Tfw last rep of 20 rep squat

>tfw last rep of 20 rep squat

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gotta look up to go up, amirite?

jason genova?

nice workload m80
last 5 reps were pretty sloppy though and you had severe buttwink through all the 20 of em

I can't even count to 20 :(

Couple of things

>Dont look up it puts stain on your back, keep a neutral head
>Stop divebombing the rep, keep it nice, slow and controled
>Last few reps you really lead with your hips and good morninged the bar up don't count those reps.

I didn't watch the whole thing, just skipped to the end... but you should probably have stopped at like 18 reps. Those were awful. That's how you fuck your shit up for 3+ months.

Nice work though. Admire the drive.

Start working chest and arms now. You look pathetic, no offense. You need a juicy little chest pump before you turn on that camera next time. Chest and arms every day. Chicks don't give a shit about legs.

apparently ATG is bad


>Thanks for bringing this up. Squat depth is critically important, but so is correct form. ATG level depth most usually requires that the lumbar muscles relax the lordosis and that the hamstrings relax before extreme depth can be reached. It doesn't sound like a good idea to me that anything be relaxed in a deep squat, since doing this kills your good controlled rebound out of the bottom and risks your intervertebral discs. Those rare individuals that can obtain ass-to-ankles depth without relaxing anything might be able to get away with it, but as a general rule you should squat as deep as you can with a hard-arched lower back and tight hamstings and adductors. This depth will be below parallel, but it will not usually be "ATG".


>led with hips
what do you mean by this

I guess Clarence Kennedy is one of those guys


your hips rose quicker than your shoulders.

>Dont look up it puts stain on your back, keep a neutral head
shit advice. you see tons of olympic lifters look up on squats

atg isnt for everyone this isnt something new

it mostly depends on your hipstructure. The lumbar spine goes into flexion near the bottom but how much depends on the person. Some will have nearly none; Clarence. But you might have a lot so going atg for YOU might not be safe if it is the case

rounding your lowerback under load is never a good thing, a subtle amount is OK tho

any more tips, fags?

Can you count to 5?

In my most humble and honest opinion, such bad form for those last few reps isn't worth the risk of injury. I'd rather bang out 16 good reps than 20 with a few reps at the end that risk ruining my back.

stop weighing less than 200lbs

you are a virgin incel if you believe that statement

fuck off, rip

But why?

why what

Why squat 20 reps ?

how long you been training?

and why did you do so many reps?

>doesn't sound like a good idea to me that anything be relaxed in a deep squat
The bronsciencest of the brosciences. Sounds like my mom.

Sounds like you’re venting

>The brosciencest of the brosciences.
>Sounds like my mom.
...he typed, bfore running downstairs telling her he did it again, he stood up to those bad meanies that have more knowledge of a topic then he does.
"Awww, who's a good boy?" his mom asked, sending him down a spiral of happiness and self loathing.

Have you ever tried going "too deep" on light squats to feel the difference for yourself? Or tried any onther excercise without the participating muscles engaged during the whole movement to protect your joints and skeletal structure?

Didn't know the NYR fags were in early this year...

3 months
too get thicc

>Leg cramps up
Gj though, im bigger than you but can only do 225 for 7

I thought more reps = hypertrophy?

> posted 2009
Damn bro I was in hs and so full of self loathing

Why the fuck would you think that?

Squat morning to you too

guy had more gains than 80% of Veeky Forums after like 1 year of lifting and doing stuff like video related

>I thought more reps = hypertrophy?


snap fucking city you should have stopped way before 20

you got away with it this time

it clawening

good job
>being this retarded

divebombing into an ebin atg buttwink squat perfectly safe

T. Nyr retard

quitting on the 17th rep? You are actually a pussy

>squatting with glasses on
pure autism

Squatting won't make your penis bigger or make you appear more white.