how important is it to you to not eat GMO food?

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There's no fucking downside to GMO anyone who says otherwise is a faggot.

There is a big one, it ruins non gmo crops that grow near AND IT HAS NO BENEFITS

>frail man with sickly color
>muscular man with healthy complexion
The muscular man that looks healthy is obviously more healthy.

>small apple with faded color
>large red apple with bright healthy hue
The large delicious looking apple in no way has more vitamins and required more nutrients to grow to that size because genetic engineering has made apples that get bigger no matter how many nutrients they take in cuz muh apple genes.

People that hate GMO foods are people that don’t understand GMO foods.

If you don't like GMO things you should put down your dog because dogs are dogs after hundreds of years of selective breeding

0 understanding of literally anything

>no benefit
I'd call SEEDLESS FUCKING GRAPES a benefit. That and a banana that doesn't SUCK ASS

i dont like my food judaized

What's the source material for the original gif?

Selective breeding isn't GMO but nice try

Think of it as editing genes as in a human for example. Before the baby is born, being able to choose its eye colour for example.

It doesn't affect your health in any way eating these GMO foods, its just a more efficient way to grow larger crops with less risk of disease

tldr you get more for less money with literally no health downside

literally no difference in term of health between a gmo crop and an organic crop unless it is engineered to specifically have more vitamins

only specific genes are edited, this doesn't effect anything other than coding for an extra protein that can affect the ripening or size of a food

Dogs weren't bred to withstand cancer causing glophosate you fucking moron

Gmo crops themselves aren't harmful but they are engineered to withstand herbicide/insecticide. The plants take in these chemical and they are inside and sprayed onto the vegetables, fruit, etc. The plants are immune to these poisons obviously, but humans and other creatures are not. Those chemicals cause cancer, disrupt natural plant/animal cycles via death or impedance, and damage the environment through this. Growing gmo to maximize profits slowly kills everything else

No, the crops are actually sterile and crossbreed with normal crops to create infertile offspring.
To make matters worse they are engineered to withstand pesticides that only the creators of said crops create and sell.
Also said major company is now buying a drug company that makes drugs that help with problems caused by the crops they create!

Yeah I meant that if not for the poison they wouldn't be bad to eat. But you're right and that merger spells doom. I know which you're talking about. Better learn to garden user. It's a nice way out of paying taxes and for food. Especially if you stop eating meat

Pretty much all crops that aren't certified organic are sprayed with pesticides. If they werent shit like european corn borer would decimate our food supplies. Just because a chemical is applied to a plant doesn't mean that chemical is going to have negative effects on the body. I do agree that people should try and avoid roundup ready corn and the like. Glyphosate has proven negative effects on the human body.

user, they are chemicals meant to kill off other lifeforms. Sure in small doses it won't have any harmful effects but in large doses it will fuck you up just like everything else it touches and there's not an agency out there that will quantify how much of x chemical makes it to the human body and it what volume because the answers would be damning. It's the same argument people try to make with fluoride being in water but they never account for how much it accumulates over time

I'm a scientist and an engineer and I confirm

>im a scientist and an engineer
are you a chemist/geneticist? if not you sud shut the fuck up you stupid faggot

are you? if not you sud shut the fuck up you stupid faggot

there is literally nothing wrong with eating gmo
.. selling gmo free labelled foods is just a marketing trick for stupid hippies