Tfw 6.1 inch penis

>tfw 6.1 inch penis

Is there any point of lifting when you won't be able to keep any girl once they see how pathetic your package is?

reminder that Veeky Forumsizens measure from the asshole

when will men stop worrying more about length and more about width?

6" is great any woman who says otherwise is a used up whore. Trust.

That's a little over average. I (girl) would personally be terrified of anything bigger.

What if I have normal length but shit girth? Am I fucked?

9/10 bait op, I predict a great future for this thread

avg size here

had sex raw with 5 girls. only 1 vag was tight enough for me to cum.

it helped she would moan and beg me too but it did feel better than the rest. too bad she was insane


When will you dicklets realize that anything than 7" will never satisfy a women enough to let you impregnate her.

If you aren't doing kegels and jelqing you may as well give up now.

>5.5 girth
>Feels bretty gud

Lol in reality you're like a standard deviation above average, bigger than 5/6. Nigga stop watching porn

4.5 girth here man, kinda sucks. Just gotta make up for it with how hot and rich you are. I only date girls with tight puss, I have to go through a few girls to find a good puss

LMAO girthlet

Don’t know bout the rest of these plebs but I’ve got 6.5” with maybe 4.5” girth and I’ve made girls squirt. Current gf gets pretty messy. I aso eat the puss and ass, and fingerbang out gushers.
Instead of worrying about what you got, try enjoying what you do have and learn to expand ur horizons.
Part of what turns people on is their partners confidence.
Nobodys gonna wanna be with a Veeky Forumsizen that has no confidence in their self.

*Instead of worrying about what you don’t have.

Can you fuck girls with your confidence?

Sup dicklet

17x14 cm fully erect. 16cm FSL. How am I?


>7" morning wood
>6" when not fully comfortable like one night stands

>that feel when same
Dick brothers?

Been doin it since I got more cofidence.
Can you fuck girls without it?

you poons realize that there is much more to sexually pleasing a woman than the size of your dong

this guy fucks

>7" x 5.2"
>have to buy magnums because normie condoms are too tight and I can't feel shit
>every girl cums at least 7 times and can't walk afterwards
haven't gotten laid since september lmao

7.5 x 5
5’9 155 lbs 100 iq

Cuck fetish is my reality. Not even fucking kidding.

Sup dicklet

I love being the quirky funny guy that no one wants to be friends with. Women love me

I know how make a woman laugh. Despite being a “cuck” by most of Veeky Forumss definitions

>He doesn't know magnums are normie condoms
When will girthlets learn?

>5 inch penis with 4 large cysts on my balls

I don't bother hooking up with anyone. The cysts just make it too hard

>5.2" girth
>regular condoms too tight

Why doesn't anyone realize size hardly matters to Aesthetics. 5 incher here and girls love it...a big dick is trash if it's ugly and gross. Girls probably like a nice tasty looking head to caress in there lips. Also with my 5 inch I had anal and brought the girl to tears with only half of it in

Fucking insecure dick fucks GET OVER IT or you'll be a virgin for longer than u should like i did