If i want aesthetics do i really need to train shit like legs and back

if i want aesthetics do i really need to train shit like legs and back
i pretty much only care about pecs arms abs etc

someone with only big arms, abs and big pecs will look completely retarded. So if you want your looks to go along with your mental disability, go right ahead and train what you only care about.

>do i really need to train shit like legs and back
>i pretty much only care about pecs arms abs etc
Never gonna fucking make it m8.

but i thought girls didnt care about legs and back

girls care about height and aesthetics. If you train like a retard you are not gonna look aesthetic. you're gonna end up looking like pic related.

enjoy your shitty posture

also big back and traps make you look wide and jacked


Duh. Zyzz had a lagging back and lagging hamstrings (most male lifters do 2bh) but you can’t leave them completely untouched. You won’t even be able to stand up straight

Do (assisted if you are weak) pull ups and rows for your back and you will want to do more and more, lat pull downs won't feel so tiring and hard

Just do squats for legs nothing else, it's addictive after a couple weeks, ween into doing exercises you don't like

You need to do squats if you want to be bigger anyways, your legs pump your test

who told you this women love a muscular back

back is very important for aesthetics you dumbfuck

it gives you that nice v-taper

How fucking retarded are you, read the sticky

if your gains are imbalanced you won't be "aesthetic" brah. common sense.

Quads aren't super important, glutes and hamstrings are better for aesthetics
Good upper back, traps and lats will give you the most "mass" and will make you look jacked as fuck

You don't want to have muscular dysbalance user, train your back and legs.

>caring about what roasties want
Step up, son

Still do Deadlifts.

They don't work your quads as much as squats but they do some for it, you definitely want glute and hamstring development.

Deadlifts will prevent sticks "syndrome" but without squats wont over do your thighs from the front.

You only need to be able 315 for a 5 × 10 upper limit. Anything beyond that is diminished returns.

Anyone have that twitter or whatever social media screengrab of 2 dudes having a decent upper body but toothpick legs? Someone even commented saying "no legs??" and their response was "nah bro we only do it for the girls"

deadlifts without squats will wreck your knees

common roasties may be fooled but alpha females will instantaneously sense your weak legs, mind, and core and destroy you. also: merry xmas

My friend the turn you took made me almost choke on my shake
Have a thicc oger