Has anyone tried SARMS before:

> What was your experience?

> What was your results?

> What were the sides?

I took a bunch of SARMs all mixed together last year. I don't even remember exactly what I took now because they all have such stupid fucking names but I think it was ostarine, yk-11 and lgd.

Basically they did very little for me. Some people probably respond a lot better but I might as well have been taking sugar pills.

I really don't rate SARMs at all. Even a low dose of test (300mg) is literally 10x better.

99% of SARMS capsules are mixed with oral steroids and/or prohormones.

If that was the case, there should be some results.

>take sarms
>same risk of killing your nuts
>not as good as testosterone

On 3rd week of rad 140 and lgd now deffinatly gaining muscle and muscles are harder/more full but they are pretty expensive

Reminder that Sarm threads are shill threads

Reminder that sarm threads, like soylent threads, always follow the same posting formula: OP seemingly having no knowledge of sarms asking what they do, three or four posters who reply with tons of knowledge on the subject

Reminder that sarm threads rarely ever go over 100 posts because the samefag rate is so high

Reminder that no before or after pictures, replicated studies or any form of tangible results for sarms exist

Reminder that OP should hang himself


The lgd i took helped me put on 10ish pounds of muscle in 10 weeks, was okay.

If you are a dude you might as well take test.

Are there any sarms that aren't detectable by NCAA drug tests?

I have and I've read a lot of anecdotes.
>Ostarine is only good for a cut. Not really useful.
>LGD is good for a bulk.
>RAD is great. Nearly impossible to not get results from it.
>YK isn't as effective as it's made out to be.
>S-23 is great. Nearly impossible to not get results from it.
>S-4 is great for strength.

Make sure it's a legitimate source. A lot are bunk. Test is altogether better. You still need a proper PCT and they will fuck with your levels.

Tried them once and it was god damn awful. Was super expensive, kept me up at night and ruined my sleep for about three weeks. Had horrible back pumps and couldn't stand at the worst point. I learned my lesson the hard way fit

OP Here I have 2 bottle. I'm not shilling, but I agree some of the responses sound shill

>"The lgd i took helped me put on 10ish pounds of muscle in 10 weeks, was okay."

Any sides?

>"If you are a dude you might as well take test."
Did test, loved every minute of it. Loved it so much I stayed on it for 8 Months. When i finally go tired of being a pin cushion and came off, it took 6 months till felt normal again. Don't want to go back down that road again

You will not get answers. Responses will stop short of showing you any ecidence and then threads die out. Every time.

How was your PCT? HCG is also very helpful to boost recovery.

Which did you try?

It's been over 2 years now, so forgive me if my numbers a little off:

Novadex and Clomid for 4 weeks
Novadex 4 More weeks
HCG 1500IU for 10 days.

Steroids are the best drug I ever did, but nobody tells you how bad the come down is. Lack of sex drive, high estrogen and depression, make me never want to pin again

You might be right.

>The shill is real

Felt a bit more assertive, slightly more agitated then normally. I was bolder for example, while driving. More speeding and switching lanes.
I did notice shut down approaching at 10th week. I could feel my nuts getting a bit sore every now and than but that’s when my cycle finished anyway, besides that I’m completely fine. I will probably take it again in may.

better off going to r/peds

I did a 1 month run of LGD while cutting on IF before. Definitely let me keep my strength up and harden out, in fact my strength increased! Shame I dont have pics on this phone. that was 2 years ago.
Close to after this I stopped working out due to extreme work commitments.

I have started working out again. got back to the gym with alot of lost strength and size and decided to hop on LGD again but for 8weeks like most common sarm cycles. size and strength has come back fast, but alot of this would have to do with muscle memory.
There is definitely a "feel good" aspect to LGD that I dont hear alot about, at least with me.

Honestly LGD just help with cancelling out some bad training and diet decsions you might be making and make recovery much much easier, which is condusive to growing more mass. But like other anons have mentioned it has nothing on even a conservative dose of test (comparing with mates that pin test). I only experimented with LGD because it's convenient and a way to wet my feet, because I really want to go down the path of testosterone.

Only sides I got were lethargy and increased appetite during weeks 2 and 3. PCT is nolva with zinc and mag supps. wish I had clomid instead though.

Perfect ass