I've been eating around 500 calories a day for three weeks now

I've been eating around 500 calories a day for three weeks now.

Reading some comments elsewhere everyone implies that I am causing damage to my internal organs, I will not be able to go on like this for much, will become seriosuly ill, and even die after a month or two.

How much of true is in these claims? Do anyone have experiences eating a similar amount of daily calories as mine?

If you need further info about what I'm eating, it is roughly something like this

9:00 - 1 banana = 100 kcal

12:00 - 1 veggie burger = 180 kcal

16:00 - 1 apple = 70 kcal

19:00 - 1 veggie burger = 180 kcal

This gives a total of 500-700 daily calories, depending of the size of the fruits I eat. Fruit may vary each week. I might add another fruits on some days so it goes plus/minus 100 kcal.

Stop eating

You’ll honestly be fine until you reach the point of emaciation, at which point you really should try to eat more.

5-6 months water fast is the most they do in a clinical setting. And only for extreme cases.

I'd recommend water fasting over doing what you're doing. Also, don't work out while you fast, dummy. Your body wont' have the nutrients to properly repair itself.

Why would anyone subject themselves to this?

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Won't even >>

water fast didn't work for me, I gained weight back

and I feel extremely hungry all the time

eating like above I haven't feel hungry at all, nor had any craving for sweet as I used to

the down side might be that my libido is gone, I don't even find porn interesting anymore


Youre better off fasting as opposed to caloric restriction.

It's okay if you're sedentary. If you have a moderate activity day you should eat up to 1200kcal. If you have a heavy activity day then you should eat normally, just don't overeat.

youll be fine

whole villages of people ate less and did more during the winter months back in the day

post your body twink
at 500 calories it's be healthier to just eat it all at one or two meals and fast the rest of the day

>e down side might be that my libido is gone, I don't even find porn interesting anymore
well yeah, your transitioning is working

>it's be healthier
but why?

You aren't gettin protein at all user

why are people this retarded? why can't you just do a normal cut?

How long did you fast for?

The first few days you lose weight that is mostly not fat, then when you start eating again, that comes back. Mine is normally around 5/6kg, but I lose about 10kg of fat during a 15 day fast.

>lose about 10kg of fat in 15 days
holy kek thats biggest amount of bullshit ever. how fucking fat are you

You faggots had to reply with the OP...

Obese. 137kg at my heaviest. 15 day water fast, and a 30/40 min walk every day I dropped down to 121, went back up to 126 when I started eating again.

oh damn man well good for you, now i believe it

>water fast didn't work for me, I gained weight back
No shit retard. Fasting is retarded and you probably did it wrong anyway.

Starving yourself is just going to cause you to fail and then pack on all the weight back on after you binge on food.

Just eat 500 calories less then your maintenance per day. Stop pretending there is some miracle weight loss trick that will make all that fat disappear in a month.

I want to look like her