diddlies

pic related. had a meet up with a Veeky Forumsizen

im the blue shirt guy. he was a chill guy

the smell of onions

Literally described me.

and the sounds of gregorian chanting

you look like a twink

>>bad haircut or messy hair
Buzzcut I gave myself because mom couldn't into undercut. Check.
>>is there on his own
Is this abnormal? Check.
>>lifts without spotters
... And secretly wishes he wasn't too shy to ask for a spot? Ch... No. When I feel I need a spot, I ask for one. That rarely happens though, I guess I'll check.
>>skinny or high bodyfat
>>unremarkable, practical gym attire
>>does SS or something similar
Modified SL to the point you wouldn't recognize it, but every workout starts with squats, ohp/bench and rows/diddly.
>>may have a notebook with him
>>doesn't make eye contact with others
>>patiently waits for others to finish their sets
>>doesn't ask how many sets they have left
I do this, but nicely and only when the guy is resting.
>>returns the weights


>listening to hymns outside of your parish or meditation times
I listen to carbomb when I lift



cute. show hole please

OP here, lufbra reporting in

what's wrong with taking long rests between sets?

>not raw onions

fuark there's a fair few people on Veeky Forums i've heard are from loughborough/go to powerbase


what course u lads on civ eng here

I once saw someone seeing rich piana videos, i almost cried