How do I know when to stop my bulk?

when you hate yourself

When the gabagool hits.

>stop bulk
You don't

I would say 20% is max, but it's all personal preference

Is bread bad for you? If not which is the healthiest in general?

NYRfag here

What's best procedure for taking a before picture?

Also, should I take a picture weekly, monthly, should I wait 6 months?

Bagels are the healthiest form of bread

In a lot of routines i see something like

From what i gather this is 3 sets of 10 reps, but i have no idea what the -12 stand for.

Take side on, front and then kinda vertical.

I'd say take a picture every 2-3 weeks

Injured my lower back from switching to low bar squats. Guess my form wasn't that good and I did the same weight as high bar.
It's not bad, feels like I just pulled a muscle.
Should I lay off squats for a week until it recovers?

Unironically this
>bulk until you're tired of being fat
>cut until you're tired of stalling

Bulk until April then cut to get shredded for summertime festivals. Is there any way to program in advance for this or to plan it out or should I just keep working out? I'm running GSLP and have read Starting Strength and nearly finished Practical Programming, but is it worth programming this stuff - eg switch to hypertrophy whenever I hit 1/2/3/4. Even though 4pl8 deadlift is potentially a year away, wheras everything else is in the 6 week region? I squat the same as I deadlift.

It's debatable but I guess general consensus is
>if you do less than 10, deload
>if you do 12+, add weight
>if you do 10-11, keep weight the same untill progress/deload

What do you guys think of Russian Bear program?

deadlift variant (or squats, power cleans etc)
> today's work weight x 5 reps
> 90% of today's work weight x 5 reps
> 80% of today's work weight x 5 reps x as many sets as possible
press variant (ohp, bench press etc)
> same as above
arm isolation (bb curl, lte etc)
> same as above

Alternate cycles of deadlifts variants for the first exercise; same applies for the second.

so, I'm a week into SL 5x5 and I'm perplexed by the contrast between the difficulty of the workout and the aftermath of it.

I barely even sweat and get pretty much no burn until the last set but a mere 2 hours later the DOMS kicks in. hard. for the past week I've been sore the entire time except when I'm in the gym.

so what's actually causing this? is it the shock on my nervous system? is it muscle imbalance?

Brought some black maca the other day and it knocks me the fuck out. Tired af after I take it.

>also says that it raises estrogen levels.

you’re a week in it takes time for your body to get used to using your muscles. i used to get doms so bad i couldn’t walk down stairs, but it goes away within week 3

that's good to know

thanks user

Can anyone help me out?
I’m looking for a pic I wanna a while ago, it’s Alfred giving his “I wish you’d never come back” speech from Darin Knight Rises but it’s themed for Veeky Forums
Ty dudes

Anything can be bad for you
Track your macros and try to eat right, as long as you’re not on some kind of diet and hitting your intended caloric intake it it doesn’t matter.

Beginning from skinny sedentary is it better to build a decent level (like run for more than 2-3mins) of either/both cardiovascular endurance and strength endurance before lifting?


You can start lifting now.

If you're that out of shape though, you will want to do cardio and maybe start with bodyweight or machine movements (depending on how weak/uncoordinated you are) to build some decent motor control before you start trying to get under heavy weight.

I answered you in your other thread that you made.

Stretch the fuck out of your back.

Use a tennis ball.

Youtube both if you don't know what you're doing.

Use lighter weight and more reps until you improve mobility.

my piss smells like coffee for the entire day after I drink just one damned cup of coffee. I don't drink it often, only before a workout (4-5x a week)

are my kidneys in snap city or?

I went on a date with a girl larger and taller than me. She wants me to come over tomorrow night, should I do it? Do you guys ever regret something like that? I kind of just want to get a high partner count.

Bro, who the fuck cares. She wants you in the sack. Doesn't fucking matter how large or small the woman is unless you're a faggot.

Get it in, my boy. Godspeed.

Alright will do. Thanks

Why do a lot of people shit on the sumo variation of the deadlift compared to conventional; do they not work the same set of muscles? Is one easier to do than the other?

I've tried both, can lift the same weight with both, and feel no difference as far as muscle activation goes. I just don't get it.

don't start

So here's a really fucking stupid question most likely. I don't cook 'meals' exactly. I used to take the time to cook something properly, make sure to have meat, veg etc all on one plate. Now I can't be fucked doing that so instead I kinda just eat everything "deconstructed" essentially so for example today when I started eating I've had carrots, broccoli, spinnach, turkey and turkey which all together might be someones normal lunch but I've just eaten them sort of one after another, raw (except turkey of course) as I feel like it. Am I going to cuck myself by eating this way, as parts rather than wholes? I do Intermittent fasting still, 16 off 8 on.

bro i've been pissing out coffee piss for the past 10 years of my life. you're fine.

They don't entirely work the same musculature (both are hip hinges and thus pretty hamstring/glute reliant, but sumo is more reliant on quad and hip strength and conventional more on back strength).

People shit on sumo mostly because it looks goofy and it isn't a conventional deadlift. Which one is easier is fairly individual.

same user

So, because I can do the same weight with both, is that particularly a good thing or a bad thing as far as muscular balance goes?

I can hit 3pl8 on squat for reps, easy. And can hit 4pl8 for deads easy as well, if that helps

It doesn't mean a whole lot. The differences are (IME) largely down to proportions and mobility rather than strength in most people. Also technique plays into it - sumo is finicky compared to conventional.

Does anyone know of good resources for weight training in regard to niche sports like rowing?

Im doing a basic bro split and its not cutting it

My buddy is in crew and all he does are the four main lifts (OHP, squat, bench, DL) supplemented with pulldowns/DB rows and core work. Work on your strength, I'm sure practicing for rowing already hits your endurance well enough

Any generic strength program will improve your strength which will improve your athletic ability,

Is it bad to eat 4 oz of peanuts a day ?

Anyone have some good source for mobility and stretching? Ive always sucked at stretching and cant bend myself for shit, really feeling like it fucks my squats and to some extent diddlys.
Lower back is specially weak.
>inb4 read the sticky
all the fucking links are dead in sticky

>dead links
Guess how I know you’re a shit necromancer

Is it safe to get ink on my pecs/abs if I'm a DYEL due to health issues but will bulk soon? Do tattoos stretch?

My OHP is approaching my bench and I know that's not right. I've been lifting 6 months from weight of 120lbs to my current 170lbs. My bench started at about 65lbs at 5x5 and OHP just the bar. Now my bench is stalled at 120lbs 5x5 and I just hit 100 lbs 3x5 on OHP. Shoukd I just add more bench volume? I train ppl 4-5 days a week with a day off when I need it.

Impossible to say for sure without more information, but that sounds more like a technique thing than any other issue.

Adding bench volume will increase your bench if you're able to recover from it but it probably won't fix the underlying reasons for them being so close.

Woke up kinda depressed so I put a bit (read: a bunch) of Bailey's in my coffee with breakfast.

Should I even bother working out today? Does the alcohol ruin any possible gains?

I'm currently running the Arnold Basic Mass Routine, slightly altered, but in general the same.

As I've been lising more strength than I'd like on this cut, I was wondering if I should have a day for each split as a strength day, where I hit something like 5x5, rather than 5x12 for the main lifts, and maybe an accessory lift or two, depending on the day. So say for Mon, Wed, and Fri, I would do Strength focused, and on the rest, follow the routine as normal.

Is it worth changing it up, or should I leave the routine as it is?

Pic related.

>Should I even bother working out today? Does the alcohol ruin any possible gains?

Yes, any time you do anything remotely unhealthy you should also abandon all of the rest of your good habits and feel awful about it.

Are you losing strength or are you just fatigued/out of practice at going heavy?

Because if you're already beat up from that kind of volume on a cut, adding a bunch of strength work likely isn't going to make a huge difference.

I'm stalling before I can even 1pl8 bench but I'm only eating at maintenance because I'm skinnyfat (>20% BF at least). Do I have to eat more or is it more likely bad form? I don't want to look even worse than I already do.

Are these ebay benches memes or will they actually hold themselves together long enough for me to get Veeky Forums?

You have to eat more; but your aesthetics will improve as you cut fat more than as your training max for your bp improves. Don't feel too bad about stalling if you'd prefer to keep cutting.

>180kg max capacity

keep looking desu

He need to cut asap for health reasons and his endocrine profile

Shame, dangerous advice on fit


Read scoobies article on bread

would going from 100 gr of protein to 150 gr make a noticeable change on my gains considering i am a 5'5 110 turbo manlet? or should i concentrate more on just my calorie intake?

Are deadlifts eventually one way ticket to snapcity?

Any advice for approaching a 5/6 week cut? Can I see any results in such a short time?

Ive heard good things about limber 11

So I started taking D3 since I work nights and go weeks without seeing the sun. Now D3 should be taken when you wake up but I also read you should take a magnesium supplement with it so it absorbs correctly. I take ZMA now before bed to kinda help my sleeping since my night and days are switched. Magnesium as I understand it is what makes you a little groggy. Now if I take my ZMA at bedtime then my D3 (thinking like 1200iu a day) when I wake up will the Magnesium in the ZMA still help with the D3 absorption?

Are deadlifts a meme exercise

Could always buy D3 with some magnesium in the tablets. It will be more expensive tho

Bulk until April then cut to get shredded for summertime festivals? Is there any way to program in advance for this or to plan it out or should I just keep working out? I'm running GSLP and have read Starting Strength and nearly finished Practical Programming, but is it worth programming this stuff - eg switch to hypertrophy whenever I hit 1/2/3/4. Even though 4pl8 deadlift is potentially a year away, wheras everything else is in the 6 week region? I squat the same as I deadlift.

That's not a problem as far as cost, i'm worried about the magnesium making me groggy. I work nights and have a hard enough time as it is staying nocturnal. Don't want my supplements making it harder for me.

Sure. You can expect 1 kg per week easily.

I have few:

How come my squats don't progress at all? I mean, I don't even squat with much weight, I just can't do anything past my current one.
How to unfuck shoulders? I can do anything with wide grip because of shoulders. Also barely can do dips because of the same reason.

Is there anything besides working out I can do to get stronger? I already work out 4 times a week but I'm pretty much sedentary besides that and feel like i'm being lazy.

currently at ~20% body fat
is it true that we lose 1% bf per week at 500 kcal deficit? im strong enough to skip cheatmeals and even have cardio
never saw my abs in my life, cant wait

How often do you squat in the week, how many sets, how many reps

whole Veeky Forums scene seems a little bit gay i'm new. i guess the girls even it out?

Do you actually care about that? If so, why?

just go ffs
even if its ridiculous, you will laugh about it in the future

When your neck and chin become

If I work out at night, but eat 80% of my daily calories hours before, is this suboptimal compared to eating most of your calories after working out?
After I eat the rest I'm basically fasting for 12 hours after that (don't eat 2 hours before sleep + 8 hours sleep + usually don't eat for 1-2 hours after waking up)

well you are probably going to increase your calorie intake by increasing your protein intake.


I want to improve only my the Press™ and my Front Squat (plis don't focus on this). The body needs 72 hours to fully recover from a maximum effort workout. So, if I did 5/3/1 only for the the Press™ and the Front Squat where I would have two 5/3/1 sessions in one week (72 hours appart) would I progress twice as fast as someone who does the actual 5/3/1 for the big 4?

Almost nobody needs more than 0.75g protein per lbs of bodyweight, just add calories and make sure you're eating enough healthy fats and carbs to balance your protein, though the exact ratios aren't worth obsessing over.

workout twice a day .. for a total of 2-3 h a day

not true at all

I plan on doing an arm day for my biceps, triceps and delts.

Should I do all my bicep sets first before moving onto the next muscle group or should I do an exercise of bicep then tricep and delts?

Isn't that overtraining? I should specify i'm natty and i'm given to understand natties should only workout 3-4 times a week, which is why strength routines only have 3-4 workouts per week.

you are probably doing hypertrophy with a lot of reps, so yeah do all your delt sets, then your tricep and do your biceps last.

the idea is to do the bigger muscle group first - delts

Is it worth programming long term for how to achieve my goals by next summer? Ie bulk until I hit 1/2/3/4, recomp using hypertrophy until April then start cutting. Running GSLP.

2 days per week. 5x14 with 40kgs on the bar.

>The body needs 72 hours to fully recover from a maximum effort workout
it isn't that simple
>would I progress twice as fast as someone who does the actual 5/3/1 for the big 4?
that program and all it's variations is for soy boys. Do HLM and start with something like this

Squat 3x5@95%
Press 5x5

Squat 3x5@90%
Press 3x5@90%

Squat 5x5
Press 3x5@95%

Do 3 times per week. Increase weight and do 5x5

increase the rest between sets and do 3x5

Is it bad skawting 3 times a week?

Anyone have any experience running Powerlifting to Win's Novice Phase 3 program? I'm currently running intermediate programs but debating going back and trying it to milk some linear gains. I'm an early intermediate.

I am like small baby.

What is 1/2/3/4?

Each number represents a 20kg/45lbs Plate on each side of a barbell that also weights 20kg. So thats:
60kg Overhead Press
100kg Bench
140kg Squat
180kg Deadlift

It's a decent one year goal for a beginner thats training for strength.

60kg/135lb OHP
100kg/225lb Bench
140kg/315lb Squat
180kg/405lb Deadlift
all for 5 reps
If you do the math amerifags have to lift a bit more
when you've achieved this switch to texas method or hlm

you can repeat only 1 exercise if you feel tired, not the whole workout. home gym masterrace?

yeah you'll look like t rex

Is this for a one rep max?

Thanks user.

But what do you mean with "kinda vertical"?

The program that 1/2/3/4 was intended for states 5 reps.
But It doesn't really matter, once you've done each for 1 rep its only a matter of a couple months until you can do them for 5.

>Squat 3x5@95%