Almost 2018

>almost 2018
>still deadlifting

Why do you deadlift? Is it for aesthetics? Well guess what, deadlifts don't do shit for aesthetics. Is it for strength? Well I hope a pulled hamstring, herniated disks, blown out knee and waking up with a new strain in your back every morning is worth it for "strength".

Other urls found in this thread:

t. butlet


>bulging traps aren't aesthetic

>pulled hamstring, herniated disks, blown knees, back strains

who taught you how to deadlift?

Well I for one do Romanian deadlifts for my hamstrings and grip strenght

>not doing jefferson deadlifts
>not doing reeves deadlifts
>not doing zercher deadlifts

when did this anti deadlift meme start?

>deadlifts don't build bigger backs

idk when, but it was started by skinny autistic fags who can't even deadlift 2pl8 because they lift for "aesthetics" because they are under the delusion that lifting will make girls like them

i only deadlift to feed my ego desu

unless you powerlift or something it's fucking stupid, high risk low aesthetic payoff, variations of DL like RDL are better for pure aesthetics

blown knees and pulled hamstrings are unlikely unless you really fuck up, but if you deadlift for long enough you will probably have some issues at one point or another

only after 6 years of deadlifting did i start getting occasional SI joint pain and other garbage but that's just inevitable when you've been a 500+ puller for years

You'll have issues no matter what as you age, someone who builds a strong back and body with deadlifting will deteriorate much slower than someone who doesn't.

>Well I hope a pulled hamstring, herniated disks, blown out knee and waking up with a new strain in your back every morning is worth it for "strength".
get a standing desk, stop sitting for 1.5 more or hours straight and get proper form and that won't be an issue

Deadlift is THE most useful skill you might have IRL. Think about it, when will you EVER use your muscles IRL? When moving furniture. And when you're doing that, you'll be deadlifting. You'll need that grip strength to grab that shit tight and if you did it with proper form in the gym, you'll never fuck up your spine.

I've seen mostly women fuck up their spines by trying to lift 15-20 kg objects. Nothing much, but they did it with such a horrible form that it fucked them up.

That's why you do deadlifts, so that doesn't happen to you.

deadlifts have fuck all carryover to moving furniture
1. furniture is fucking light
2. furniture is volumetrically large and awkward, so you will need assistance anyway if the CG of the object is too far away from you
3. furniture is not a perfectly balanced cylindrical barbell with spinning collars to prevent torque at your wrists

there will be no difference in your furniture-moving performance if you don't deadlift as long as your program isn't totally stupid and you do some type of upper body pulling and do squats or something, stop looking for muh functional strength because strength is highly joint angle and bracing pattern specific anyway (which is incidentally why rippetoe harps on about how effective training for athletes does not have to resemble what they do in their sport)

>deadlifts for building traps

yes because

>much better posture
>nice ass
>ripped legs

are not aesthetic. sure thing bro.

>giving a fuck about faggy "aesthetics"

Deadlifting is fun. Squatting is fun. Benching is fun.


>squatting is fun
u wut m8

>deadlifts have fuck all carryover to moving furniture

Mfw i almost took the bait

squat > ohp > deadlift > bench > row.

rated in terms of how 'fun' they are for me.

I've played soccer my entire life, my thighs are tree trunks. There's nothing I love more when some gym thot is squatting 30 lbs in the rack behind me and I catch her mirin my butt when I get low


did you actually take a screenshot of an image including some text and save it instead of just saving the image itself

king brainlet, all hail

>Squatting is fun

>not push pressing instead

honestly beyond giving you the bodily awareness and core control to not injure yourself when lifting, compound lifts really dont contribute that much to furniture moving ability. I mean Klokov is strong as fuck right? theres a video of him moving a desk into his daughters room or something and its just as awkward and clunky for him as anyone else. specificity matters


>furniture is fucking light
not everyone has paper furniture from ikea user

>tfw too insecure to bang with the weights when going down

if i was alone in the gym i could lift double the weight

Is really love to see what type of person actually initiates these types of threads. Is just reeks of insecurity and soy.

Post your shit you bearded faggot.

Bring in a couple pillows to drop the weight on

The Press is fun you fucking soyboy cuck
The only TRUE display of strength among the Big 4

when you get to 1 plate overhead press, thats when things start to change young padawan

I can't be the only one that feels great after deadlifting, right? Maybe you shouldn't have such garbage form, user.

>>much better posture
this is so fucking underrated among gymbros. so many muscle imbalances around especially when it comes to the back.
I see so many huge guys at the gym hunched forward with shoulders in front of them. that's fucking disgusting.
do deadlifts and rows for fuck sake, no one gives a shit about your bench press max if you look like fucking monkey.

that's fixed by rows and external rotation work, not deadlifts

t. guy who deadlifted but didn't do enough rows and got that look

what about (weighted) chin-ups? not to replace deads and rows but to complement.

I like my paper furniture.

Ikeas great, I look in the catalog/site then search gumtree and pick it up for 10% of it's original price. I knock of another £5 because of a scratch then dint in 4 times worse fitting it in the back of the car.

I think I once bought a landlords furnished apartment from tenants with a grudge for £30. Didn't realise until he offered me the kitchen appliances then just 'threw them in' because he wasn't coming back for them and it was the 30th of the month. He had a key though.

He needs those to bite on.

I've never snapped my shit up deadlifting.

Bench pressing on the other hand has a lot to answer for....

Mover with 4pl8 diddly here. It helps.

Funny, but I think deadlifting helped me a lot "picking up" girls. Literally.
We went to skating and she was a total noob. Falling a few times and instead of helping her up, I literally just grabbed her sides and lifted her up to standing position. She was like 55kg, but standing on it's quite awkward. It was a great feeling to be able to do that and she was also impressed. ;)
So yeah. I love deadlifting. Great feeling to do, increases core, grip and overall strength. It teaches you to brace and really force and strain yourself, push your boundaries. Of course stay safe in the meantime.

why do you live if there no chance you won't suffer? Just kill yourself.

Yep, deadlifting is waste of time unless you're a powerlarder. Better off doing romanian deadlifts.

If I don't deadlift once a week my lower back begins hitting bad enough to prevent me from sleeping, picking up anything, or fucking.
It has made me stronger, and the lifts I do for aesthetics are not negatively affected by deadlifting.
I know this shot posting is bait but I'm bored so I felt the need to reply

>t. 150lbs 1RM

Why would you make this thread, OP? What is it that drives you to make low-effort troll threads? Do the replies really mean that much to you?

building muscle

>Well I hope a pulled hamstring, herniated disks, blown out knee and waking up with a new strain in your back every morning is worth it for "strength".
LOL the only reasons anyone might have those problems from deadlifts or any other gym exercise are as follows:
> Using poor form
> Trying to increase the weight too quickly
> Not properly warming up/not doing a warmup set before doing a heavy lift

Specific to deadlifts and squats:
> Not doing specific supplemental exercises to strengthen core and supportive muscles

I'm real sorry you got injured deadlifting, OP, but I'm also sorry to say it's most likely your own fault. No reason to spread FUD though, so please stop doing that

>If I don't deadlift once a week my lower back begins hitting bad enough to prevent me from sleeping, picking up anything, or fucking.
Sounds like you need massage therapy for muscle adhesions.

Barbell or dumbbell shrugs are great for that.


Try moving a piano with a broken leg.

Deadlifting helps.

They're actually terrible for building traps.
It's an ancient bodybuilding lie that people who just jumped on the juice claimed was responsible for their explosive gear traps growth.
After that, it became a placebo that is only claimed to work by new and long time gear abusers.

That's a myth. Roids build traps. And to some extent, deadlifts and clean type movements (power clean, clean, that oly power shrug they do, don't remember the name, it's basically a clean that's too heavy to rack)

>basically a clean that's too heavy to rack
clean pull?

I squat, I just don't particularly enjoy it

Yeah this.
I might integrate them eventually into my routine some day. I dont do power cleans now, when I used to I was decent but it fucks up my right wrist a lot.

And yeah I know, wraps. I keep forgeting them and losing them at the gym because I'm an airhead idiot so I gave up on wrist wraps in public gyms.

I'm just not sure what racking brings to the table strength and power wise.

What about sumo deadlifts? Are they good for Aesthetics?

Wait, what? Floating rack on power cleans, or did I misunderstand?

This is the trapezius muscle.
This entire fan of muscle is the traps, not just the top that shows up after androgen use.

You use that when you pull things towards you, stabalize while pushing up over your head and pulling things up and down in a vertical movement.

Shrugs will work for enhanced people and after you've done something that ACTUALLY tires out your trapezius muscles.

I mean, claiming shrugs work is the equivalent of claiming that moving your shoulders towards each other while tensing your chest works your pecs.

>shrugs only work if you're on steroids

the absolute fucking state of Veeky Forums, unbelievable

anyone who would take lifting advice from here outside of /plg/ is a fucking fool

>being a fat powerlifter

I meant that racking power cleans above 90kgs hurt my right wrist no matter what I did, pretty much eternal tendinitis from basketball and especially table soccer. Since then I wonder what power and muscle building advantage racked power cleans have over just doing heavy clean pulls. You still get the explosive part, you just don't get under the bar.

Shrugs are absolute shit for building your traps.
No one every did shrugs seriously before geared up bodybuilders started pushing them as the secret to their explosive unnatural trap growth
And let's face it, when you're on gear any stupid bullshit can build muscle and strength.

Hence all of the half crippled half retarded and dying bodybuilders and powerlifters out there who don't really know how to exercise or even know what exercise is for.

I only know 3 guys that lift irl and all of them have damaged their spines deadlifting. One of them is a PT.
You can't seriously be telling me that all 3 of them were just practicing bad form?

I refuse to do them and will fight anyone that tries to tell me otherwise.

Nothing really, but racking cleans allows you to gauge progress, and whether the lift was successful.

Not that guy but have you ever done shrugs? They build the fuck out of your upper traps and if you snatch grip you can hit lower traps too. Believe me if you do heavy rack pulls above the knee and shrugs you will have huge traps. Mine were not big until I did them and they started to dwarf my lats until I evened it out some more. I don't know why you think shrugs won't work.

Good point.

Take it from an oldfag, ego lifting how many pl8s you can pick up off the floor won't be worth it when your back is fucked up by 30.

i'm not even an oldfag (22) but i feel the effects of 5 years of deadlifting

the idea that all injuries are acute snap-city visits stemming from bad form is perpetuated by beginners, the real thing you need to look out for is overuse injuries caused by years of hammering the same tissues in the same ways

They don't work.
They're absolute shit and are stupid bullshit voodoo that simply don't work on a fundamental level for naturals.
You might as well say broomstick twists are the greatest and only way to work your fucking obliques.

They might HELP tire out already well worked traps, but as a workout in and of itself?
Only works if you're on gear.
Even then, there's a DAMNED good chance that your traps got bigger from the gear alone more then the shurgs.


Please answer my question. Have you done them? Because I do them and my traps are huge. I know they work because I phased them into my routine with rack pulls above the knee and they blew up. Seriously answer my question because I cant have you robbing the newbies of sick traps gains

of course he hasn't done them he's some fucking dyel geek theorycrafting like 99% of this shitty board

Almost raped my rotator cuffs doing bench. I'm just going to stick with doing a ridiculous amount of pushups

The rack pulls are probably what's making your trapd grow.

I did shrugs back it the day, they didn't do jack shit. Only power cleans did make my traps grow a little and made them pump.

A little

You won't get joocy traps no matter what you do. You can get good looking traps if you have the right genetics and they insert high. They just wont get joocy, and no, taking that one stupid pose doesn't count. Everyone has big traps doing this.

Clean/deadlift type movements (including rack pulls) are better than shrugs due to how the muscle works.

don't you niggers ever stretch? Or warm your shoulders up before bench?

Because it's fun, why do people hate fun

yeah I swear this is a meme. Bench feels fucking noice on my shoulders. OHP on the other hand...

Are you doing OHP right ? I used to hurt my shoulder pressing when I was memeing at the gym. Since learning SS type press, I don't even understand how it can hurt the shoulders anymore.

>herniated disks, blown out knee and waking up with a new strain in your back every morning
is your bones paper mache?

Roid traps look disgusting anyway. There is an upper limit to how big they should get. Snatch grip shrugs work for me what can I say. Also if the muscle is contracted during the movement then it is being worked. If they are the most efficient I don't know but they will hit your traps.

>do bent over rows, stiff-legged dead lift, lat pulls and machine rows
>end workout be loading a few hundred pounds on a smith press and behind-the-back shrug
Worked my upper traps great. I had to wear a collared shirt and tie for my job and people noticed the collar sitting higher after a few months.

Fuck you anti-shruggers.

probs not
I honestly don't really see it's value tho in all honesty. I replaced it with incline bench. Call me a bench bro but whatever

By the way, since scince is shit and anecdotes/experience is all we have...

Is it me or do deadlifters that pull sumo fuck up their back at a higher rate than conventional ?
I'm asking because layne norton and silent mike lately did anf they pull sumo. It could be that pulling conventional (properly) strengthens the back and prevents injuries OR back injury prone guys pull sumo because they have weak backs to begin with. Also layne uses an ungodly amount of forward lean during squats, maybe related

I always start my sesh with active warmup and dynamic stretches. I love presses, and OHP being my hands down favourite lift after the squat. But there is just something about the bench press that really hurts my shoulders and i've tried various grips and consciously checked my form, but I can't seem to shake the issue.

Why not just snatch instead?

Tried paused bench ? Worked for me and you'll quickly bench the same amount or more paused anyway.

I think the injuries related to DL are super overblown. Both the people you mentioned ( at least norton for sure) fucked their shit up from squatting. Add candito as another victim to le ebin squats.

I haven't given it a go. I assume you just pause with the bar at your chest. Cheers, I might actually be able to bench and not fuck my shit up.

>I honestly don't really see it's value tho in all honesty. I replaced it with incline bench. Call me a bench bro but whatever
you replaced deadlift with incline bench???

that's a major chad move

I think it's the latter, guys with backs prone to injury tend to choose the style that puts less stress on the back

but really, guys who pull the type of weight those guys pull usually have back injuries at one point or another, i don't know a single puller in the 500s or above who hasn't at some point run into some issues

More technical movement and lighter weights, the dificulty is the catch stabilisation I think. But I also tought about power snatches, I might do that. In fact the few times I tried them I loved them.

hahahahaa lmao
was meant for kek my bad

Yes, just powerlifting style pause bench. It's a little technical at first to mantain tension at the bottom but I felt no issues anymore in my shoulders after I switched.

Also the shrug guy, do whathever works for you my man. I love dumbell cheat rows and I do them even if they're probably not optimal. Something about heavy cheat dumbell rows is just too fun to pass.

what is a good deadlift for a 65kg man whose been lifting for a few weeks

A good weight for you would be going to the gym regularly and adding weight progressively. Also eating a lot.

honestly lad ignore any of the other replies you get (apart from this obvs.) because this is the best advice you'll get