Sup Veeky Forums, I want off this ride

sup Veeky Forums, I want off this ride...

>be me, fat fuck
>lose about 60-70 pounds working out and eating right
>something happens that keeps me from working out couple days, they turn into weeks, months, I've gained back all the weight I lost


I'm back on track now, have been eating right and working out for about a month and seeing some nice progress, again.

How can I make sure this is the last time I lose weight and never go back again?

Pls help

Change your eating habits.

I do when I'm losing weight but then couple slip-ups and it's all back. When I'm on a diet I eat super well, but when I'm not it's like deep-fried doritos

Stick with it this time you fat piece of shit. It's easier to go cold turkey and eat healthy every day than to constantly stop and have to start again.

that's what my intention is every time I go on my weight loss journey, but it doesn't work out that way. I'm just looking for some things that can help me not go back

on the same boat
>get closer to goal
>get injured
>start from scratch after injury
this is mentally absolutely devastating, no wonder people jump on roids and shit, and basically injuries fuck everything up, now i know how professional athletes must be feeling when they get injured

You develop habits for weight loss, not for regular eating.

A couple of set backs dosent make you gain 70 pounds back, be real about the problem so you can solve it

Eat less lmao

maybe you should consider joining a team sport or two (not at once, but enough to keep you mostly occupied year-round) to help hold you accountable

Cold turkey. If you even eat one fucking dorito it will demotivate you and break down your will subconsciously. I'm on a cut right now and I am surrounded by cookies, pumpkin pie, egg nog, and soda at home every day, but I know if I eat one slice of pie my iron will is completely fucked. Just go full cold turkey mode.

Dude just don't eat food like to lose weight you have to do fucking nothing gaining weight actually requires action ( putting food in your mouth)

My dude no one here can care about you as much as you need to care about you.

No one here knows what "something happens" means. If it's something tiny, well then you were looking for an excuse to stop weren't you. If it's something huge, then it helps if you find refuge in your program.

I have bad days at work all the time, and on my way home there is a tiny voice inside, somewhere, that says "just skip the workout today. You had a bad day, you deserve a break"

That voice is *always* wrong. I *always* feel better, less stressed, more present during and after the workout. You need to find that for yourself.

It isn't difficult dude. I am fat too, pic related is me.

I have been weight training 8 weeks, lost 45 pounds so far in 4 months!!!!!!!!!

We can make it, stay motivated dude.

>search google for image
>muscle comes up
google recognizes gainz

now shoulder comes up lol

>>something happens that keeps me from working out couple days, they turn into weeks, months,
this is fucking bullshit
if you were really serious about it, stop being such a lazy cunt.
if you get injured be more careful and change your eating when you are hurt for real and can't work out.
Eat less

not op but routine and diet? my belly fat is the major issue for me but the rest of my body seems okay.

You know what might help? Is to just give yourself a date that you're going to actually get serious about losing the weight and stick to it. And up til then eat what you like. Get it out of your system.

Now obviously what you eat until then is going to be setting you back once you start to get serious so I'd suggest not making that date too far in the future. Maybe a month at most.

But stick to your date and don't backslide after that. It's ok to give yourself a cheat day every once in a while or if you hit a milestone or something but plan them in advance and get back on track the next day. Don't start eating like shit because you had a hard day or feel depressed or some shit like that.

What do you think of my arms??????

I just ate less, placed an emphasis on only eating meat, fruits, veggies, and some bread.

I DID NOT do low carb. I did moderate carb, moderate fat, and high protein.

I fasted breakfast. Trained fasted in the morning. Ate lunch sometime between 12 to 2, dinner between 5 to 7.

I did Candito's Strength/Control for 7 weeks, just switched to his Strength/Hypertrophy.

Dude, this is what I do
>look in the mirror
>see arms are too tiny
>see residual fat
>get mad that this is how I look
>eat well and go to the gym and try to fix it
Either you fix your problems or shut up about them

>4 times
get fat once, shame on you
get fat twice, shame on you
get fat three times, you're playin
get fat four times STOP FUCKING EATING