Just a daily reminder that if you are attracted to this you are LOW TEST

Just a daily reminder that if you are attracted to this you are LOW TEST

high test people find this repulsive and disgusting, also dont brownse Veeky Forums

>also dont brownse Veeky Forums
OP confirmed low test

im only attracted to pic related

Of course im low test fag

If i was high test i would be a GOAT superathlete

>if you are attracted to this you are LOW TEST
then better call me LOW TEST

I'm so high test I will literally fuck anything that even slightly resembles a female. Being high test means you're not picky, you want to spread your seed into every woman in existence. You don't care if she's fat, a twig, muscular, crippled, hot, ugly, etc. You just want a warm hole to blow your load into because you can feel your high test seed burning a hole in your balls as it sits there. I literally fuck every girl on tinder, from 9/10s to 2/10s. If it looks vaguely female, it meets my requirements.


>not running sub 10 sprint
>not being heavyweight champion at 20 years old
>not being one of the strongest men alive

Sorry bro you are low test, try again in your next life

At least you admit it

>Just a daily reminder that if you are attracted to this you are LOW TEST
But I have T level over 1000 ng/dL (in this pic something like 800 but this is 5 years old) and I like anime

You are still low test

>I have my own definition of "low test"!!!11
Sure, kid

How strong are you ?

>this pathetic topic change


Post your T test


Really bro, if you arent an elite athlete you are nothing but a teslet

Get lost, pathetic its you trying to prove you are high test, if you were high test you wouldnt even know 4 chan prior you would be so retardly fast and strong you would overpower everyone without even trying

Never checked it but probably im low test as you guys are

Guys really understimate how powerfull testosterone is

When you are high test, the difference of strenght and behaviour between you and the average joe is abismam

>High test should autistically lift iron three times per week
>not running his own business
>not being musician/artist
>not competing in combat sports
LMAO at your pathetic thoughts, you will never be high test

>my thoughts based only on Veeky Forums memes


I will show you high test examples:

Bob hayes
Thomas topham
Mike tyson
Hermann Görner

Dont be so hurtbutt because of your low test, its your parent fault anyways

And idgaf about being high test

Ls magazine shit ?

Zuramaru is not for lewd anyway, only for protecting and occasional headpatting

>If you had high test you wouldn't be trying to prove it
What are you fucking 6? You know Veeky Forums is +18 right?

>high test is simply when you successful/reach/famous
>not because you actually have blood work confirmed high testosterone level
Are you nigger?

get this noob out of here!

LS Lesya is nice, but no, not LS

If you were high test you wouldnt even be browsing this fucking thread, get lost teslet

And comeback when you were well known in sports

Did you saw their blood tests?

>that nigger thinking

The last guy on the list died poor, never was rich or something, bob hayes was somewhat mild classed

What the fuck you talking about, tyson lost it all because of brainlet, of course being high test may help you get rich but its only because you will be SUCCESSFULL

Still not a detriment

Its not about what the fuck a medic exam says

Ita about what you do with your life, your accompliments

Are teslets the new manlets ?

you're the type of faggot that thinks traps aren't gay. "who cares about facts lol"

>being attracted to the worst girl in the series
No shit, real high test men love the Ruby.

Ruby wouldn't like somebody who doesn't like her best friend

Why did you have to remind me this exists?

calm your tits. Lesya or y114?

You spell Mari wrong dude

>Lifting for 3D women

>there are people who know about Ls magazine besides me


Ah, another man of culture

How do I achieve pillar man mode Veeky Forums?

idk, if you arent getting a boner from pic related, you might want to get your T levels checked

Lol nice room in the towers dawg what u studying?

>replying to me posting a image with a Veeky Forums filename as the actual guy in the picture
come on lad

That's the guy that comments on porn videos like he was talking to the girl in it.

Look at those thighs


Sticc 2D low test
Thicc 2D high test