How much do you think ethereum is worth in 2020? Im trying to get 100 to hold. Currently have 90

How much do you think ethereum is worth in 2020? Im trying to get 100 to hold. Currently have 90

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Unless ethereum gets overtaken by some newer better tech, then expect minimum 100x what it is now. That's a conservative estimate considering almost all economic sectors will be absorbed into using the blockchain for information handling via tokens/smartcontracts on ethereum and similar platforms.

$18 per ETH after ark VM and core V2

you can get that last 10 by going in bch right now

Yeah so far ETH is the best longterm hodl, thank you sir

And then link comes in the game in adding external info in this said block chain/ smartcontracts

who knew a bulimic pedophile who preys on southeast asian children would bring the next revolution

Its going to be worth around 300

what do you think about this "Ether is FUEL for the network. If it becomes too expensive then it will be redundant "?

of course it can be more expensive, There is no hard limit on ETH, And its divideable to 18 decimals, No reason why it cant go to 10k each

Ether is used to pay the worldwide ethereum virtual maschine to provide verifiable computations. Miners are being payed Ether in fees which is the incentive to continue mining.

When the switch to "Proof of Stake" comes there will be no mining anymore and because staking does not cost too many computational resources the fee for computation on the blockchain will decrease dramatically .....

As the switch to "proof of stake" is planned in the next 12 to 24 months, the ether amount needed to do a transaction would also decrease by a hundredfold, Which is the reason why the price can go up 100x and the chain will not die !!!!

do you not think as a result more and more miners will move away from ETH to other cryptos...?
The mining hardware are scrypt ASICs, Which can only be used for scrypt based Blockchains, wont work for BTC, monero, LTC or whatever
The lowest amount of bitcoin is 1 Satoshi
which is 0.00000001 BTC
The lowest amount of ETH is one Wei
which is 0.000000000000000001 ETH


1eth will equal 1gb of CP

$400 + 6 4 year olds

You really think it can go over 10k?

0.0002 BTC 2020


...said some pajeet

Look at these fiends try to fud ETH.

Ethereum made bitcoin obsolete and all future and past cryptos.

These fudders want you to sell your ETH cheap or ignore the fact that ethereum has made all crypto obsolete

Ethereum already won this game. Just waiting for the final whistle

I do not know the final price but I do believe it is a the future and fuel of cryptos......
I would find it difficult to believe it is to loose its position in the unless as you saw an act of sabotage or manipulation by some occurs to pump up another coin or tech against it!!!

a lot of people are judgmental without any valid evidence ....
feel free to refute me but at least I have given a reason!!!

And it is the evidence I look for not the rubbish guess work and judgemental rubbish muttered by some....

300-330$, obviously

Do you think jumping into ETH from BTC for long term hodl right at this moment is a good decision or I should try and see what happens over the next 24h?

Wait for after the fork. You want that extra 2x cash

Wasn't that the segwit2x thing which got cancelled?

Fuck this thread and fuck this goddamn kiddy fiddling motherfucker. I'm buying internet coins from a fucking pedophile. Fuck that shit man. This dude needs to be investigated. I guaran-fucking-tee he has pics of little boys on his computer right now. Just look at the motherfucker.