I want to improve myself but I really don't like going to the gym

I want to improve myself but I really don't like going to the gym

Can a set off dumbbells at home replace a workout?

Can someone post a good dumbbell workout only?




Just go to the gym if you want fast results.


Fuck, I was just on the birds IG and thought I’d escaped to 4chin.

just do calisthenics you lazy prick

monkey penis

It can help with upper body aesthetics. Yesterday I did
>4x10 curls
>3x10 shoulder press
>3x12 lawnmower starts (one-arm rows)
>100 pushups
to Black Sabbath's Vol. 4. Good shit. Increased weight each set


>Don't like going to the gym.

Deal with it.

Nobody likes going to the gym, they like feeling like they accomplished something. Working out Is neither mentally stimulating, nor enjoyable. It's painful, time consuming, hard to commit to, like pretty everything else in life that isn't a dead end or done purely for pleasure. YOU HAVE TO LIVE IT.

>Working out is neither mentally simulating, nor enjoyable

I should have probably also mentioned that you will have no more motivation to work out at home, as the short drive to the gym is significantly less arduous than working out to begin with. As for the people at the gym, if that's your reason, nobody is judging you. Nobody is watching anymore than you are.

Why should I ride a bike for 30 minutes to the closest gym when I could do it at home?

>get a car virgin
not in this city

>I really don't like going to the gym
Faggot, no half-assery. Either get a well-equipped freeweight homegym or suck it up like everyone else.

Counting, lifting things up, putting them down.

This is not stimulating.

Good rule of thumb, if you're thinking about something else while doing something, you're not stimulated.

Pain is not fun unless you're a masochist.

I love working out, because I love making progress on my body.

If you don't want to go to the gym, you won't go to the gym. It's like breaking an addiction, only you can do it, and you can only do it for yourself.

>full hour of cardio + gym session


Now you can skip cardio

>Nobody likes going to the gym

I do tho lol

nigga I would do this but right now all the roads are icy af and I'm not suicidal enough to ride a bike on literal ice bikelanes.

Can someone just post a good dumbbell workout please?

I don't care about your dumb fucking anonymous gymbro bullshittery

>Can someone just post a good dumbbell workout please?
Do a normal workout, just with dumbbels, you mong.

I love going to the gym as well, but much in the same way that I like going to Wal-Mart to buy groceries.

I don't like shopping, I don't like running errands, and I don't like the gutter slime that walk isles of Wal-Mart, but I like food on my table, and toilet paper in my bathroom.

The gym just has better returns than Wal-Mart, and nobody brags about how many eggs they brought home yoday.

>don't like going to the gym
Never gonna make it brah, if it doesn't stick to you, then you should move on to doing something you like, rock climbing, swimming what ever the fuck
Going to gym is like a monk going to monastery, its a calling, that if you ignore for even a day you start walking up the fucking walls

Goblet squats
db bench
tricep kickbaks
db row
shoulder press
lateral raises
db flies

> tfw going to gym is genuinely the only thing you are good at or truly enjoy
If not for gym I probably would have anhero'd by now


Dude you are either DYEL as fuck thats rolling the new years resolution squad or like 50 year old man
Get some pre-workout and get a decent workout, you should even be feeling any pain besides the pump and lactic acids and they feel amazing

>Can a set off dumbbells at home replace a workout

Dear lord.
You people are so ignorant and fucking brainwashed when it comes to the very basic and ESSENTIAL need of personal fitness and maintenance.
It's almost horrifying.

You want to cover the following basic movements, it doesn't matter where the resistance comes from:


*Pushing and pulling can be split into horizontal and vertical.

Hinging is difficult to replicate with bodyweight / lighter dumbbells. Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts + back extensions + bridging may help cover some of the muscles involved, but it's not the same as a deadlift.

Get plate loaded dumbbells and weight plates and get started.

isometrics and bodyweight exercises

You might actually be a non/subhuman. The human brain rewards us for working out by releasing dopamine, because evolution.

Came to post this.
Even on garbage days I can go to the gym and get a decent workout in and feel I have accomplished something and progressed myself even if just a little bit.

No better cure for a shit day than busting some PRs or lowering my bf%. My body is the one thing nobody can take from me.

If you ain't growing you're dying. Applies inside and out of the gym.

stick it up your ass faggot

enlighten me then

Limiting the colors for a smaller filesize was a good idea but the text is fucked and illegible for each step

go to the gym

> counting
> stimulating

congrats on passing pre-K!

Is this actually good? I'd rather be handheld through a program than try to understand fitness.


I was saying boo-urns

Plebbit shit-tier spacing

This is the wrong place for you then.

Vol 4 is my least favourite sabbath album out of their first 6. For me personally it would be sabotage>sabbath bloody sabbath>paranoid>master of reality>black sabbath>vol 4

pls sit on my face

Post the second pic OP, we all know why you're here.

I bet you're a liberal soyboy.

Going to make it



lmao nice gyno faggot

>going out of your way to avoid cardio
you'll fit right in here


Dumbbell bench press 3x5 (do it on the floor if you have no bench. buy a bench if you can)
Dumbbell shoulder press 3x5
Dumbbell bent over row 3x5
Dumbbell squat/deadlift 3x5 (alternate between these each day)

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Lift as heavy as you can manage.

It's what I do. Have fun.

>visits r/thedonald once

pump the DUMB bells til your arms get IGNORANT