I'm about to go on my first ever serious bulk Veeky Forums...

I'm about to go on my first ever serious bulk Veeky Forums. Is there anything you wish you had been told before you did yours?

pic unrelated

GOMAD is a legitament bulk

Yes, you always have a helluva lot less muscle than you think so don't cut for a long time unless you want to waste your fucking time.

Enjoy the strength gains and live for them....the asthetics will come later.

how long is a long time :^)

count your calories so you don't get too fat too quick

How long do you bulk for?

whats GOMAD?

Eat until you feel sick then eat some more.
Dont cut for atleast a year

budget alot of money for toilet paper

at least a year, i put on 20 pounds in a year and 2 months of good mass and I am still another 4 months from a cut at LEAST

whats the point of cutting? and how long do you do it for?

Ready the fucking sticky instead of wasting a thread on these basic questions

grade A macaroni all day

what a fucking retard

drink a gallon of milk everyday? what am i a fucking infant?

Err on the side of lean. You don't actually have to eat that much.

that's not me (OP)

They put carbs as the base of the fud pyramid for a reason

I mean if my reps can only go up a certain amount anyway then why isn't that all I need to keep track of?

Do you think there is a limited number of threads?

Gains of masturbating all day

I think one should read the sticky before asking questions it covers.
And yes, there are a fucking limit

Enjoy getting fat and losing control of your diet you lazy piece of shit. You’re falling for a meme and will look like trash

>are a limit
Don't judge me, I just woke up


its not being an infant OP, its motherfucking GOMAD, also it increases test dont worry so its the complete opposite of an infant.

>caring about grammar
redditor newfag detected

>everything i dont like is reddit

Then don't like a gluttonies retard, eh?

stop fighting :^(

lean bulk, muscle growth, strength gains, while maintaining rational bf%.
it takes a long time to develop a great body. You think getting fat is gonna make it faster?

It takes the spot of another thread when it comes to bumping and visibilty


>Is there anything you wish you had been told before you did yours?
Yes, that the "eat bigger to get bigger" mentality is ass-backwards and often leads to bad dietary habits; aka "meh why not, I'm bulking".

Getting bigger begins with increasing training volume/frequency. You work harder, THEREFOR you increase your caloric intake. It's not the other way around.

Get more serious about your training and your appetite will increase.

Also, don't confuse the initial strength-gains from carbo-loading with actual muscle hypertrophy.

Niggers here believe that buling = eating junkfood everyday and become an obese fat fuck and cutting = starving yourself

Don't get meme'd

When you need to bulk, just up your complex carbs (rice, potato, sweet potato etc) and your healthy fats (olive oil, avocado etc) by A LITTLE. That way you won't get a gut, and you'll actually gain lean mass with as much little fat as possible.

That way, it will be hell easier to cut later

Minimal if any caloric surplus is required.

>lean bulk
what does that even mean

You have way more recovery ability and energy than you think you do while you're bulking.
Go high volume, lift often, and go harder than you would at any other time. Really push yourself because this is the time to take advantage of it.
Once you start cutting again you won't be able to make gains nearly as quickly.

so what do you increase when you cut? protein? cutting requires cardio, right? But i heard carbs are better for cardio fuel

Cutting doesn’t require cardio, just eating at a deficit. So either less overall or net less after your cardio work. Increase your protein to carb ratio on a cut.

Personally when I cut, I go high protein, moderate to high fat and low af carbs, with one to two carb refeed days (on lifting days)

I don't do cardio, just HIIT 2 times a week. but I'm naturally more lean, don't know whats your body type / weight like

Hold up, why is the guy in the pic skinny fat and why is his celebration so unimpressive. Is this a meme

is running good for cardio? in your opinion. it just seems that running requires a lot of calories. also, would you couple the running with lifting light?

lifting light is a waste of time

Unless you are powerlifting you should lift within the rep range of 6 to 8 (barely able to do the last reps)

Yeah ofcourse cardio is good for running

You’re talking about lifting on a cut? Lift normal, your goal is preserving muscle, hence the increase in protein ratio even on a calorie deficit. As for running, it’s great for cardio, but try HIIT or swimming too. Running outside is better than a treadmill as well

Yeah ofcourse running is good for cardio* lol

Cut out coffee if you can

Stretch your tummy with a big breakfast

oh ok, i see. thank you. i run outside but i would like to start running on a threadmill . the sun is terrible here in florida.

Gram of maize a day

it's when you just crazy eating man

Treadmill running isn’t the worst, it’s just not as good as outdoor running. But try doing two minutes at X mph then one minute at Y mph, for several cycles (say, ten), where Y is greater than X and Y is challenging. (I do 15 cycles with 7 mph and 9 mph)

he just knocked out this pretty boy

Don't dirty bulk, eat just a few hundred calories over maintenance for a longer period, getting fat as shit and having to cut for ages isn't any fun trust me.

Grammar nazi over something that small is definitely reddit as fuck

bulk slow (1% bw gain per month for an intermediate) for long duration

cut aggressively (1% bw loss per week) for short duration

rough guideline of 4:1 time spent in a surplus: time spent cutting ratio (spend majority of time in small surplus)

these all come from eric helms recs

Eat actually healthy shit. Veggies, chicken, turkey, rice, eggs, shit like that. Don't bulk using cheeseburgers, ice cream, cake, pizza, and other trash like that.

if your lifts are not increasing you are missing the fucking point of a bulk. that was me for a year, I gained 25 lbs and barely got any stronger. now im just fat

Fucking hell he makes that look so easy. What a great partytrick.

he didn't knock him out, he choked him out

4 years.

That's so fucking gross

Bulk clean, lots of meat.

I used to dirty bulk like a son of a bitch, and my lifts all improved to decent levels, but then I realised just how much fat I was / how far into caloric surplus I had gone.

Now I'm on a much cleaner diet, and I look better than I ever have and my lifts are still good.

Tuna is your guy.

Eat more. When you think you eat enough, eat some more. Peanut butter is godly.

kys buddy

yes, bulk along with intermitent fasting, eat good carbs high on protein like chickpeas, lentils, beans, sweet potatoes, switch chicken for lean ground beef and add drink caloric heavy smoothies

holy shit that was a fast spin

What exactly were you eating when you were eating "dirty" vs. when you were eating "clean"? Tbh I don't really know how clean my diet its.

Eat as much Tuna, Cheese, Steak, Ham, etc... as you can every day. If you eat 4000 calories of meat you will explode. Also take double-tripple the daily of a multivitamin while you bulk.

forget about counting calories
forget about macros
just eat as much as you fucking can

sure, you'll gain some fat, but the gainz will be solid
I did only "clean bulks" for 4 years before I kinda "gave up" and started gorging out... and I grew like crazy for the first time in my life, like roid growing

When I was eating dirty, it was basically an excuse to eat whatever I wanted. Pizza twice a week, fast food whenever, excess bread, crisps and fizzy drinks, but all in the name of calories right?

Nowadays I eat lots of meats, a little complex carbs, allow myself some fats, but the biggest change has been the fast foods / obviously unhealthy shit. Also I have a fizzy drink maybe once every week / two weeks? Loads of water..

Now a days my diet is quite repetitive, but plenty of veggies, a little fruit, meat with every meal (bouled eggs at breakfast) and protein supps inbetween as sweeter snacks

>When I was eating dirty, it was basically an excuse to eat whatever I wanted. Pizza twice a week, fast food whenever, excess bread, crisps and fizzy drinks, but all in the name of calories right?
oh yeah, I would never do that. I thankfully never really acquired a taste for junkfood so I can avoid it easily. The vast majority of what I eat is healthy Veeky Forums-recommended stuff with a bit of bread here or there. Might have a pizza once every few weeks.
I'm wondering if my selection of food is clean can I use nothing but the guiding principle of "eat as much as you can"

There is a theoretical limit, you can eat 7000cal of veg and still get fatter

But give yourself a healthy excess, and so long as it's a relatively lean mixture of foods, you'll be fine

Not op, but i have a related question. Should I exercise every day or like 5-6 days a week while bulking ?

Son you might be illiterant

It depends on your routine, what muscles you do each day etc.

I mainly do calisthenics, with weights here and there.

>lean bulk as natty
stay retarded, you literally fell for the meme. Did the 100% NATURAL youtubers you follow teach you about lean bulking?

if it's a full body routine then you should only do that like 3 times a week. people who workout 6-7 days do ppl or brosplits

>like roid growing
But with your fat. So you look like shit. This is exactly why bulking is a meme.