HOw healthy is this meal, meal fags? Gonna go for that nighttime lift sesh

HOw healthy is this meal, meal fags? Gonna go for that nighttime lift sesh

>avian estrogen
Never gonna make it


Pretty decent but beans are a carb source and u already have a carb source so I would recommend replacing the beans with tv dinners and BLOATMAXX...or just use brocolli

Have I told you that I’m also adding this shit

Your carb to protein ratio is probably too high

Also you'd be surprised but depending on what that disgusting meat is, that's probably about 600 calories max. So i hope it's an appetizer, unless you're fat.

>a meal with less than 30g of protein


Liver and onions baby

Damn nigga u rite ;-;

It looks like sex man

Grass fed liver is cheap, has tons of protein, and tastes great. I literally crave this after a 5-7day fast. can't eat too much or you risk vitamin A poisoning

>white rice
not gonna make it

br fag?

brown rice is fucking disgusting

so is your gyno you sugar addict

>what is


Just a reg Latinofag here

ah, that arroz com feijão looked like br's signature dish

>black beans
>br's signature dish

only swines eat black beans outside a feijoada
brown beans master race

I retched a little bit thinking about trying to eat that

who the fuck leaves all the nasty bean sauce on the beans

>nasty bean sauce
Begone, thot