Should a manlet like myself even try and do exercise?

Should a manlet like myself even try and do exercise?

I'm 160 cm or 5'2

Manlets get shredded much quicker than humans, go for it dood.

Wouldn't it look like overcompensating?

That's such a stupid term.
If you wanna work out and look good do it, if people thinking you're "overcompensating" will stop you from bettering yourself you're lost.

nah, you should give up; that's why people over 6' never try because there's never anything to improve.

Go lift

I have a friend who is 5 ft 5, lifts weights, REALLY built (honestly think he might be juicing) and gets pretty girls. Not as pretty as he would if he were.6 ft I'm sure but still pretty

Plus you'll feel better and be healthier

It's always worth it

I'm 6'2 and 300 lbs, so I'm not exactly in your shoes, but I say go for it. Nothing to lose, everything to gain. Just don't act like a cocky bantam douche and it won't look like overcompensating.

sure to anyone who is younger than 23 years old or has a 2 digit iq

people in real life don't behave like Veeky Forums posters, go lift

Quit being a retard and go lift some shit in the manlet pit. It'll do ya good.


biggest fucking cope

as a manlet you should try aim for brad pitt in fite club mode

he is a manlet but still looks good

because he is ripped, if you try to get big as a manlet people will laugh at you

At 5'2" you are obligated to be fit as fuck. Not to look good, but to not look absolutely repulsive.

at 5'2" you need to aim for dwarf mode. Basically be the strongest guy at the gym, you will become known as the little "power ball" that people become scared of

>working out means being ripped
yeah nah go look at the cbt threads, he can exercise without looking like he's on roid. you're dumb as shit

>not becoming the best version of yourself and feeling like you look good

this jpg
right in the feels.
who else good kind heart but dumb and can't hold.down a good job?

only thing going.for im handsome tall and Veeky Forums
im thinking bout becoming a cam whore, stripping and fucking the occasional old woman for money

160 is 5’3”

I'm 161 cm and the best you can achieve is the skinny ripped look. Just do bodyweight training (front lever holds, pistol squats, dips and chins).
Never try to go into bulk mode because you will start to look more manlet.

Mind posting a picture of such body?

meowmix 4 scoops


>Just don't act like a cocky bantam douch

His 5'2", this is exactly what will happen, what are you even thinking?! It'll make him happy though.

Should you better yourself?
The answer is always yes, regardless of circumstances.

I know you're stocky, everyone that short is. Get strong as fuck with Starting Strength and take up wrestling, you'll love it

user, you can't do shit for your height, but you can for your muscles. What is better, a dyel/fat dwarf or a strong, shredded dwarf?

I'd pick the strong one

same height bro
just do it, it does wonders for your health regardless of any self esteem problems. i myself had the same problem in my teens but now i'm natty, have a 5'6" gf and work for a successful engineering firm
you can do it
my best friend is a 5'1" ripped asian manlet and he's a fucking doctor, we hit the gym at 1 am daily because of our shit schedules
don't let your height stop you from being the best version of yourself

yeah this
chin up OP, take it from a 6'5" athletic guy that is still a KHV in his early 20s, there's more to it than height.

Nowhere to go but up

>than humans

And to add to this short people generally have an easier time getting strong due to their short range of motion. Only downside is deadlifting will be harder.

>who else good kind heart but dumb and can't hold.down a good job?
not me, i'm probably going to hell.

don't think camming is such a good idea though, the models seem to be kinda broken?

You should start transition and become a girl

I’m your height and have always been p shredded, mostly thanks to my hobbies. If you get into shit like swimming, rock climbing, parkour etc, it’s not reall, overcompensating, it’s getting good at something. I’m kinda bummed though because I’m sure I’d be slayer mode if I was maybe even 6” taller cuz I’ve got like 1000 tinder matches but I don’t meet up with anyone anymore because I can see their disappointment when they see that I’m itty bitty.

>because I can see their disappointment when they see that I’m itty bitty.
just put your height in the description man. saves you a lot of trouble.

I do but they think I’m meming