How did Martilini get rid of his massive bitch hips? Masteron + Test through late puberty?

How did Martilini get rid of his massive bitch hips? Masteron + Test through late puberty?

looks like he widened his back and chest which is what you’re supposed to do + test

this. his hips aren't any smaller, his frame just got wider so it creates an illusion

This is definitely good inspiration for me. My hips aren't too too wide but it's depressing when you know it's not something you can change even surgically. Probably won't ever do steroids but I do plan on getting as big as possible

Wait uou can actually change your frame? Could I actually make my shoulders widers? Have I been memed?

lol no u can make it bigger

how does one framemaxx?

How? Shoulder, chest or back exercises to widen upper torso?

>this thread

framelets get out

Its all about becoming the most mascular that you can be but please dont use steroids and dont ruin your life.just workout and in about 3 years you will look better

serious question: what do we think the average iq on this board is? 85, 90, 98? im willing to bet its 95.

What are the best muscle groups and exercises to widen frame? Just shoulders/chest/back? What about muh wings?

Focus on creating a pronounced v-taper from the hips up. Focus on Lats, delts (side delt) and chest (upper) while staying away from direct oblique work & excessive weighted abdominal work. Keep body fat relatively low. Bone structure is bone structure but building up the muscles mentioned above will create the illusion of a slim waist and wide upper body. Hope this helps.


three years to gain anterior pelvic tilt

shoulders + back.

look at you retards

posing + photoshop smfh

im fuckin here for this thread, I dont have massive bitch hips but still have hips
I've been lifting for 4 months and before I was doing all types of memery like endless curls and sht ups, hence the shit body and I feel by obliques are overdeveloped. Will squatting and deadlifting contribute to these?

meant for

lats and delts that's it bro

underrated post