
When and why?

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2-3 hrs after working out

if you want to become more flexible


>after work out
>before going to sleep

>blood flow
also i recomend using the foam roller after stretching after workout to stretch the facia

>blood flow
And this is good because?

at the end of your workout

>and why?
the only reason to stretch is if you're currently not flexible enough to do something you want to do. mindless stretching "just because" is pointless. it doesn't reduce soreness, it doesn't decrease injury risk and it doesn't improve strength. before you start stretching you should have a particular goal in mind.

Dynamic ones before workout to help joints, static ones after workout.

>Dynamic ones before workout to help joints

>foam roller stretching the fascia

Top kek.

I stretch before I squat other wise my knees and basically everything else feel like they wanna explode. Stretching before makes squatting feel completely natural

>It doesn't decrease injury risk

Please be bait, nobody can be this stupid.

Do your mobility work as part of your warm up. You're trying to temporarily make it hurt less to stretch yourself into end-range positions. This allows you to do your lift in those positions, which is how you improve mobility.

>before going to bed

Most optimal time to stretch, your muscle shorten when you sleep. I stretch every night and sleep like a fucking rock

>this probably isn't bait

You only need enough mobility to hit the joint angles you reach in daily life. If you do yoga or weightlifting, those positions probably require some work, but your work in hitting those positions should be load-bearing. Flexibility without strength does not decrease injury risk.

Stops them being stiff and loosens them up. Can't hurt to take 2 minutes to do them

warming up decreases injury risk. static stretching before lifting increases injury risk

>static stretching before lifting increases injury risk

and cardio kills gains and eating vegetables is actually somehow bad

everything you ever thought was beneficial is actually BAD, so now you have an excuse to not have to do anything. Fuck cardio X)


How do you warm up before stretching at home at night? Just do a dynamic warm up, or something a bit more rigorous?

Listen you fucking retard, static stretching is fucking bad for you unless your goal is increased flexibility.

>Two minutes of static stretching per muscle group
appeared to elicit a negative influence on concentric
and sse explosive force measures and jumping performance.

In contrast. submaximum running and practice jumps
had a positive influence on muscle performance.

I want to be dominated by and then dominate klossy!

cardio does kill gains you fucking retard. You have to have a surplus of calories to gain weight, and if you're burning calories then you have less/no caloric surplus and your gains stall.