If i replace red coke with coke zero would i see any significant weight loss over a period of time like people that cut...

if i replace red coke with coke zero would i see any significant weight loss over a period of time like people that cut out soda completely considering there is no calories or sugar?

replace coke with black green tea and you will truly transcend

Just stop drinking what shit, man. Replace it with watdr.

Just stop drinking soda. Why is it so hard?

PRobably not since sweeterners tend to heavily increase cravings. Depends on who you are but if you drink water instead it's very likely you'll loose weight

Yes, coke is awesome just not abuse his consume

Tea also contains caffeine. Which will only blunder your concentration and energy on the long term.

Black green tea? you don't put milk in green tea in the first place


okay, stick to jizz you cuck

shit ton of health benefits from green tea, caffeine in moderation too.

You'll lose weight if you have an overall calorie deficit. Although, if you want to lose weight it helps if you're not taking in extra calories from a nutritionally useless source like regular soda.

>Drinks tea like a fucking woman
>Calls other people cucks
Don't forget to add soy milk to your bitch drink.

Replace it with water, straight up. After 2-3 weeks your taste buds will adjust so much that you won't be able to stomach coke at all.

Yes. Assuming you don't eat a shit ton of candy/chips/pizza/whatever and just keep a relatively healthy diet, you're going to see significant weight loss - to a point. It won't get you a flat stomach or an overall athletic look, and you'll only get so far.
t. someone who started his weightloss journey several years back by quitting the sugar-jew and lost 16kg from that alone.

Yes, Brumpf drinks 12 cans of diet Coke a day and he is a walking bundle of health.

Not him, but you're an idiot and your lifts are shit

Wrong, i only drink cold on occasions and i like coke still.

T. Danefag who isnt cucked by the sugarjew

I can only put up with Coke if there's liquor in it.

I like to enjoy a nice red coke once in a while, but can't fucking stand it as a mixer

For me the shit was harder to quit than cigarettes, OP's way of going about is the best imo.

Soda >> Diet Soda >> Quit

well i used to lift so i have a little muscle on my frame but my BMI has increased a little since i stopped lifting. just wondering if i can get back to where i was through this sacrifise alone i guess?. i just love the carbonation and that zing, its not so much the sugar per say since i wouoldnt mind going from red to zero.

Mechanically speaking you 'Should', assuming the rest of your intake remains completely the same.

Epidemiological studies tend to show not much difference though.

You're better off switching to seltzer (if you need carbonation, like I do).

So long as you don't offset it by increasing your sugar intake from other sources, it's going to help, yes. As for "getting back to where you were" when you used to lift: No, you won't retain your muscle mass unless you keep lifting/doing regular physical activities.

Yes, CICO applies here. Don't listen to people saying otherwise just because it's a product of "big evil" corporation or it contains aspartame.

Also, switch to club soda if you're just after the refreshing/carbonated effect. It's definitely healthier than Zero, and comes very cheaply (with flavors too; citrus is no more costly than plain, for example).

Actual experiments where people are randomly switched to diet also don't show improvement

No because your fat ass will just eat something else to compensate for the lost calories

try replacing Coke by water

i will take your advice to heart guys, thanks for the feedback
im not even fat you retard i weigh 145lbs max

If you cant stop drinking soda you might as well replace your coke with bleach.