Compare yourself to older versions of yourself, NOT to other people

Compare yourself to older versions of yourself, NOT to other people.

Try and become the man you wish your father was

> older versions of myself
> older
Niga what

I wish my father would disappear

I think he meant older as in younger

My total was 30kg better in 2015, fuck you OP, now I'm sad

I already punched 2016 me in the face this year.


go from fit douchebag looking guy to fatty and bum look. somehow the bitches seem to like it more and like the belly. might be because it makes them feel more comfortable? i look more like a dad than a playa now know whatimsayin

Didn't ever met him

i would definitely kick me's ass from 2 years ago

Well I gained 30 pounds bulking in the last 10 months, went from skeleton mode to somewhat decent looking mode. Life is good, I'm slowly but surely digging myself out of a mental hole, and I'm going back to college soon.

Way better than 2015 and 2016 me.

>I think he meant older as in younger
Nigger what?

I wish he was still alive.

So I could confront him about touching my dick all those years back.

>Used to be an Alpha male
>Used to be a fucking man
>The older I have gotten the more depression has hit me
>I'm a beta faggot today
>I'm a loser today
>I'm pretty much a nu-male who is looking for answers but will never change

Did it feel good though ?

I can't remember, damn it!

I think he meant previous patches of yourself

this fucking thread

Even better: just think of your future self and how to get there

If you're not creating, you're wasting time

Be the person your dog thinks you are

Do the right thing but be a dog father your older self wishes he could beat


This nigga gets it.