Are you supposed to go all the way down on the on the incline leg press...

Are you supposed to go all the way down on the on the incline leg press? Loaded up 6lmao on each side for some reps and it wasn't too bad prolly like an rpe of 8. But after I stood up my lower back was fucking killing me. It's better now but I can still feel it. Did I fuck up Veeky Forums?

Maybe the seat wasn’t comfortable

I go fairly deep and take a wide stance to open up the hip angle. I go down until my calf makes a 60° angle with femur. It hits your glutes more and opens up hip abductors which helps with mobility in the squat. Back should be straight against board and ass shouldn't rise. Use handles to brace.

Does your gym have good leg presses? One at my gym is rounded and completely fucked up my lower back the one time I used it.

Is it bad if my butt comes off the seat a little bit?

leg press is basically the smith machine, it is the epitome of ego lifting
literally worse than squats in every imaginable way other than making you look like you're strong
just squat, stop being a faggot

Maybe that was it, my stance was pretty narrow. But my back was straight on the seat and my ass didn't come off.

All the squat racks were taken and I was short on time. I rarely do leg press.

This is pretty close. It's squats without the stabilizer/core work. Why bother doing it if you're not going to do it 100%

im massively obese so i use the leg press because im quite literally unable to squat

bro science at its finest

do not listen to this guy, if you want proof that you dont need to squat for a good set of legs just look at dorian yates who actively denounced squatting and used the leg press as his compound

there is more than 1 way to skin a cat, dunno why people are so hell bent on hating anything that isn't squatting. In fact I would say that squatting is more of an ego lift than the leg press, as literally seen in this post. WHAT YOU DONT SQUAT YOURE NOT A REAL LIFTER FAGGOT

I have seen more people injure themselves on squats than on the leg press, but that is anecdotal and only supposed to prove my point that it means nothing to say one lift is king, just stick to an exercise you like and fucking add weight, simple as that

go for a run then, fat ass


nice meme

>nice meme
nice meme

I've noticed this to. I can leg press so much more than I squat that it was what made me suspicious of the exercise many years ago. I'd also agree with you that it is a waste of time. Just squat people even if you are squatting pitiful weight. It is better for you anyways.

It's funny how every bodybuilder I know uses leg press

Yet Veeky Forums says you only need squats


The bodybuilders that die at 40 from an enlarged heart, or the bodybuilders that can't trot a 5k without dying? Maybe you mean the bodybuilders that can't tie their own shoes, or who suffer from mobility disorders at early onset?

Wait, you must mean the bodybuilders that actually care about health and longevity while aging as physically capable as possible! No, wait...those don't exist.

depends on your flexibility. Never let your butt or lower back lift from the seat or you will get injured

There’s aesthetic people at my gym who can run 10k in just over 40mins and they leg press


The only reason you should ever be using the leg press is if you are physically incapable of doing squats.

Otherwise you're just loading 1000lbs on it to look like a tuff man when you're really just a faggot.

You should do something to warm up beforeahand (and by 'warm up' I mean get your heart rate up and sweating a little, so your muscles are warm). You should also do some 30-second stretches of your posterior chain. Reduce the weight by about half and take the reps slow. It'll take some time for your posterior chain to get used to being that flexible. Most people don't expect that level of flexibility from their posterior chain or for it to really produce any power to speak of which is why you experienced what you did. Give it time and be conservative about how you're approaching it.

>leg press is basically the smith machine, it is the epitome of ego lifting
Uh, LOL, no, that's completely wrong. It's a multi-joint hip extension exercise, and it's just as effective at building lower-body strength as squats but without all the risks to the rest of your body associated with squats.

>>nice meme
>nice meme
nice meme

>trying this hard to improve riding cowgirl on your boyfriend

Fucking this. I'll never understand Veeky Forums's obsession with squatting. It's one of the most dangerous exercises you can do. Aside from adding some stabilizing muscle and core use there's not a lot of benefit to squatting over using a press. It's not like there's a difference on your quads which is the target muscle anyway. Weight is weight and exertion is still exertion. It's not like your quads know if they're squatting or leg pressing. You can obviously still see results with a leg press.

6 plates on leg press? woooooaaahhhhhh dude

lmao why is squatting with a bar on your back such a nightmare to you? what a pussy
good luck with the bodybuilding kid, be sure to stock up on all those supplements or you'll never make it