What the Health

Thoughts on this documentary? Basically explains why meat and dairy is extremely unhealthy and you should go vegan. After watching it and reading some of the studies cited in the movie im seriously considering being vegan. Im already not eating meat but i drink milk, eat eggs and eat fish. Turns out this is just as bad.

Other urls found in this thread:



>Vegetarians don't live longer
>Loss of virility associated with soy and veganism
>Why being vegan is a bad idea

>switch to vegan
>start feeling great, no more stomach problems, lots of hot vegan bitches looking for vegan bfs
lol dunno worked for me

Please cite scientific studies you are making yourself look stupid

From the text:

The following foods are vegan:

peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
soda pop and energy drinks
sugary breakfast cereal

hahahaha what a fucking joke

Literally none of these are vegan wtf...


sorry pal but its a persuasive commercial for veganism

>shit propaganda
>believing any of it

Please tell me you're not really this dumb. Use some actually scientific and peer reviewed studies.

Do whatever the fuck you want nobody gives a shit what you eat, you want to go vegan good for you. Just don't do it for the wrong reasons like thinking its a healthier lifestyle or that's you're automatically better than people.

Also contrary to what that documentary says, sugar is like poison to your body. Can't believe they downplayed it as being completely good for you just to say that meat is the real culprit

obvious shilling
vegan shit has nothing to do with healthy, one singer i know tried it and she got really sick coz of vegan stuff being so bad for body

Can you help me by telling what part of it is lies? Genuinely interested as most of the stuff was new to me

The sugar stuff sounded a little weird to me too

U havin a giggle m8? The only one that’s routinely not vegan is pasta, but dry pasta is almost always eggless.
“Candy” I guess too but listing that is a fucking cop out.

Vegan starter kit - veganuary.com/starter-kit/

Vegan youtubers - activistjourneys.wordpress.com/most-popular/

- Vegan diet healthy for all stages of life


- Vegan B12 in traditional fermented foods & seaweed e.g. tempeh, kimchi etc.

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC242746/ - Tempeh

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3062981/ - Traditional Korean fermented foods provide adequate B12

- Loads vegan products fortified with B12 (produced without the use of animals)

godairyfree.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/So-Delicious-Dairy-Free-Cashew-Milk-Nutrition-Facts.jpg - Cashew Milk

static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/319/817/200/0120/nutrition_fr.8.full.jpg - Corn Flakes

- USDA 40% of US population flirting with B12 deficiency due to modern farming


- Processed meattrash lowers sperm count


- Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man


- Casomorphine in milk is addictive


- Milk gives you prostate cancer


- Milk gives you acne


- Heme iron in red meat gives you esophageal and stomach cancer


- Meat gives you colorectal cancer


- Eggs increase cancer risk even when adjusted for intakes of macronutrients or for other food groups


Good job OP. There are plenty of great resources online food help with how to structure your diet to suit your tastes/needs. I guarantee that you're going to feel much better physically after making the switch. I'm eating much better than I ever have (taste wise), and i'm stronger than I've ever been despite being lighter than my peak bulk when I was consuming meat.


Yeah just ignore all the scientific evidence to contradict what you're saying. If it is even true, there's no doubt the person you knew who got sick was not eating right and did not research how to transition. Going blindly into any diet is bad. How many meat eaters do you know that are sick?

The only person who can decide what diet is best for you is you. Some people feel better eating only veg, some only meat. I think people are spoiled for choice. Just keep away from refined sugar and premade foods.

I followed an organic, whole food, high carb low fat vegan diet for 6 months. I suffered brutal headaches, felt cold all the time and could literally feel the testosterone slipping from my body.
The moment I started eating meat again I had a rush of powerful, masculine energy.

Go vegan if you care about animals, but don't drink the health koolaid. Ask yourself why all the doctors promoting the diet are all animal rights advocates.

Dr. McDougall even talks about how keto is severely unhealthy, but uses extended fasting for all patients with severe illnesses like cancers and diabetes (deep ketosis). He's selling a brand like everyone.

And animal products

Its been done a dozen times here and I can't be fucked. Here have a link that touches on a few of the lies. vox.com/science-and-health/2017/7/25/16018658/what-the-health-documentary-review-vegan-diet
The documentary is a bit like VG, good intentions bad execution.

I became vegan and I never watched this. just not okay with the animal holocaust tbqhfamilam

Ahh yes that famous feeling of testosterone slipping from your body. Do you ever think that you didn't eat nearly as good as you thought? There is literally no nutrient that animal products have that you can get from a vegan diet (that are necessary). Perhaps you should do some research before undertaking a new diet that you're not familiar with.

Also it should be stated that if there is any evil conspiracy or industry, it's sugar. Vegan doctors will try to downplay sugars horrific effect on the body while claiming salmon is poison.
The amount of money and power behind sugar is larger than the entire meat and dairy industry combined. If anyone tells you that putting a bit of sugar on your oatmeal is fine, but olive oil and fish oils are unhealthy, they are a shill.

Im intrigued. Any single arguments for eating meat or dairy?

Nope. Just a bunch of uneducated people who follow what they've been told by the agri-food industry.

it's shit unless you get fresh milk and 10/10 cheese

Literally nothing wrong with it, you need it for your keto diet after all don't you?

Great argument. Backed by so much scientific data and research. Your parents must be proud of you.

>Meat eaters are stupid and vegans are sma...

I ate around 2500 calories of sweet potatoes, brown rice, lentils, cruciferous vegetables and an assortment of beans and fruits. It was delicious.
I'm not trying to shit on veganism, just the idea that it is the ultimate end goal for all diets.
I researched a lot. I understand vitamin b12 should come from the soil, but it doesn't. In fact, vegetables and fruits have been modified so much more than meat in the last 1000 years that they barely resemble nature. A kidney is going to give you at least 100x more nutrition than any modern vegetable - sucks but true. Try pumping organ meat into Cronometer and then tell me it's not a proper food source.
All the "famous" vegan cultures throughout history (exactly zero) cooked with animal fats.

this is a male on soy





Im gonna try going with fish and nuts as my main protien sources and then only meat i know is hormone and poison free.

How stupid must you be to think that just because one vegan family doesn't know how to properly feed their children, it makes the entire diet poor? Do you think that all parents that are meat eaters are raising their children with good diets? There is a reason so the increased obesity rates in children. Many parents are not educated in nutrition just like yourself for assuming vegan diets are bad. This is an issue of education. There is little focus on teaching people HOW to eat and what nutrients are needed.

The same industry that says we should be limiting meat consumption and getting 60% of our calories from grains? Backed by the sugar industry? Yes it's a ploy to get you eating meat.

>eat good, eat organic if you can afford it
no need for science, friend, support your local farmers

The fish industry is worse than the meat industry by miles. Litterally raping and pillaging killing thousands of non target species and immature fish. Do not go on a fish only diet unless you can get farmed fish. Which ethically is no better than farm raised meat.

Literally none of these guys are vegan.

Not him but when corrected for fiber and fat intake, a meat-based diet and a vegetarian diet have the same longevity/cancer rates. Nutritional science is very biased in how they report things (see China Study), but luckily all the data is there for interpretation.

I dont care for ethical reasons. Our raised meat is poison. I mean i like animals but thats not why i avoid alot of meat.

Im aware of mercury issues but tuna isnt farmed right?

As long as there isnt jew magic in my food its ok with me.

I didn't even finish the movie, it got on my nerves on how ridiculous it was. I never assumed this was going to be life changing but I didn't expect it to be complete garbage either.

I would much rather watch movies about animal cruelty in the meat industry or something than hear them lie about what's good for you and what isn't. Becoming vegan for the moral reason is completely understandable and justified but creating a documentary to lie to people about what is healthy and what isn't is just pathetic. Fucking comparing cigarettes to eggs and saying it's worse. Lmao

If you don't like that movie then i'd recommend watching "Forks Over Knives". It has more science and does not talk about ethics. I'm a vegan and agree with you that "What the Health" was not that good.

>theres nothing missing from a vegan diet
B12, vitamin d, omega 3 DHA and EPA, vitamin in in the 10% of the population that cant convert beta carotene, bioavailable zinc, bioavailable iron. Dont do something just because its a trend

You can get farmed tuna and salmon. Not sure about other species. The mercury meme is well over sold, if food that is commonly available had dangerous chemicals in it lawsuits would push those companies under pretty quickly.
Raised meat isn't bad unless you live in some shitty country that lets and encourages farmers to inject shit into their animals for growth. Vaccines and stuff is common but that's common in people too so w/e. That is also an over sold meme unless you are American.

B12 comes from bacteria that live in soil, so yes it does indeed 'come from soil'.

Meat from herbivores and omnivores contains B12 because they eat dirty plants and thus ingest soil, containing bacteria that contain B12. Humans generally eat well cleaned vegetables thus don't ingest soil.



I watched part of that documentary until the nigger doctor said the following:
>"Its recommended that people have "X" amount of servings of dairy a day. 70% of black people are lactose intolerant. I see that as a form of institutional racism"

I shut that fucker of immediately

This "documentary" was thoroughly debunked as being bullshit a long time ago. Its "science" has been universally rejected by scientists, medical doctors, and nutritionists. It's a conscious fraud and anybody who claims otherwise hasn't spent even ten seconds looking into the background of this bullshit film.


Nice try you autist.




forks over knives is better

>"What the Health" was not that good.

But it was good nonetheless? It's a total, knowing lie from start to finish. You're a shill if you pretend otherwise.

Id rather get ass cancer than be a vegan

This is the retard approach.
You should go the other way around. You should always actively try to disprove what you believe in, and by doing so either find that what you believe seems likely or not. The retard approach is when you see an american documentary on any subject (and I swear its always the fucking americans making this stupid shit), that is in no way objective and goes out of its way to mislead the viewer, and conclude with the crap being the one and only truth.
>b-but i checked the studies and saw it with my own eyes.
But you were not searching for all the research that says that this research is retarded.

dunno why I made this

It's a shitty documentary. Even people in the vegan community know it's badly-done broscience.

>vegan stuff
You mean like rice, potatoes, vegetables and fruit? God you are a fucking dolt.

a truly awful documentary. i was physically cringing when he confronted that one guy in his office and started asking questions the guy was obviously unprepared to answer and then acting all smug because the guy asked him to leave

Veeky Forums and /pol/ are essential...can't have one without the other- Have fun prepping the bull tonight

Eliminate all the meme films and you've got a good setup

because you like alarmist meme documentaries?
>even though i agree with the thrust of cowspiracy


that sugar film is garbage

which are memes and what do I replace them with? was thinking My 600 Lb Life or Secret Eaters

/pol/ is a cesspool of autists who never leave their basements and don't interact with humans other than their mothers.

I liked the documentary it was well made

Don't forget lysine an creative. Vegans an veggies experience cognitive enhancement when they take creative cos their brains aren't functioning properly due to lack of creatine from animal products

Creatine not creative.

I am living proof that you are wrong. Enjoy living a bluepilled life friend

Get rid of the top row, food Inc, and vegucated. That sugar film and sugar coated are legit

>I don't need to think for myself I just need to watch biased documentaries!
That's my thoughts. Or dumb retard shills.

Seriously though I drive by the animals I eat on the way to work, they're fucking happy as shit in the fields eating grass. I've taken a tour of the place where my cheese is made. The fuck does anyone know about my health needs or what I eat? Also has anyone eaten a fresh egg before? They taste the fucking same as the one in the grocery.


Okay awesome so the solution to vegan deficiencies is eat meat or you have to supplement, thereby destroying your original claim. Learn to argue faggot.

/pol/ are a lot like vegans. No one asked you to share your views but here you are ramming them down our throats.

why do you post articles instead of studies

Not even vegan but unironically every thread I see it's the anti-vegan side posting blog articles and the vegans posting actual studies

You are the one who does not belong here

propaganda with an agenda

>high carb low fat
Veganism is gay, but dietary fat and cholesterol are precursors to hormones your body needs. Cholesterol for instance is is primarily used by your testes/ovaries to produce testosterone/estrogen, so you fucked yourself there.

being this mad at one single screenshot

Learn to into reading comprehension. I said you lot are annoying not that you don't belong you mongaliod.

so they only dress like they are?

>[farmed fish] is [ethically]no better than farm raised meat
Are fish not significantly less intelligent? or is that not relevant? I'm not taking the piss, genuinely wondering

>literally states that correlation is not causation in the papers
>says "$ANIMAL_PRODUCT gives you $ORGAN cancer"
Proof that veganposters are literal mouthbreathing mongrels with high retardation.

Theoretically, any sort of protein consumption causes cancer simply by the virtue of counteracting TP53 by going anabolic with the stimulation of the mTOR/AKT pathway - leucine (present in soy in higher concentration than many animal sources) in particular has high mTOR activation. It doesn't matter if you're eating soy or beef, if it triggers growth hormone, chances of cancer are going to go up. Since vegans eat less protein in general, eat cleaner foods, tend to be in a more catabolic state most of the time, it shouldn't be a surprise that they can live longer or avoid cancer for longer. I would rather live to 70 learning and training to the best I can be rather than a centenarian waif loser who spent half of his life worrying about milk in his coffee.

Honestly, if you don't have disdain for mainstream meteor and at least find some comfort in /pol/, you will never make it. Men are right leaning, women, fags, and weak "men" are lefties.

This was a propaganda movie at its finest in the shape of a documentary. This thing is a joke. The first 5 minutes are so hipster cringy "calling" the WHO. Jesus christ, anyone that needs a reason to hate Vegans more should watch this movie.

Its wasteful and damaging to the ecosystem. That is ethically wrong. Imagine for every cow that was butchered you killed 20 others for a laugh. It's more about the killing of non target species and animals that had nothing to do with the fish you want, that makes it ethically wrong.
>every pound of commercial catch, 10 to 20 pounds of bycatch is caught and discarded as waste.
>About 10% of the world's wandering albatross population is killed each year by longlines.
>Scientists agree that longline fishing severely impacts at least 13 seabird species, 3 of which are globally threatened with extinction.
>Complaints by fishermen often lead to seal slaughters or "culls," which are crude and cruel attempts to boost fishery yields.
Fisheries are the worst food gathering industry humans take part in. But because they aren't cute no one tries to stop then the way other do for sheep, cattle, pig and the like.

what the health is so full of bullshit, lies, cherry picking and propaganda, it fucking ridiculous

i couldnt get 2 minutes into it without raging over the blatant lies. I think layne norton wrote something about it.

Yeah this was my main problem with the film. You want to make red meat a villain, fine whatever. You want to say a vegan lifestyle, as in heating from all healthy sources and the like is a great lifestyle? Fine. Don't fucking act like sugar is not fucking harmful. That is complete and utter BS. Fucking lazy, moronic scum will here that and run with it.

Vegans have the highest rates of heart disease.


That's a mockunentary, not a documentary. Documentaries are informative and honest.

>never eating bacon again
>never eating a full rack of BBQ ribs again
>never eating buffalo wings smothered with bleu cheese again

Why the fuck would I want to live?

>a guy without ANY SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUND tries to disprove a guy with a legit scientific background, who works some of the best and scientific litterate people in the field(brad schoenfeld and alan aragon).

That vegan dude is god damn retarded

Vegan propaganda from the word go. The amusing thing is how smugly they pretend it isn't.

Holy shit. This guy is dumber than i thought.
15 minutes into the video he have only talked about how stupid layne is, and pretty much nothing else.

He then uses statistics from epidemiology studies to back his claim up, and 2 minutes later disregards epidemiology studies becuase they are inherently "flawed"

this guy is insane. and so narrow minded, its painfull to watch

I'm a vegan and I'm definitely better than all you fuckers.

Stop falseflagging, retard.

>Thoughts on this documentary?