Should I pay back my student loans now that I have the money?

I can cash out 22k from my crypto gains and I have 20k in student debt, should I completely get this weight off my shoulders and pay it in full or do something else? Please I need sincere answers biz

Do a like 30% , that will make you feel better while not selling your crypto. Get a fucking job and pay the rest of It....

For me its 50k in crypto. Its more money than I can imagine but I feel this is a chance in a lifetime. Just pay off the debt by working.

You can also wait for SALT or RCN to come around. And then take a cheap 10% loan against your crypto with ZERO capital gains tax.

why would you pay your debt at all, the government will pay for it

Don't pay it.

Our generation got totally fucked and it's imperative that we all band together and refuse to pay.

> hey lets scam some 18 year olds into massively overpriced certifications in a job market that transitioned into "experience first hiring practices". Oh and you can never bankrupt or settle the debt, the full amount follows you for life.

Dude 20k is only like a year of work max just don't sell

You have to pay it back.

Welcome to indentured servitude faggot.

how can you just not pay wont they garnish your wages an come after you?

dont sell dude, you might regret it way more than just working 1 year to pay it

Who the fuck has 20k spendable after only a year of work fresh out of college? I agree don't spend it, but these two are idiots.

Or wait for Maker and borrow DAI, at 1% annually. Live in December, they announced at DevCon 3

Remove debts first, trade after.

This is a pretty simple problem, I don't know why no one has given you the common sense of:
If your growth outweighs your cost (from loan interest) pay the minimum and eat the cost of interest.

If you get say, 5% ROI on all your investments and your interest is 3%, you'd be losing money paying back your loan all at once (because more money=more growth.) if you don't think your ROI is higher than interest, pay back the loan.

This is the actual mindset of the majority of millennials. How fucked is our country??

Pay it back right now. Having debt or not is what differentiates the free man from the slave, since it's basically the modern version of slavery. Once you're a free man, you can actually start your life and play around with the other 2k in crypto without having the constant nagging fear of losing it all and ending up with the student debt on square one.

I'm serious. Get rid of your debt and your whole sentiment about life will change. You will be free.

Getting rid of debts is the best shit any of you niggers can ever do.


Inflation also plays a part, interest on my student loans atm is 0% (ty based Dutch government), so it would make no sense for me to repay more than I should. 1k now will be worth much less than 1k in 10 years, so unless you pay significant interest, don't bother

Sry I mean 1k in 10 years will be worth much less than 1k now***

Mathematically, this is correct. But people are not machines, and always knowing in the back of your head that if your investment fails, the debt will be an issue, is something that's massively underconsidered when just comparing interests on paper, but definitely affects quality of life overall. Because while the investments can fail, your debt WILL stay.

I'll be more than happy to sell you some tokens at a decent price then my dude.

SALT is such a no-brainer

If you can gain more % on crypto than the % you have to pay for the loan then dont sell

pay out, the risk is too high of loosing it.
Trust me, it can happen so fast, i never thought that it will happen to me but it happened.
I made oit of 5k about 50k and ended up with 400$,
Do yourself a favour and live debt free, you have the money now, pay them and play with the rest in crypto

who cares about 20k in debt? 20k isn't shit.