During the ama yesterday they said they would rather focus on developing the project than market themselves aggressively right of the bat and rush into as many exchanges as possible. As expected, the price tanked because people who were looking to flip a quick buck left the building.

And I bought some of their delicious bags. Because when these impatient cucks tuned out, they went on to tell that they do realize that the accessibility of the token is imperative to it's success, and that they would focus on exchanges and marketing when the time is right. For me, their statement was a huge green flag. A UK government funded project with a Jaguar Landrover partnership.. focussing on fundamentals instead of quick cash... can you imagine the potential? It is so cheap right now... does this thing not shout money right into your face?

These bags are stowed away in MEW, going to let them simmer for a year or so. I am not in a hurry. Set and forget.

Oh wow another useless alt shitcoin

Holding DOVU for the long run. How do I add to MEW?

Since it's EC20 you just send it to your wallets address.

Buying low to sell high? W-what is this?

GTFO our board, we don't like your kind around here




>they would rather focus on developing the project than market themselves aggressively right of the bat and rush into as many exchanges as possible

sounds fken great, because its worked so well for link, right?



It's not like link suffers.

Most linkmarines here claim to be in it for the long run. The 100x at least run. The lambo run. In which case it doesn't matter what the price is now so long as it moons properly when the product is deployed.

The same will be the case with Dovu, but still people will be like linkies and be in angst due to no short term price growth even though they weren't going to cash out any time soon anyway.



fuck this coin. made me lose so much money. at least the founder is hot so i fap to her

How many dovu for this qt??

DOVU made me a lot of money. Bought at 10 cent, sold at almost 30, then bought back in at ten the next day, lol. Bagheld too long, and only sold at like sixteen cents because I was expecting better news. I will keep a lazy eye on it, might get back in if it hits 8 to 10 cents again



this shitcoin is going no where. just need to look at this roasties to know it.

enjoy ur bags

Watching pajeets trying to speak our language makes me cringe

It ain't for a while, definitely bagholders in it though. I agree with the long term, but I'll wait for the bags to be on sale more

Serious question

What is up with the market cap
Cmc says $5m with 33m tokens in circulation when the dovu website says there are 300m for token sale and 1.2bn max

Doesn't this mean the Real market cap is $50m and not $5m?

I'm already balls deep on this nigga



>the roastie shitcoin

alright its over lads, selling my DOVU for a loss. godfuckingdamnit.

You mean six 0 figures