This was considered a tough, buff, war-hardened vet just 30 years ago

This was considered a tough, buff, war-hardened vet just 30 years ago.

Considering they were in the middle of a god forsaken jungle with men trying to kill them with little food, that’s impressive

bodybuilder physique is shit for LRP, I would know because i watch a lot of ration videos.

It was all about endurance.

He'd probably beat the shit out of a bodybuilding gas planet.

Dolph would have laid him out and

>implying toughness has ANYTHING to do with being swole
Go to a MMA gym, a BJJ dojo, a boxing club, look at people who work in oil fields or 100 hour weeks in top 5 law firms, the toughest mother fuckers on the planet are almost ubiquitously skinny DYELs

When you're on tour you lose a ton of muscle.

all of my sergeants are big fucking dudes

The point of him being shirtless isn't "look at his muscles!" Care to try again?

And then


It's not about his physique OP it's about his mentality.

This was the epitome of manliness 50 years ago.
Your average gym goer fucking cucks him

He's a helicopter pilot and an old man

because you were probably a fucking boot still in training , those nco's all just lift and jack off on base

He's 6´2, and he's sean connery, the biggest chad in your gym would get cucked by james bond no chance.

My god I don't want to sound like a faggot but I will.

Untrained human body,specially male, is literally disgusting,just look at how unpleasant it is to watch.Fat,hair and bones,makes me puke.


It's just handstands bud kids can do em

No one considered him buff. Tough and war hardened? Sure

They are worked to the bone

>that banana handstand

Delet this NOW

>The average gymgoer is bearmode or better

For you

the toughest kids at my school were all 6’4-6’6, built like Apollo and could rip your head off with one hand idk what you’re talking about. size and muscularity matter in combat always

That fucking toupee, though

the toughest kids at my school were all 5’5-5’7, bunch of self loathing manlets


mentally tough ya dingus

That's because your NCOs are POGs and not in a combat environment, user.

> I don't want to sound like a faggot but I don't like the way normal males look
woah really


>Vietnam War
>30 years ago

user it isn't 1995 anymore. It's 2017.


>apocalypse now
>meme arrows
Not him but

>100 hour weeks in top 5 law firms