What's the Veeky Forums consensus on Kylo Ren's body?

Looks quite broad but there's no v-taper at all. In fact I think the reason they hid so much of his torso is because he's got wide hips and the more they show the worse it would look.

Is Kylo Ren's build desirable?


>DAE want to drink bleach and just die xD

by women over 30, yes

I don't think so. He is also a facelet, but he is still far more successful than anyone on this board.

he's a goddamn fridge alright, he needs one of those waist trainer corsets. He's got a cute face though

Kill me, Pete

Kill Me, Pete

Did they cgi his head smaller? I mean he is pretty wide, but he's not THAT wide.

He looks like a teenage school shooter. Or my turbo nerd brother.

fuck off, heavenly pete is funny as shit

I think his face looks smaller in the movie still because his hair is blocking a lot of his face/head

his fridgemode is even more apparent in the pic you posted



Oh fuck lel

How do I achieve kylo ren mode?

this, he's fridgemode. i don't buy into somatypes as discrete categories, but he certainly seems to be an endomorph (besides the fact that he's also fairly tall)

step 1 be nearly 7 foot tall or whatever the fuck he is

Fridge mode

He's kinda large anyway. But dat retarded pants make his body weird

Driver is 6'2

That lazy rich kid who just did two pushups and a sit up before wandering on set build..

Frame for manual labour and numale facial hair. Weird combo.

Hes build like a fucking tank. I bet he could outlift 99% of Veeky Forums

It's the growth.
He wasn't that wide before, he actually was a skinny little twink who did fuck and all.
But he started taking the hollywood eternal youth potion in lieu of actual exercise and welll..there you have it.
He'd much rather do NOTHING and shoot up a few drugs and pay pr people then do the bare minimum of exercise while on the drugs.
If he at least did tren his jaw would fill out and he'd look like less of the kind of jewish kid that other jews call a kike in mixed company and have that kind of build that would make him impressive.
BUT he's just...desperate to play as an early twenty something well passed his ability to pull it off in any real way.

> wide, feminine hips mean you're strong

With how thick his core is and how long his arms are he could actually be a great deadlifter

Soo.. one of the only lifters who don't get laid. Fantastic idea there Brayyden

u did it!


He has extremely wide hips, giving him a trunk-like lower torso.
Extremely shitty genetics.

The black dude in that movie has the same problem, see pic.

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.


Kill me, Pete

That has to be shopped. He looks like a pear.

Kill me, Pete

Kill me, Pete

kill me pete

Kill me, pete

You know what, if I wanted to kill somebody. I'd take this book and beat you to death with it. And I wouldn't feel
a thing. It'd be just like walking to the drug store.

Kill me, Pete

Arent these supposed to be something good?

He was in the Marines. I guarantee he has done more manual and intense workouts then you have you fucking retard sperge.

functional strength

nope, watch The Force Awakens again. It's clear when he's running around that he's all ass and hips

Well done fella, you've successfully and indirectly shown your displeasure with this particular example of the meme. Thank you for your input today.

According to Ripp and the sticky?

Such as...?

Kill me, Pete

Kill me, Pete

Okay okay okay

Kill me, Pete

>tfw no bottom heavy storm trooper bf

I wouldn't mind being fridgemode. It may not be super aesthetic, but it coveys strength. I'm lucky enough to have a natural v-taper. Even when I was a fat dyel, I had a nice taper from behind.

Fight me, Pete. You white shoe wearing, button shirted faggot.

Kill me, Pete

not bad user

Kill me Pete.

>The black dude in that movie has the same problem, see pic.
Blacks have high estrogen though, so that's not surprising.

I didn't see while scrolling, I had to click on it.

Shame, I would've wanted a sweet death

Kill me, Pete

Heavy compounds, low bf, impecable lighting.



Dear fucking god absolutely not, he's literally a walking fridge.

ss claims another victim

Kill me, Pete

Kill me, Pete

kill me pete

Really? I thought blacks were high test, most of them are ripped by default

Kill me, Pete

>Listening to rippletits

An hero

Kill me, Pete