Anyone here beat anxiety disorder?

Anyone here beat anxiety disorder?

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I want that feet in my mouth


I want her to sit on my face

You can't beat it
You have to embrace it
How the fuck do you want to win a battle with your own mind and the universe itself? Don't fight it but really accept it, get to know it, and become it's friend.

you don't beat it, learn to manage it. It's a never ending battle but you can do it user

Yeah after I quit doing drugs it was a lot easier for me to deal/get rid of my anxiety

you can beat general anxiety
you can't beat it when it's an actual disorder

some say you have to "embrace it", which generally means, put yourself in a situation that spikes your anxiety and do it for short periods of time and keep on doing it longer and longer. That's how I managed to not get anxiety from certain things as much as I used to. But you have to keep on putting yourself through it or you'll just fall back into the pit

What a beautiful Feel

Considering 99% of "anxiety disorders" are just you being a whiny bitch without any real problems for relative perspective, I'd imagine there's quite a few

When I put the gun to my head and pulled the trigger, it killed the anxiety in me. Now I'm a totally different person.

fuck off

t. lil bitch

I want her to spit on my face

I am getting there

Smoked pot once. Getting high as balls ended my alcoholism and I have been calm ever since.

Meditation has helped for me, might wanna give it a go

Sure did, saw a therapist for it, actually tried to work with my therapy and beat anxiety. Successfully beat/learned to manage anxiety and doing pretty okay.

Don't call me a shill but have you tried phenibut?

Seconded, see a doctor he will give you pills and set you up with a therapist, it works.

Probably just do things that make you a little bit anxious and get used to having success in those situations. Eventually you'll be so used to benefiting from challenging situations you'll be more likely to embrace them. But I have no idea what i'm talking about.

Which therapy did you do ? Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ?


Used to not be able to pick up the phone, open my front door, etc.

Not exactly a social butterfly but relatively functional,

You never beat it; you just get better at managing it. The only way to do that is to force yourself into uncomfortable situations as often as you can. You'll never be fine with them but you'll be better at doing them .

What you're saying works if you have very mild anxiety. More severe cases, you pretty much have to talk to a professional and get help.

Yes. I beat it.

>went from fit blue collar professional to fat chair-riding consultant
>drink a fifth in a weekend
>smoke like a chimney (1-1.5 packs a day)
>start getting panic attacks because I was overweight and super unhealthy
>got a panic attack so bad one night, almost go to hospital thinking it was a heart attack
>realize I need to make a change in my life but I go to doc instead about anxiety
>doc says nothing about my weight, blood pressure or anything
>says "we can put you on zoloft for a year..."
>That scared me more than anything I was doing to myself at the time
>quit drinking, started exercising, lost weight, outright ignored anxiety
>I lost 40 lbs and never had an anxiety attack again.

Exposure. Exposure exposure exposure. Also gotta stay exposed. It's miserable and you're still anxious but you realize that things that would have had you vomiting from stress are easy and normal now.

Fucking sucks but works.

You'll never beat it, but you can learn to control it. Went from a complete mess (wasted 4 years of my life) to a somewhat functional person.

Going off of OP's question

Does anyone else take stimulants and just get tired?

A cup of coffee usually perks me up but anything more than that and I become numb, exhausted and unmotivated.

Ever since I had a panic attack which I thought was an allergic reaction, I never knew I had anxiety, I just thought everyone else dealt with life the same way I did and there was no reason for me to struggle. I am still skeptical I have it, perhaps I just have something that mimics the symptoms of anxiety?

This shit keeps me up at night and I'm terrified I'll die from something the shitty doctors could've easily found if they just gave me more than just the time of day

>I am still skeptical I have it, perhaps I just have something that mimics the symptoms of anxiety?
anxiety isn't like a physical disease where you have dangerous cells in your body; if you feel anxious in situations other people would be fine in, you have anxiety. ie. if you don't want to leave the house (even just to go grocery shopping or to class/work) because you feel everyone is judging you

OP you're a faggot

Anxiety has evolved in us like the sensation of pain. It's a negative emotion is unpleasant for a reason. When you feel it you become motivated to do something about it. Kind of like when you feel itchy you are motivated to scratch it. It forces you to think (though maybe not in the correct direction) about your current situation. So don't think of anxiety as a bad thing, instead think of it as something necessary for your existence. If you were UNABLE to feel anxious then there's something wrong with you neurologically.

You can decrease the negative feelings of anxiety by being a high test chad. Aka have healthy levels of serotonin as seretonin decreases neuroticism(sensitivity to negative emotion).

Primary thing though is to not see anxiety as an obstacle, but rather as a tool to gauge where you are. If you're anxious, thats your body telling you to get your shit straight or fix something in your life that you're avoiding.

Meditation also helps immensely. Do it daily. Since the human mind is so powerful, it can ruminate and cause you to worry about shit that doesn't even fucking exist (ie worrying about that embarassing shit you did 5 years ago that literally everyone else forgot). Meditation helps ground you in the moment so you don't constantly imagine these non-existant threats.

meditation is actual good advice.
anxiety disorder is not the same anxiety normal people feel unfortunately.
When it first hit me i was 13 years old and can't properly sleep for 1 month because i was afraid for no paticular reason. I just feared this fear

>This shit keeps me up at night and I'm terrified I'll die from something the shitty doctors could've easily found if they just gave me more than just the time of day

Dude, you're worrying is bordering on paranoia. You definitely sound like you have an anxiety condition.

>A cup of coffee usually perks me up but anything more than that and I become numb, exhausted and unmotivated.
Maybe lay off the caff for a bit. You might just be convincing yourself you're experiencing those symptoms. Also, anxiety is known to lead to depression. I think how that works is the anxiety causes a stress response elevating cortisol and catecholamines. Prolonged periods of high cortisol and catecholamines actually causes you to age faster and is very taxing on the body. As a result, your body just can't keep up with the high demand and short circuits or shuts down leaving you paralyzed and apathetic. Look up "learned helplessness." There was a study on rats where they stressed them to their max and that caused the rats to just stay frozen when introduced to a new stressor which contrasted with healthy rats that attempted to run away from the stressor.

Im assuming you have it sorted it out now? What was the most effective treatment for your anxiety? Was it medication? CBT? Therapy? Changing your mindset? Meditation?

You have to accept it and not fight it. It’s counterintuitive, but eventually you’ll break free from the debilitating anxiety cycle. Put yourself out there and make peace with anxiety.


I think high test, and exposure

For OCD, do you guys do ERP?

I'm a naturally anxious person, not because I'm a special snowflake but because my dad is probably the biggest worrier on the planet.

>if you go to the city you'll get mugged/raped/blown up
>If you fall asleep with your tv on, it'll set on fire and you'll burn to death
>everything is terrible

It stuck with me and I become anxious as soon as structure or control is removed. I just learnt to manage my responses better and identify the things which make me anxious. I work through possible outcomes in my head and slowly assure myself that there is a worst case scenario but that one is rarely the most likely to happen.

It's still there and if I'm feeling particularly down in other areas then it's harder to manage, but it is possible.

Remember that anxiety is a natural human reaction as well. If it affects you to the point where it limits your life enjoyment, this is an issue.

i didn't sort this shit out unfortunately, accepting and embracing helps to the certain extent
i didnt go to the psychiatrist because my family would think i am freak. I had shit family.
when i was 13 thinking that i would die someday helped me the most XD


Yes it works, faggot.

How old are you now? Why don't you see a psych/therapist? Do you think you could solve this problem on your own?

i genuinely thought i had my anxiety beat for close to 2 years. changed diet, lifting, lost weight, felt on top of the world--and then one day a heavy fucking wave that felt like a tsunami just stomped my nuts in with panic and anxiety out of the blue.

so while i felt like i "beat it", it really feel like i just beat it down until i was too weak one day and it just returned. cbt is the only thing, literally only thing, that can train you for the next "attack" man. everything else helps, but therapy is the main defense

how do I meditate?

What's that?

I've had OCD since I was a teenager, almost managed to get rid of it by sheer force of will, though when I went through a rough patch it came back as bad as ever, could take me an extra half an hour to do things since I could just wash my hands over and over again.

Hey man, if you had one huge anxiety attack in like 2 years I think that constitutes beating that shit.

yes. diet, avoid stimulants, meditate, and journaling. you have to make it a priority in your life to figure out what's behind your anxiety and how best to manage it.

Drop acid

thats true. it just there me off hard for the whole week because of how out of the blue it was

exposure and response prevention

supposed to be the best exercise in fighting OCD

i dont have the disorder but the GF does sooo

I don't know if it's possible, but it's very hard.

I have extreme anxiety and have been on medication for two years now, along with going to a therapist, and I still feel anxious nearly every single day of my life.

To give you an idea of how strong it was, the first time I picked up the phone to finally look for a solution I was lying in my bed unable to get up otherwise I'd throw up. The week I had my first panic attack I threw up twice. I couldn't eat because the food touching my tongue made me wanna throw up, I couldn't brush my teeth because the toothbrush touching my tongue made me wanna throw up, and I had no appetite at all anyway because of how anxious I was. I got down to a semi-anorexic state, 55kg at 6ft tall.

For me, it's a pain that begins in my chest area and feels like it's trapped around my throat, like a sinking feeling that something's going wrong, or about to go wrong, or has gone wrong, even though there's nothing happening at all. I get it randomly when I wake up in the morning and even worse when something does happen.

Thats fantastic user, I'm genuinely proud of you

Yes, you can beat it.
The thing people nowadays don't realize is that mental problems are just that, mental. It's all mindset, it's all in your head.

It's the same with depression really. Some people say that you should just get your shit together and stop being a bitch but they usually get a hostile response. To be fair, many of those people actually are pretty stupid but they're still right. Think about it. Let's say you're depressed and someone gives you that kind of advice. If you take it to heart and try to forget about your sad self you will have a higher chance of getting out of it. On the other hand, if you become hostile and be all "You don't know me, it's complicated, I AM depressed and it's a disease" or something, you're only making it worse by accepting it and putting that stamp on yourself. If you keep telling yourself that you are a certain way, there will be no way to ever change yourself. Thought patterns are addicting.

But now back to anxiety. I've been there. When I was between 18 and 20 I had periods where I couldn't ever be around strangers or even friends for that matter. I was an active Veeky Forumsizen at that time and usually had to force myself for many hours before I made it to the gym. Many times though, as soon as I entered I would get crippled by a fear that caused me to want to run away and shut myself away from the outside world, causing me to go home again. All this even though I had worked out for several yeas before and was used to it.

That was a few years ago and now everything is different. Back then I couldn't look a single person in the eye, but now I could easily stare down any fucker out there.
How? I just know that I can, and that gives me confidence. I'm also a bit older now, maybe that has helped me? I know leaving Veeky Forums definitely helps. Getting laid helps. Any form of direction or success in real life helps.
But the most important thing to know is that it's mental and a thought pattern.

It's not a disease, it's not part of your identity, it's a phase.

I also personally don't believe in medication. I don't believe that you can somehow get better by waking up every morning and taking a pill which also reminds you every day that you're sad/anxious and need to eat pills. That way you have that permanent stamp on yourself that you can never break away from. Also, your body and brain are something beautiful that no one really knows how they truly work. You shouldn't mess with them.
Regarding the "It's a chemical imbalance"-argument. That's just another way of putting the blame on someone else. It's also a way of accepting what's wrong. Obviously, you should take care of your body at all times but will not randomly be struck by some chemical imbalance like it's some form of lightning strike. If anything, you caused it yourself by negative thinking.

Already started to ramble and lost track... I hope I'm making sense.
Either way, I've been through it all. There is another side to it all. The key really is mental toughness and believing in yourself. Take care of your life. You will not feel amazing if you don't put in the effort.

I haven't visited this site for a long time now, but I happened to swing by and felt that I had to share about what was once such a central part of my life.
I will probably not respond to anyone as I have to leave now again.
To OP and all of you others, good luck!

Good job avoiding jew pills user.

From someone which suffered severe anxiety:

> thought I had loads of shit wrong with me constantly
> heart palpitations all day, every day
> Had weird chronic pain constantly; heart or belly would hurt randomly. Sometimes my fingers/eyelids would twitch a fair bit,
>shortness of breath, sleep apnea, tight neck
>fed up of this shit so much I really just couldn't take it, start trying everything I can to fix it.
>Find mindfulness meditation, this shit basically rewires your brain and if you do it properly it will help immensely over the course of a few months, do not skip this part. You can do this anywhere, just 'bring awareness to the present moment(your feet on the ground, your breath, sounds, etc.' whenever you feel anxious.
>Find out cortizol is basically the enemy and testosterone is my friend for less anxiety, start making sure I get 8hrs of sleep even if I sleep at 4am. Start taking a multivitamin(gnc), limit sugar and eat whey protein(I'm a vegetarian so I had none in my diet), start going gym 3 times a week.
>Lose almost all anxiety symptoms almost all the time over a few months after years of retarded mental torture.

As for general mindset I would suggest Mingyur Rinpoches youtube videos for becoming calm and general advice type into youtube 'rsd anxiety'.

Same, not being high got rid of most of it since I didn’t feel like I had this big secret

Holy shit user, you just described me exactly. Heart palpitations, chest pain, tightness, eyelid twitch, can't sleep despite exhaustion. I will try your meditation suggestion. Anything else besides lifting, multivitamins, and sleep? I work like 14 hours a day and am a student so I spend a lot of time in front of screens and indoors

I know it’s meme tier but listening to Jordan Peterson really helped me. Been 5 months without anxiety, the longest stretch so far

meant to add that I don't get a lot of sun exposure so I should probably try to get more time outside as I hear it helps with anxiety, mostly because it's related to vitamin D deffeiciency

I want her to shit on my face

>>Veeky Forums

Different things might work for you, I think half of it was just mindset and realizing it's literally all in my head and the anxiety is kind of funny and so stupid like I'm going to just die at 23 in statistically perfect health, it's so absurd. Also going to the doctor and having tests done only for them all to come out fine helped too.

Goodluck it's a bitch to beat but totally worth it.

Also forgot to mention I also suffered from the sleep thing to and that's annoying but it will pass like everything else, at one point I didn't sleep for around 72 hours straight.

I'm 37, did every treatment possible. doctors, pills, nootropics, meditation, diet. each one has some degree of effect but frankly 90% of them have such miniscule effect that you spend more money (or time or effort) than what you get in return.

THE ONLY thing that truly worked for me, without side-effects and actually erasing anxiety 100% has been l-theanine with caffeine. caffeine itself increases my anxiety even more, but with theanine I feel focused and calm, allowing me to talk to anyone. godsend. I use half the reccomended ammount, though (iit improved the results... FOR ME).

Fluoxetine 10mg~20mg daily, helps alot almost magic

It's for sure mental, I'm sure my alcohol consumprion is a negative feedback loop too

ashamed this is my thing






More or less this, usually anxiety is triggered by you overanalyzing sensations in your body and you just need to calm down and objectively feel your own body and just breathe. As long as you're breathing you're alright, it'll pass.

I'm usually pretty good with my anxiety, but can't smoke weed anymore cause all it does now is give me anxiety but whatever I had more than enough when I was younger, probably made it worse really.

everyone talks up CBT, but i've personally found DBT to be more effective. technically, it's a specific form of CBT

>DBT emphasizes the psychosocial aspects of treatment — how a person interacts with others in different environments and relationships. The theory behind the approach is that some people are prone to react in a more intense and out-of-the-ordinary manner toward certain emotional situations, primarily those found in romantic, family and friend relationships. DBT was originally designed to help treat people with borderline personality disorder, but is now used to treat a wide range of concerns.

i'm a candidate for BPD myself, so it really helps me. anything to keep the bad feels and SSRIs away

I bet you are pretty strong. What are your lifts? Mental people radiate that aura of savageness

Do other people's opinions matter?
There, you just beat anxiety.

The ironic thing is that you'r posting on Veeky Forums, where you are training yourself to ignore the opinions of other people, you stupid faggit.

>Veeky Forums, where you are training yourself to ignore the opinions of other people

What do you mean? I get happy when I get (You)'s which agree with me and annoyed when they don't

>Complete shut in can't even have conversation with own mother
>Yet I can online and be alpha chad leader of one of the biggest tribes in ARK and even manage groups of people

If I could get over this I could become a manager IRL. If I get angry IRL it cures my anxiety for awhile. Or a panic attack. Makes me feel normal.

Felt like I'm watched all the time and couldn't even speak to other people, much less so to girls.
I started feeling more confident after I lost 25 kg and it all went up from there. You can fake it for a while and eventually you will make it. But you do have to put yourself out there. Also humor helps a lot.

> (OP)
>you don't beat it, learn to manage it. It's a never ending battle but you can do it user
This. Same here.


Mantras. I repeat the lord's prayer while breathing deeply, or just the first two lines because it's all I know. Only when I get overloaded.
In everyday life? The only times the feeling has stopped was when I was embracing a girl. good luck op

Sociophobia and Agoraphobia here

I barely left my apartment for 3 years. Half a year ago I couldn't hold a conversation.

I am basically functional now. I am holding a steady job, have made my drivers license and found some shallow tier friends. I actually get interested in projects again and I have some hobbies besides internet (writing and playing guitar). And women are sometimes interested in me now, though I am still too awkward to do anything about it.

What I did:

>bought weights and got Veeky Forums at home (took about 1 year of consistent training)
>read the stoics (Enchiridion by Epictetus and Meditations by Marcus Aurelius are must reads)
>fixed my diet (you wouldn't believe how much of a difference diet makes)
>went out for walks in the city every day (exposure therapy)

I still get relapses now and then if I stay at home alone for a few days over the weekends or holidays. I get back on track again though with the help of the mindset I have gained from training and reading.

I used to have random stomach aches, twitchy face, and shortness of breath because of anxiety. What really helped me was CBT and reading stoic literature. When I start worrying or have anything anxiety related I would focus on consciously naming the things around me: 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. For example, just noticing that the wall is blue is a thing you can see. This pulls me out of my worry loop and puts me back into reality.

Can you elaborate on a diet? Did you exclude things or add things?

Well, I get performance anxiety at times as a musician, but additional cardio really solved that.

I removed crystal sugar as much as possible and meat with trans fat in it (fast food burgers and such). I try to avoid white bread because it is empty carbs and just makes me tired.

I added a lot of vegetables. Legumes, carrots, tomatoes, tubers. Basically I make a lot of stir fries and soups. And I always try to get all my vitamins and trace elements up to their recommended levels. I usually eat an apple and a banana every day too. It takes a few months, but you are less tired and your brain is less foggy. Also I noticed that my skin got clearer.

Generally being healthy, not tired and clear in the head helps a lot against anxiety when you are actually in the situation.

Thanks. Doing the same things basically. How about noporn or nofap?

Didn't try

Notice how you didn't quote the 'stupid faggit' part?

You're becoming desensitised to criticism through continual exposure.

Really close to my story except I was a sperg underachieving student who isolated himself. I would fear going to bed because of panic attacks. I am now a 13% bf dyel ottermode and proud of how healthy I am. People treat you so helps to hate myself a little less and go out of my comfort zone.

hes right u know

While on propranolol I guess, mostly because I'd start shaking visibility and this would fuel my social anxiety, and so I would get even more unable to speak and manipulate things without looking like someone with a fully developed parkinson and all the usual anxiety symtomps. After around a year I stopped taking it, but it isn't as bad as it was. Usually. Meditation and stuff never helped, it gets way too difficult to focus.

Normally I would let this go, but I am cursed with the same fetish.

bbwchan as fuck, image source though)
tumblr has really good feedee blogs to nut to.
deviantart if you are truly degenerate.

Yes, every weekend when I take a ton of xanax and weed and get cooked the fuck out of my mind.

But it only lasts until the weekend is over. Then it's back to work.

There's no cure for anxiety. The best you can do is get prescribed SSRIs to reduce your symptoms to the point where it's no longer a debilitating crippling illness, and then binge on xanax or opiates on weekends.

Good luck.

thats not something you can take daily

Getting older is the only cure, nothing else will make you care less

Thanks for the help man good luck to you too

We're all gonna make it

a younger me would have said that (social) anxiety can't be cured

and i did have actual social anxiety, not just shyness. i would be in a state of complete fear and therefor stress the entire day just knowing that the next morning i'll have to attend class/ride the bus/talk to guests

but as i grew older and as i involuntarily faced more and more of my fears, it disappeared

i can remember a time where i absolutely wished to have a normal, calm state of mind with no fear or stress whatsoever, and dreamed of a future where i would feel no stress/fear, and now i see myself in that state of mind often

thank u for this

Yes. I got a lobotomy.


Yes. I faced and defeated the underlying causes. Anxiety and depression are WAY down.

>Anyone here beat anxiety disorder?
I didn't.

I don't even know where to start, I'm afraid that me talking to a doctor about it will backfire on me when we end up in a society where everything gets analyzed by some AI and that they will attempt to get rid of me. Shit I'm sure this post will backfire on me as well, all internet traffic is being mirrored by letter soup agencies that will use AI to analyze all of it. Soon they will require us all to have a chip in our brains that analyzes all of our thoughts and gets rid of "undesirable thoughts". Camera's are recording every move you make and nobody seems to care, this shit is going to backfire hard on us all when inevitably some loony gets to power. Your children will rat on you if you oppose the new world order and you will be gotten rid of, there will be no other country to flee to because there will be one world superstate with satellites that track all your movements 100% of the time. Don't think it's happening? Just look at how they attack the thing they deem "fake news", soon we will have a ministry of truth and you will not be allowed to say anything that contradicts what the ministry deems as the truth. Your guns will be confiscated by bulletproof robots. Recently they invented a way to track whether you've taken your "medication", you will be pressured into using these medications by big insurance companies. I'm not even paranoid or psychotic but mark my words: 1984 is a reality, it is here to stay and there is nothing you can do about it.

Man you sound like paranoid schizophrenic