Where does Veeky Forums rank on the Kinsey scale?

Where does Veeky Forums rank on the Kinsey scale?

>be op
>post ends in 9
>astronomically off the chart into gay territory
OP is a fag


if you ain't zero go an hero

If you ain't at least one you ain't having any fun




less than one, happy sun
two and more, sinful whore

i'm personally a 6, but you other wankers totally belong in the 3 just because you'd literally go for anything walking on 2 legs at this point.

Guess I'm an outlier

I used to be a 0 then I joined the infantry. Solid 3 now

>being cock slurper


Fuck off PedoBlue


Solid 5, have fucked a couple of girls in the past

The graph is shitty, it's implying straight guys/straight people are somehow asexual and live in abstinence. Straight people know how to be nasty too

Two is one.
One is none.


>heterosexual-homosexual rating scale
Do you have a lonely virgin that just wants a hug scale?

Started as a 6, years of exposure to traps on Veeky Forums as led me to believe I'm increasingly more attracted to female features and now I'm curious about pussies too.

Humans reproduce sexually, so that makes everyone a 0. Some get confused. Mother birds will feed decoys too if you paint em right

Almost fell for the bait


Lifting has made me a 2 over the years, before that I was 1. I don't think I will ever become a 3 because I love pounding pussy but at the same time I hate women as people and then there's AWALT and only people I can really trust are other men. So, leaning towards 3 but in a no homo way.

You are at least a 7

Jojonormies are all 0, the reddit rank
True Veeky Forumsizens are at least a 2

Maybe you should no homo with me, there's sex and video games and lifting in it if you're interested

I jerk off to traps. So 0.5 maybe

being attracted to traps isn't really gay but you do have an increased chance of being into autogynephilia

which I guess is pretty gay actually

nah more like 5, cmon dude be real with yourself.

This board as a whole probably somewhere around 7

>being anything other than 0 or 6

0 masterrace. All the others should neck themselves

No homo

I wish degenerates would leave

There is no zeros on Veeky Forums

What does being incidentally homosexual even mean? Does having a penis make me half gay?

Where are you if you're attracted to masculine girls? I like tall muscular girls with strong jawlines but I'm not into dicks.

Well I'm straight, and I live in abstinence.

Oh you know, you accidentally fellate a fella instead of licking an ice cone from time to time, maybe trip on a rug and penetrate an anus, that sort of thing.

If you are out with your bros and you happen to pound their boipucci on a dare

Not really gay but incidentally more like

least a 1

1 i guess. Blame alcohol.

