Why the fuck is there such a lack of R&D done one acne? Seriously why is it still such a fucking problem to cure acne...

Why the fuck is there such a lack of R&D done one acne? Seriously why is it still such a fucking problem to cure acne? Really not a proper product, besides accutane (with shitty sideffects) , has been produced yet. Literally the only way to get rid of a cyst in under 2 days is to get an injection, why is such a fucking problem? Is it really (((them))) hindering it?

Sminem makes me sad


20mg accutane ED OR EOD. Do this for like 6 or 7 months. Dose is low enough that you won’t have really any side effects besides dry lips. This is what they do in Hollywood and in Europe

When even acne happens because of de joos.

Isn't acne a byproduct of our modern (1940s or so) western societies? To my knowledge the ancients didn't suffer from this.

I've found a few things that seem to alleviate it but it never goes away:

- being stress-free
- fasting
- some antibiotic like clindamycin

The stomach-brain connection needs to be taken a lot more seriously imo. Our happiness could lie in our gut.

maybe you weren't breastfed, or were born through c-section, or grew up on a diet of processed food, or still eat toxic garbage food, or sleep on toxic cotton pillowcases, or shower in toxic american tapwater, or drink aquafina or polandspring or poorfag water, or eat dairy, or eat candy, or have too much stress, or just pisspoor genetics

I took accutane but needed a higher dose so my face was covered in dry skin at all times for like a year and needed to constantly put lotion on if I didn't want to drop skin flakes everywhere I went. It was worth it tho

King tut was buried with egyptian anti acne creams, so its not a modern illness, hygeine and diet has nothing to do with legitimate acne

find something with
in it.
This is the strongest chemical bat you can get.
You need monthly blood checkups while on it, but it works.
>Everything dries up on your skin
>no more oil
>all remaining cysts die off
>scars remain, need to be removed seperately
>constant thirst
>constant fatigue and the knowledge of doing the equivalent of chemo-therapy for being a normal looking human

I only have the last 2 and my skin is awful

OP: Before you try accutane, try a basic skincare routine. This'll take a few months.
The basic elements are the following:
the main OTC medications are the following:
benzoyl peroxide (antibacterial agent, kills acne-causing bacteria)
salicylic acid (exfoliant, anti-inflammatory)
differin (increases skin turnover, does wizardy shit idk)
my current regimen is to just cleanse and moisturize in the morning and cleanse, apply medication, and moisturize. It'll take a while to find exact products that work for you, but once you do, it'll do a lot to help your acne.
I'd HIGHLY recommend trying differin, it'll make your skin worse in the first few weeks, but after a couple months it helps a TON. BP and Salicylic make me break out more, so some medications won't work, be careful and figure shit out.

Don't forget the biggest downside of all: your skin will never go back to the way it was before in terms of oil production. It will always be drier, age and wrinkle faster.

I have to put on moisturizer daily on my face after it touches water.

>eat shit food
>spend more time sitting down than anything
>inside instead of outdoor physical labor
>masturbates every day atleast
never gonna make clear skin

Idiotic. Use a higher dose of accutane to cure it. Low dose for extended period of time is illadvised by any dermatologist.

I had serious side effects from accutane. Id suggest not doing it and use it as a last resort. I had really bad acne so I thought it was worth the risk and even though it fucked me up i believe that the risk was worth it and have no regrets. Ive had to spend about 10x the amount of money on scar surgery like lasers and fat/skin grafts to get to 80% of what my face previously looked like. Currently about $15000 down after the whole ordeal. agree with this dude.

make sure the cleanser and stuff is organic, obviously. Putting shit like propylene glycol and SLS on your face sure isn't doing it any favors

I'd say don't rule out products because they're not organic. The moisturizer that works best for me of those that I tried is the CeraVe moisturizer in the tub. It doesn't have propylene glycol or SLS but the ingredients list is a bunch of things I don't know how to pronounce.

well any number of those ingredients could be the trigger to somebody's acne. it might be a lot easier to just spend the little extra and get something hypoallergenic if you're dealing with a problem like this


For me, patch testing is the name of the game. I start with insensitive skin (On underside of my arm), then try it on more acne-prone skin (Chest, back, etc.). Finally, forehead then whole face. It would be a good idea to list products you have reacted to poorly in the past and list suspect ingredients to avoid, though. I was pretty desperate to find something that worked so I wasn't willing to rule anything out prematurely.

Stop consuming animal products and oil.