NEET here

NEET here.

Can any of you guys recomend any hobbies besides lifting?

My day is a fucking void and I need something to distract me from the shame and sadness.

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a job???

Well I usually like to have a good cry into my anime waifu body pillow. Then I usually jerk off to transtesticle and hentai pornos. That's usually good for getting through about 3 hours.

hahaha, what a fucking degenerate I slam mad pussy everyday and i fuck any bitch i want while i make ceo and 10k a day while i sit on my ass.. neets like you will always envy us us

read books




get a job faggot

Old school Runescape.
It's the patrician no-lifer's game.

play an instrament, you can pick up a cheap electric keyboard or guitar from a thrift store for less than 20$, you can learn for multiple hours a day without strain, if you enjoy music it should be fairly engaging / entertaining

All these seething wagecucks trying to cope. Stay strong op and use the NEET life to achieve true fulfillment. Read more, grow vegetables, learn as much as you possibly can about something you've always been interested in.

Some of my hobbies

>Paint miniatures
>Make my own Pokemon cards
>Learning a language
>Video game modding

Read Evola (pic related)
When you're done you will be a different person.

try base jumping, but with no parachute

Get a degree and apply to law or medical school.

Fuck, I miss archery. Do you do it in the woods and stuff, or just at a range?

Do things that make you want to lift, like playing neat muscly games. Skyrim for once, makes you wanna be strong and muscly like your char (unless you're gay)

playing piano

>endless supply of music to learn and master at all difficulty levels
>improves intelligence and motor skills
>impresses normies


who else /trumpeter/

mycology. its fun but literally nobody will relate to you.
>hey baby wana see some thic rhizomorphic dicaryotic mycilial growth?

>Can any of you guys recomend any hobbies besides lifting?
Yes. Getting a job and contributing financially to your household.


Here is a good hobby site.

I relate bro

if you have the money, learn to cook or play an instrument. both have an infinite amount of free resources on the internet and both impress women

Hiking, go local or save up GBPs and Neet bucks to travel and hike

1. BOOKS! Books are incredible. Read philosophy (starting with Plato's Republic), some good fiction (start with Crime and Punishment, or East of Eden), and also some nonfiction about any topic you're interested in. Balance them out, do some of each every day.

2. Math. Force yourself to solve a math problem that will challenge you every day. This may mean Algebra 1, it may mean Honors Calculus 3, but whatever level it is, do some math every day. Also get good at quick mental arithmetic (Arthur T. Benjamin's resources are great for this).

3. Chess. Makes you a better thinker, and is hella addictive.

4. Basketball/Soccer/Hockey/Ultimate/some other sport that has pickup games. Start working on being good at a team sport.

5. Woodworking/Craftsmanship. Making things is fun af. Also included under this are things like fixing electronics and shit.

6. Hiking/Outdoor Running. Good for you and challenging. Really good at developing self discipline.

7. Relearn geography. Reading about one country per day teaches you a ton, and significantly contributes to your understanding of geopolitics.

8. Daytrading. Start by using investopedia's simulation engine and practice. Learn theory/technique. If you're good, maybe start with real cash.

9. Poker. Online gambling is fun as hell. Limit yourself to only $25/month, try to build that deposit into a bankroll by playing small games ($.01/.02 games), then work your way up.

10. Cooking. Getting really good at cooking is both fun and rewarding.

11. Community service/volunteering. Go help people.

>apply to law or medical school.
its a poisoned chalice

OH, forgot one.

12. Learn to code. Not only is it very fun, you can make money if you get good at it. Start with a simple language like HTML and then CSS, then maybe move to stuff like PHP or Python or Java or Ruby.


You legit have autism. NEETs tend to be creative types so functionalist bullshit like math and le anyone can code bro! Is trash.

Terrible time-reward trade off if you're looking to make money.

Go get yourself a hi point carbine and blast some cand inna woods


video games and dating




are you fucking kidding me? if you're a neet with an internet connection you could spend like ~4 hours a day learning code and could land a comfy job making 45-60k a year depending where in a year if that

It's four to eight years of pain for societal respect and a guaranteed high income job. Just like lifting.

Med more than law, but both much more than any other field.

This is indisputable.

Get a job first so you can fund your hobbies. I personally shoot, hike, and I'm building a paddleboard from scratch right now.

lol at your vast overgeneralization. Reason I suggested coding is bc one of my friends who is a NEET picked up coding and loves it. People aren't monolithic (but you're an individually unique sort of stupid).

Warhammer 40,000

for most, the pain does not stop with the degree, they just cope with it

Like this?

Cycling, especially in the morning or evening when most wagies try to either get to work or back home.