Who else is /purple/?

Who else is /purple/?
Also been lifting for 2.5 months

Other urls found in this thread:


I've been on SL for 6 weeks from an empty bar on all lifts. I haven't tested any 1RMs but I'm pretty sure that I'm still a strengthlet.


>tfw 160/250/235/375
My quads feel like they're tearing in 2 when I squat

Forgot pic

We're on the same boat brother

What mode am I?


Same, how do i increase my squat pls

Actually I hardly do curls, weighted chin 1RM is 120lbs tho

Very impressive m8, good on you.

>tfw been lifting for almost 3 months
>tfw only my lateral delts are green
pic related, it's me

what mode am i

You need to squat more often. Train legs 2 times a week. I train legs once a week that's why my squat is lagging behind. I do PPLPPxx

Starting Strength success story

What mode am I

what is this?


symmetrical strenght look it up

>Enter between 1-10 Bench Press reps.
>Enter between 1-10 Pull-up reps.
what is this bullshit?
i fucking do like sets of 60 and 100

Honeybee mode

Have you considered adding weight?

spot the crossfiter

>i fucking do like sets of 60 and 100
What the fuck

no i just am not a pussy
even the pull ups are saying fucking 1-10
stop making excuses

Instagram th0t

>tfw the only thing people seem to comment on are my shoulders

>220kg squat
>140kg bench
>250kg deadlift

I feel you, about 2.5 months too, took a break for holiday
I started subpar on almost everything, how the fuck does the average untrained person bench 45 kg? According to the references on the website it's with a 1 sec pause too.
Gotta eat more tho

>sets of 60-100
>on the bench press
You are either an indian who wears inappropriate gym attire, or an old dude wearing a fanny pack and high socks.

according to the website it estimates 1 rep max and grades you based on that
over 10 reps 1 rep max estimation is very inaccurate

King of DYELs reporting in

I'm new. App name?

It's a website called symmetric strength

thanks mate

is this asking for max sets til fail or my regular rep? Cuz I’m just entering my 5x5 reps and coming out a shitty purple boye with random tourquoise

Not bad for a few months

Here comes the thread theme:

Ok I see it works on maxes I entered my fail sets.


T-rex, obviously.


Score: 64.7
Squat: 56.7 [Novice]
Floor Pull: 54.9 [Novice]
Horizontal Press: 67.2 [Intermediate]
Vertical Press: 60 [Intermediate]
Pull-up / Row: 84.9 [Proficient]

>tfw highest score is on forearms

6'4" 225 3 years lifting

electrician mode


Should train legs more often than 2 times a week in fact. Once you get past the initial DOMS your legs can handle the most volume of your entire body.

Been lifting 2.5 months, fucked around on SL for a bit before moving onto the Reddit PPL.

newfag on Veeky Forums how the fuck do you do this


>1-10 reps

What do I type there? I do 35 rep 150 kg romanian deadlift. I don't do that normal faggot deadlifts that fuck up your back

And I don't go near max weight because that fucks up my low back, so I keep it 25-40 rep

You know those big iron wheels at the gym with the numbers on them? You're supposed to put them on the bar to make it heavier.

try going as heavy as you can for one rep

also I imagine 35 reps at any weight is just as likely to fuck your back up as a lowrep range at a heavy weight

>I took the bait

Me too but i'm cutting, is that to be expected?

>I don't do that normal faggot deadlifts
Then you put a zero or don't select the lift.

iron man

lmao i'm like a martian, a green man

7 months training, is it ok?


>counts his barbell row

lmao leave that shit out and calculate your score using weighted pullups

rate me fit
>67 kgs ( was 60 2 months ago)
Have started lifting 2 months ago


1.5 months lifting
>I'm gonna make it

6 weeks, ivysaur's 4-4-8 routine

Last time I tried lifting I did SL and OHP was my weakest lift, on this routine it's my strongest so I'm pretty happy with it.



tfw liftong for 4 months
I could probably squat more but I'm scared because of my 0 ankle mobility

nice, dude

lance corporal who likes lifting

Drop the weight, increase the volume.
Gotta build those stabilizers

>60-100 reps
ayy, get the fuck off the moon and lift on Earth like a fucking adult.

4 months lifting here

started 117 lbs to 154 lbs skelly weight, went from PINK subpar to purple

learned proper form which took the most time by far but now eating is my only enemy


Second week of lifting

Can we include height? Symmetricstrength is skewed in favour of manlets.

6'2" and lifting for 5 months. Bench is just a few kg away from proficient.

Almost the same as mine except I'm a 5'10" 165 manlet.

Look at all these Grey heads.... Y'all need to be doing some eyebrow shrugs and build that shit up.

I'm up to 8 pounds per brow....

You're doing your deadlifts wrong most likely.

Drive your feet into the fucking ground, don't use your back, you will gain 28% strength. :~)


It's called symmetric STRENGTH for a reason.

This isn't a fitness test, so there is no endurance component. If you can only pull up your bodyweight, then that is your strength limit.

6 weeks lifting.. am I gonna make it

I squat regularly but I can't get my form good, keeps me from trying to go heavier.
When I squat and go back up I always do a goodmorning, it's really hard not to do it.
Any tips?

I spent about 4 months plateauing, sifting through a bunch of bullshit internet opinions on how to squat correctly, how to maintain a vertical bar path, etc.

You're not going to find THE answer until you actually know what's wrong with you, specifically. There are just too many variables involved otherwise.

Get a camera and film yourself doing a bunch of squats. Assess the footage in slow-motion to find out what's really wrong with yourself. Keep in mind, your form probably won't break down until 90%+ 1RM, so these should be near-max singles. It helps if you're doing this during a peaking/HIHF block, when you're doing max singles several times a week.

That aside, it's usually one of the following:
- bar is rolling forward on traps when coming out of the hole
- ankle/hip mobility is shit
- core/lower-back is too weak

I basially do RDLs. Otherwise my back feels tight the next day if I do legit diddlys

Drop weight until you can do a strixt form squat. Then do volume at that weight.

1 year
I did fill in my PRs though, I think I even out a little below that on an average day

what's your squat?

practice with a broomstick or something
seriously, it looks hilarious but fuck that


I'm blue
I wish I were green
I wish I were green
I wish I were green


Ur a big guy

BW 190
69in tall

Bench 270
Front squat 305
Deadlift 435
Strict OHP 175

Dat PSOne cgi

I went from green to purple after taking antidepressants, back to blue in two months now

You're not supposed to count the weight of the bar, right?

Kek idk why

>11% bf
Tore my bicep, groin and sprained my MCL in the past year, sucks ass

It's asking for your max

so if you could do 200lb 5x5 on bench, but could get 215 for a single grindy set of 5, you should put 215 x 5

How's you tear your bicep? Mixed grip diddlies?

Playing rugby