ITT: God tier, relatively "healthy" drinks

ITT: God tier, relatively "healthy" drinks

I'm vegan, this is how I get my B12

In the Uk Polish shops have stuff called tymbark or something. Its like powerade but with real fruit instead of sugar. Has like 220 calories a bottle and has vitamins and shit.

Bumping for interest.

You dumb fuck, monster is gonna kill your heart

k mom


S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7




>caffeine and B vitamins are most of the reason I take my pre-workout
>sips taste better and have the same shit

Should I just switch to sips?

always a good time for a sip

That's what I did. I think that's basically what a lot of anons did when this meme happened last year.

lmao literally nothing healthy about it.
If you drinking anything besides water, whole milk, and protein, you're a weakling


Is it really any worse than coffee though

Nice b8, monster ultra is carbonated water, caffiene, vitamins and flavouring

*sips fedora*

>no coconut milk
>no water
>no wheat grass
>no egg whites and cinnamon
>just S I P B O Y S memeing

i want Veeky Forums to exit the dark ages already

Coconut water master race

That shit is not healthy for you at all bro, but I'm not gonna judge because I love those Fruit Punch Rockstars.

>this shit is not good bro
>but I like the ones with 100g of sugar that literally taste like pixie sticks
fuck off faggot enjoy your diabetes and gyno

There’s another version of this where everyone’s sipping white but Judas, who’s sipping Red Bull.


probably the healthiest energy drink, but currently not available outside of german iirc

>Black Sips


White sip is best sip


I've never had this or this before. Are they actually good?

Most of the sugar free ones are pretty good, I personally like the white, orange and red ones.

is the key here to avoid sugar? what about low-sugar drinks like Yerba Mate? is no sugar at all better even though it's artificial sweeteners?



>sugar free
what kind of a faggot are you

>tfw sipping right now

They changed the reciepe for Monster Ripper in Germany. It tastes shitty now.

My life's over. At least Rockstar X Durance stays the same.


what are the pros/cons?

Yes. Tymbark is god's sip.

Sugar gives you power and is the main source of sweetness, but makes you fat and is quite harmful for your body (especially teeth, liver and brain since too much of it makes you dumber). It's also very addictive and can cause many diseases like cancer.

Some studies claim that sweeteners do cause cancer and other shit. They dont give you power but aren't addictive and good for a diet. They taste still like shit compared to sugar. You can taste the difference between coke and coke light very easily. Same goes for stevia.


alot of people feel like artifical sweetners make them hungry

You're lucky, I haven't seen any rockstar drink here in sweden for the past 3-4 years

>red sips
>black coffee
>michelob ultra
Can't go wrong with any of them

Low sugar desu, won't kill you in moderation

source of all life on earth

the universal solvent

after the initial investment of a filtration system, effectively free for life

is necessary for even the most routine bodily functions

...water is the chad of beverages.

>when your sips gets dispensed to the bottom of the machine
Blessed vendor gave me a new sips

Taurine comes from bulls bruv.

Sipps are more expensive per serving.

>2g of carbs
>0 calories

why are american nutrition labels so cucked


nah the sugar free monsters honestly just taste better

why the fuck would you even need added B5 to your diet
fucking monster

>Yerba Mate drinks
Don't drink that shit, it's fucking awful.

>drinking protein

Seriously, no mention of the single best drink out there???
Oh and it's not "relatively" healthy it's just straight up healthy alright.
And people on here wonder why they aren't getting big when they aren't GOMADing...

is the white monster that good? i never had it. am i missing out?

I like them, and I usually drink the Diet Fruit Punch Rockstars. So if your tastebuds are anything like mine you'll like them.

i'm not from the us. the weirdest monster was some java, i think. i always liked the original and assault one. but haven't drank them for years now. only diet stuff nowadays

i'll get some the next time i'm shopping.

Add another can to his other hand please


someone add a monster zero black to other hand


>3 sips a day
>2 dollars per sip
>180 dollars/month


Enjoy the cardiac arrest at 30 retard.

My doctor told me that too. I told him to suck my dick to see if my cum tastes like sip. I suggest you do the same, faggot.

This sipboy meme is gay, but

>not buying a 24 pack of orange ultra monster online for $30 shipped

It's been widely accepted that the sugar free ones are the patrician choice for some time now.

i just bought a zero ultra sip to take pre-workout
how early beforehand should i take it? like 30 minutes?

You're trying to be edgy and dismissive but you'll really fucking die drinking that much, I still sip myself regularly, not nearly on your dumbass level.
>not stealing 10 packs from the grocery store weekly

i just want something that tastes like red bull but is cheaper brehs

it looks like its a lot worse, feels like it too

Jew or African?

American corporations inflate their prices for it regardless.

Guess I should've included "communist" as one of the options

The sugar free ones aren't full of empty calories and are lower in sodium.

Yeah this isn't pol 2.0 faggot
Not everyone here is adjacent to your safe space

Erythritol nigger, cant be digested but counts as a carb

Go back to your safe space of you don't like it polnigger

Get a job, son

No really Boi, it's true.used to drink 2 per day for 3 months,it cucks your hearts. Drink only water milk and natural fruit juice

What's the macros on this water milk?

How did you come to the determination that it gave you heart problems? Did you speak with a cardiologist?

My 85 year old granny drinks has drank a pot of coffee every day for the last 5 decades, and she's doing just fine.

You're either a pussy or a paranoia case.

Sips rot your teeth

>gives you power

bad translation of energy, I think.

The poo in loo means energy

huh, I never realized the list of ingredients on a can of monster read: Water, coffee.

Oh it doesn't? Oh you're fucking retarded?

You tool, I meant water and milk. But really tho, cut the energy drinks. Don't wanna get a heart attack at 25. Water, milk and fruit juice is all you need to drink. One in a while ice tea or coffee but that's it.

hardcore apple 240mg caffeine mmmm

>unironicly defending communism
sort yourself out fellas

step aside siplets

whole chocolate milk for maximum caloric density


Had monster mango pic related. It was fucking delicious

Forgot image

underrated also nice satanic trips

>tfw have 4 papers due thus week
>have gone through 3 4 packs of Sips since Monday night

I feel sick

holy fuck this image is gold

>not part of the zero series
