Obviously, the genes of women are flawed...

>Obviously, the genes of women are flawed. They are poorly designed creatures who do not want to have sex nearly as often as needed for the human race to get along peaceably and fruitfully.

Was he right?

Also general sex thread.

Was Cenk right? Is this a serious question?

>they don't want to have sex
maybe with you

This is like a 3/10 war-of-the-sexes joke people would have politely chuckled at and dismissed 10 years ago. Gettin tired of this histrionic, neurotic, oversocialized society, anons. Real tired.

Why not?
Not me. It is a guy called cenk

>not me
I was talking to the roach

because you need to rethink your life if you are taking something to heart said by a sub 90 iq conman.

But what he is saying has too much truth in it

>producing more babies will cause the world to get along peacefully and fruitfully
Damn I knew he was dumb but I didn’t think he was actually retarded.
Love when a leftist hypocrite gets exposed

No it doesn't, if anything it's the opposite and women are too slutty these days.

Reminder that people like Cenk are considered white in the USA.

You can have sex with contraceptives

Putting a dick in something does not make it sex

As a matter of fact, women are much more obsessed with sex than men. Their (w)hole existence is devoid of intellectual ambitions and thus reduced to their bodily orifices. However they do not care about passing on their genes. They only want unlimited sex with Chad without getting pregnant.

sex doesn't necessarily mean pregnancy, lets face it once we all have sex robots whats there to fight over, why even get out of bed inb4 shower sex

It's very false. Libidos vary widly between individuals.

But even beyond that, you do realize that women being more cautious about sex is EXTREMELY BIOLOGICALLY NECESSARY right? Men produce sperm nearly their entire life, and after they consummate the work is over. Their sperm is numerous and not very precious.

The woman has to carry the baby for nine months and divert an extreme amount of physical resources to create a healthy, functioning baby. If a woman (especially one before the invention of things like prenatal care, modern agriculture and food availability, vaccines, and basically all modern comforts that have contributed to the rise in human longevity) conceived a baby every time she thought of having sex probably she, the baby, and/or both would be dead very quickly and the species wouldn't survive. That or you'd have so many babies you wouldn't be able to feed them!

Tl;dr humans are expensive and hard not only to make but hard to maintain, sex and its consequences are inherently more dangerous for a female so she has every right to be cautious about it.

t. Biomedical engineering student

What does biomedical engineering have got anything to do with it

He is chad, of course he is always right.

he engineers his biology into other women lmao

fuck you

>into other women


Even if we buy into the stereotype about guys always wanting sex more than girls, you could just as easily say that it's men's fault for wanting sex far more often than is necessary for reproduction

Where do I get myseslf such women

going to ignore OP's retarded question and just proceed with thread as a sex general

i'm more or less fuckbuddies with my ex and will be seeing her again in january. i want to get her lingerie. is that bad? will she see it as an indicator of me wanting to rekindle our relationship?

Is it romantic lingerie or sexy lingerie?

She might, but that's a risk you take. Make sure to tell her your intentions.

i don't have something picked out yet, but... the latter. the type of lingerie you use for fucking, not a babydoll you can use as sleepwear.

nothing STEMniggers are all extremely insecure and narcissistic people

Are you functionally retarded. Human history is exactly the opposite of what you said.

Families where huge and lots of women dies in child birth and many kids didn't make it to adulthood.

Educated morons

>The women died in childbirth
>women should want to have sex more

It means I had to learn a lot about the biological motivations behind reproductive patterns and we literally had a unit on human sexuality.

fucking libs

This is why its easier to have sex with guys who look like girls

>poorly designed
Ya that's not how natural selection works

>biomedical engineering
>pulling some biodiversity 101 out of your ass
It was as easy as saying humans are a k selective species but you faggots don't even have to take a basic ecology class anymore do you?

I'm doing human biology only so no, basic ecology classes aren't needed.
But yes, we learn the basics of ecology in all the biology courses we take. I tested out of it in high school so it's been a while.

I'm talking to someone who doesn't even understand why not dying and not having their offspring die wouldn't be a motivating factor for an organism slowing their reproductive rate. Bringing up terms they obviously don't know probably wouldn't help.


Then how does it work

Women's sexual selectiveness was good for our species. They selected the stronger, smarter men to pass down their genes.
If they fucked anything they saw, their children would be low quality and they'd spread disease.
Higher selective pressures for breeding means more eugenics means better quality humans.

Cenk isn't a Chad. Cenk is a turkroach promoting POZ in a white nation so he can infect it more easily with his brown genes. He married a chink and is having mutt children. He's hedging his bets and trying to make America more faggoty so they accept his brown ass and his half chink half roach kids.

So basically what he is saying is women should be non-selective sluts?

He's a chauvanistic turkroach. Of course he thinks all women should give him sex on demand. Then he comes into the white man's nation and tells them all to be weak little faggots. I hate all shitskin subversives like this fat fuck.

If you tell you wont sell

That made too much sense...no homo tho

>They selected the strong
And still do, hence they don't want anything to do with faggot western men who can't protect their countries from invaders. We seriously have to get this shit under control.

>because you need to rethink your life if you are taking something to heart said by a sub 90 iq conman.

you realize this isnt a picture of donald trump

one thing you can always count on with engineering students: they always make sure everyone knows they are engineering students

>I tested out of it in high school so it's been a while.
>engineering student
>makes sure to say how he's an engineering student
>then makes sure to say how he "tested out" of classes in high school

is there anything more insufferable than an engineering student?

hardmode: no pre-med student

>do not want to have sex nearly as often as needed
Hahahahah yeah not with that guy
Did he actually say this? That’s embarrassing as fuck. Blaming his lack of game on the genetics of the entire female population


Of course women don't want to have sex with him enough.

He did

Kill yourself bugman. Hes still your president, smarter, and more successful than you will ever be.

I fucking hate genk with a passion but he was clearly joking here, and it's a fairly pedestrian joke. He's saying he wishes women were more DTF so he'd get laid more often. It's pretty harmless.

That said, I love that the left is eating another one of their own. I'm really going to enjoy it next time he covers some sexual harassment scandal and tries to balance his condemnation with his inability to credibly take the moral high ground.

lot of dorks in pre-law too

women's studies
gender studies
african studies

pretty much anything that ends with "studies"

>been dating girl for 3 years now
>we're in love (no homo)
>have sex 4 days a week, she wants to have it more but im too sore from catch wrestling some days
>she literally just starts shoving her ass in my face if shes horny

how do people get into relationships where they dont have sex enough?

I honestly believe sex robots are the key to world peace.


Women have fairly high libidos on average, but due to societal norms/pressure and most men not being very attractive, they express this far less frequently; most women certainly don't express it publicly. Cenk is ugly, arrogant, and an imbecile. The vaginal gates will not open so easily for him nor his kind.

Women also derive much more pleasure from sex than men, so they happen to have even more of a reason to want to fuck.