Bulk for 1 day

>bulk for 1 day
>lose all definition
>cut for 5 weeks meticulously
>no change
i want a fucking refund

>he fell for the bulk and cut meme

>Bulking and cutting
>Not just eating at maintenance on non-lifting days and eating slightly above maintenance on lifting days

>bulked for a month so far
>gained 3 kg

try intermittent fasting with lean bulk. Do walking cardio in the morning on an empty stomach to burn fat while fasting

>not just IF clean bulking at low surplus

>not training everyday

i train 6x a week because am no a lazy fat american

you have no idea what you're talking about

>not training twice a day

>gains only occur on the day you lifted

wow, didn't know that high volume low intensity was unique to non-fat non-americans

What the hell
I thought it was a buff woman in the webm
This is why men shouldn't shave their body hair, jesus fucking christ

>what is a life

These are the type of people that ruined fit

>low intensity
you wish

that's where you fucked up fatass, anyone on this site telling you to bulk, that bulking is healthy or necessary, or saying they're on a bulk is a fucking fat piece of shit that looks like trash, guaranteed

Am I gay if I got a chub?

Are you weighing your food when you cut? if you're doing everything right (20% cal deficit, high protein low carbs) then the only obvious solution would be to cut calories(mostly carbs) even more and do cardio in addition to your weight regime


>not just bloatmaxxing

never gonna make it

i definetly wasn't seeing any REAL gains until i started bulking, even if it's a surplus of 300 cal, you need to do it. the 5k-6k cal is a meme though

bulking is total garbage, people who do this are addicted to dopamine and sugar. They’re basically abandoning any duty to their guts or internal organs and they don’t give a fuck about lifting beyond strength and size which is repulsive and a sign of a mental disorder. Lift for women and nothing else

did you say no homo?
you have to say it out loud even if you are alone

i bulk for 3 months gain 15 pounds feel fat..

cut for one moth gain muscle and get lean

sucks to have shit genetics for you i guess lmao

You're doing it wrong, you moron.

Then how do I do it?