Why aren't you buying Ark right now?

Why aren't you buying Ark right now?

Anyone who can do basic TA would tell you that this thing is a ticking timebomb. Especially with all the upcoming announcements.

not upcoming announcements...
upcoming updates!

>implying I'm not putting every paycheck into it

Poorfag here with only 47 in arc right now...

I put everything I could spare into Ark but could only come up with 2650.
I'm not selling these bags for at least 3 years

charts in usd is all that matters right now and ark is close to ath so no thanks

That's fair. It will probably go supernova in December or January though.

Same. I managed to get to 4k though

Well the reason why its high in USD is because if you looked at the whole crypto marketcap new money flowed in so naturally all the altcoins and bitcoin price increases

No, it's just because more people are buying Ark

IOTA is a timebomb

Its not you retard ahahahaha, look at the total marketcap it rose from 170 billion to 210 billion, every coin on the market basically rose in USD but down in btc if you're not smart enough to notice

>every coin on the market basically rose in USD

Literally not true



>price in USD is up
doesn't mean shit when it is down in BTC. no one trades ARK in USD

Well no one cares about Bitcoin, they just care about the USD value that's attached to it

Everyone essentially trades with fiat valuations

>Well no one cares about Bitcoin, they just care about the USD value that's attached to it

>Everyone essentially trades with fiat valuations

It's true. You never hear "I made 8 BTC this year from crypto," you hear "I made $64,000 this year off of crypto"

Same reason everyone's blockfolio is in USD, GBP, CAD, etc.


This. Regardless I'm putting some money into Ark despite not knowing what it is, worst case (hopefully) scenario I can use it to hodl while I wait for btc to crash.



>no one cares about bitcoin price
That's bullshit though, lots of people who trade alts value their portfolio in BTC terms.

Yeah, and what do you think they value their BTC in?


Thank you. Yes, people trade against to gain more BTC, but that's to gain more...fiat.