Whats the best exercise for good pecs that doesn't require equipment?

Whats the best exercise for good pecs that doesn't require equipment?





Diamond push ups
Weighted if possible, you just need a backpack and something to put in it

No, it's dips till failure finishing with pushups till failure and repeat

dont diamond push ups work mostly your triceps?

Whats the best exercise for good pecs that require only dumbbells?

i only have dumbbells, so no bench

Triceps and chest
It worked for me

Yes they do but the narrow position of the hands allows the pecs to contract better and harder

>doesn't require equipment
Might as well just pray at that point.

The incline dumbbell press while keeping them together and squeezing them during the whole movement. Athlean-X has a video about it. Also some sort of nether chest shrug

>incline dumbbell press

but i dont have a bench to do that brah

Put a few books under your hands sound that they are elevated. Its kind of like bench press.


Pushup variations
But...if you're looking to get pecs that full..then you're going to have to do Assinjections x F every few days.
That's not a euphamism for gay sex...which you'll probably have to do to afford it. It's steroids.

how to get big pecs, in order of importance:
right levels of right hormones in your blood
caloric surplus
some bench presses done with weight that feels heavy

You must pay for my quality information with the very essence of your life, time.

Three words: Dips, sips and nips.

Dips till failure
Sips of protein drinks
Nips of meat

I follow this with an almost religious fervor and it’s paid off for me.

Is flat bench the biggest meme?

One handed pushup.
Then the Dip.