Beginner here. Should I really be squating 3x a week? Seems a bit to much

Beginner here. Should I really be squating 3x a week? Seems a bit to much.

You can stop squatting 3x a week if you ever feel like your legs start looking too big (will never happen)

Yeah man all the certified strength coaches with decades of experience have no idea what they're talking about. Go have a nice leg day once a week, yup, that'll do it user.

Do nsuns 531 LP.

Most common 5x5 beginner programs have you squat so often because it’s pretty difficult to grow your legs since they’re naturally already very strong.

Lol there are so many different muscle parts to train you can’t possibly train the same one three times a week. Plus if you are that obviously means your legs aren’t sore and tired and are able to be pushed that much. Which means you’re not going to grow because the muscle fibres in your legs aren’t obviously tearing.


Legs are naturally strong

>implying half the people at the gym don’t have twig legs.

Oh wait they do. Their legs are tiny because they aren’t tearing enough muscle fibres and giving enough recovery time for their legs.

I go to the gym and see some faggits having a nice chat while doing squats. If you’re not pushing yourself to the point where you can’t physically talk you’re not working them out enough.

Do legs once a week and actually do them properly sqautlets

its not that they are strong, they are just more conditioned to use so they can recover faster. thats why you cant just train calves once a week you have to do high volume/high frequency training

I do legs 2x a week. You should do as much as your body can handle without injuring yourself though

Anons I do legs once a week and I can’t walk the whole week. I don’t know what you’re doing but if you’re not limping around then somethings not right. The only time I stop limping is when it’s like the day before leg day.

I really wish op did better research then to come to this shit hole expecting some half decent advice. And I can’t even recommend getting a personal trainer because they are all seriously Jewish shekel gatherers.

It’s because you do it so infrequently brainlet

I mean like I know at least three acquaintances at my gym that do legs two or three times a week and I swear every time I see them they are either doing squats or deadlifts.

And i don’t say anything to them but I swear to god if you’re squatting that much you’re obviously not working them out that hard or you have super incredible recovery time which I’m pretty sure they don’t. Either that or sooner or later their joints are going to give out and they’ll tell me how they broke something and are injured. Happens a lot too.

Oh yeah because once a week is so infrequent isn’t it you stupid dyel. I bet you do chest three times a week too don’t you. Do you do traps and forearms four times a week too huh? Do you do abs everyday too? Do you do arms everyday?

Ohhh wait do you do one of those split routines where it’s chest and back day? Or legs and (insert some other brainlet idea) day?

Yeah you stupid soyboy have fun using your stupid app to find your personal one rep max and what exercises you need to do for the day. Also don’t forget to post about your workout every day otherwise it doesn’t count.

>And i don’t say anything to them but I swear to god if you’re squatting that much you’re obviously not working them out that hard or you have super incredible recovery time which I’m pretty sure they don’t. Either that or sooner or later their joints are going to give out and they’ll tell me how they broke something and are injured. Happens a lot too.

Maybe they're novice-intermediate lifters or they actually get enough rest and nutrition.

Seriously this kid is a Fucking beginner you should be at least make his routine simple as fuck so this dyel can actually attempt it before he quits like a little bitch and sits at home crying and tugging on his penis to some fetish porn

How the fuck are you getting enough rest to do legs three times a week.

If your legs aren’t sore the next day you have obviously done a shit workout and you won’t grow.

Bodybuilding is not a difficult concept. Train hard, diet and sleep. It’s the big three.

If you’re trying to grow bigger legs your big three is training, eating big and resting a lot.

whats your squat though? your'e only sore because you aren't used to it. trying to fit a weeks worth of volume into one day really shows your level of progress

Mostly a novice is training CNS or form on something like SS or SL. They aren't testing their prs but they still make progress.

Yes once a week is infrequent

they are sore the next day but not everyone has shit recovery like you and can handle 3x a week

Youre such a fucking faggot holy shit, just stfu and kys

>being this insecure
2x a week for legs and 3x a week for chest is optimal for natty recovery rates (unless you're a roider which would make sense)
doing a 5 day U/L split accomplishes 3x the work in the same amount of time as a brosplit

you should be required to post a timestamp before posting shit like this

Nah I only do them once a week on the same day as diddlies. I'm at 2.5 for squats and 3 for dls but I'm more of a curl and benchbro and look better than most of the people here anyway.

>that obviously means your legs aren’t sore and tired and are able to be pushed that much
That's the point mate, you're sore and tired, but you need to push harder in order to get what you want

Yeah push more for that injury. They need to rest man so they can recover rebuild and you can thrash them again

>Most common 5x5 beginner programs have you squat so often because it’s pretty difficult to grow your legs
No, its because they have the most potential for strength and size development as a beginner. A skinny or skinnyfat beginner running ss or sl will see their legs double in size in a few months

I squat 3x a week... I'm sore all the time, and occasionally have to take an extra day to recover at the end of the week, but it isn't too much.

the advice, tips and information on bodybuilding forums are truly amazing

higher frequency for beginners is important, you know nothing about lifting quit making judgements like "it seems a bit bunch" you fucking fool

Well in fairness gear does deliver.

thats like

>hey guys, does anyone know how i can increase my chest size? any exercises? im new

>yeah. food makes your body go big. you should eat.